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Watchmen: The End is Nigh
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
I really hoped nobody would touch this one, I'm pretty sure this game will be a disgrace to the novel. It looks like they're taking something that could've been really innovative (detective stuff with Rorschach, stealth with Nite Owl) and turning it into a lackluster beat-em-up.
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Looks bad - and look at the price! It's just dumb.
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
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Ah, welcome to the wonderous world of capitalism!
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I would rather not hear all the complaining, we all know what it'll be like, so lets just skip that, and end the topic?
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
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Can never do that with Sonic.
Come on, someone say this game is awesome!
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
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Wow... I seemed to remember it having potential last time I saw a preview for the game, but the blood effects and opening cinematics were enough to change my mind before I even noticed how crappy the gameplay appears to be... :/
[Image: ioncesawyouholleringint.jpg]
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.....Hurm.....If Allen Moore hated the idea of a movie, wait 'til he sees this.
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Ive actually played the demo. I enjoyed myself thoroughly maybe Beat-ups are dead here, but this game was pretty fun imho. I was expecting it to be shit, but the Banter from Roscarch, the constant cool ways to FUCK PEOPLE UP. The banter is hilarious, the looks aren't anything to write home about but I enjoyed the demo.

Play the demo, then talk. It's free and gives you a good look into the mechanics of the game, and the need of co-op play.
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I'll probably get it to play co-op with my girlfriend since we both liked the movie, and I loved the comic.
But I'm not expecting to have a whale of a time on it...

I think it kind of missed the point when making this, really. Perhaps it'd have been a better idea to have made a game that gave the story of the old Watchmen rather than the new ones.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
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People equate superanti-heroes with beat-em-ups, unfortunately.
[Image: 10f6z6b.png] [Image: 10f6z6b.png] [Image: 10f6z6b.png]
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curiously enough, the cell phone game doesn't look half bad. It has a nice kind of comic book graphic style and the gameplay reminds me of the old TMNT games.
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Why do they do this?

Why ruin good things with bad games?

Do the games really sell that well, despite all the criticism?

Or do people never learn?
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The mobile phone game is enjoyable, and looks like more fun to play than next gen ones
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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