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Tales of VS, Graces, Vesperia PS3 thread
New batch o' Tales.

Tales of VS is a fighting game coming to the PSP, pitting four characters against each other. A total of 35 playable characters. Includes multiple gameplay modes and also mini-games. Supposed to support 4 players for Wi-Fi.
Confirmed Characters:
Cless Alvein (Tales of Phantasia)
Arche Klein (Tales of Phantasia)
Stahn Aileron (Tales of Destiny)
Philia Felice (Tales of Destiny)
Leon Magnus (Tales of Destiny)
Mighty Kongman (Tales of Destiny)
Nanaly Fletch (Tales of Destiny 2)
Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia)
Kratos Aurion (Tales of Symphonia)
Mao (Tales of Rebirth)
Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)
Anise Tatlin (Tales of the Abyss)
Asch the Bloody (Tales of the Abyss)
Ruca Milda (Tales of Innocence)
Richter Abend (Tales of Symphnia: DotNW)
Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Judith (Tales of Vesperia)
Shing Meteoryte (Tales of Hearts)

Tales of Graces is the new mothership title coming to the Wii. The battle system allows characters to switch between two fighting styles freely. The system also allows near-instant side-stepping, possibly providing a new way to extend combos. The map is seamless. Unlike all of the previous games, Graces does not have a world map. It's all one big connected world; town to field to dungeon and stuff. However, battles are still the same.
Characters so far:
Asbel Lhant, main hero
???, Red haired girl
???, Purple haired young girl

and finally, Tales of Vesperia is getting a port to the PS3, includes new character Patty Fluer, a loli pirate with guns, playable Flynn, new scenes, new bosses, an extra dungeon, costumes for Repede as well as being able to be the on-screen character, New Mystic Artes and new Full Cut-ins.

Tales of Dissidi-I mean, VS (added 4/2/09)
Tales of Graces/Tales of Vesperia PS3 (added 4/2/09)
Tales of Graces teaser trailer (added 4/3/09)
Tales of VS scan (added 4/8/09)
Tales of Vesperia PS3 scan(added 4/8/09)
Tales of VS PV Trailer (added 4/10/09)
Tales of Graces PV Trailer (added 4/10/09)
Tales of Vesperia PS3 PV Trailer (added 4/10/09)
Tales of VS magazine scan (added 5/14/09)
Tales of VS magazine scan (added 5/19/09)
Tales of VS magazine scan (added 5/20/09)

Discuss and stuff
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[Image: 10f6z6b.png] [Image: 10f6z6b.png] [Image: 10f6z6b.png]
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I never really got super into the Tales of series. Then again I've never been a big RPG guy.
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Tales of Vesperia was so boss. Oh so very boss.
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(04-03-2009, 12:01 PM)Emma Wrote: URRRRRRRGH. COULD THEY NOT HAVE PICKED CHARACTERS FROM, Y'KNOW, OLD TALES OF GAMES? moar cless and chester and klarth f lester plz.
cless and chester will appear later obviously!
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(04-03-2009, 12:01 PM)Emma Wrote: URRRRRRRGH. COULD THEY NOT HAVE PICKED CHARACTERS FROM, Y'KNOW, OLD TALES OF GAMES? moar cless and chester and klarth f lester plz.

Just play any TotW game and be quiet Cry

they're basically all big bundles of fanservice :B
[Image: pixelxcore.png]
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(04-03-2009, 02:08 PM)Nystre Wrote:
(04-03-2009, 12:01 PM)Emma Wrote: URRRRRRRGH. COULD THEY NOT HAVE PICKED CHARACTERS FROM, Y'KNOW, OLD TALES OF GAMES? moar cless and chester and klarth f lester plz.

Just play any TotW game and be quiet Cry

they're basically all big bundles of fanservice :B

theyre so fanservice characters from other namco series get cameos

gilgamesh, druaga, bakura, pacman, mr driller, soul calibur, wonder momo, bravoman, taki, and a billion others

shit owns
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Went back and grabbed the teaser trailer for Tales of Graces released at the end of last year. You can find it in the first post.
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Is it weird that when I saw this topic, I thought it meant TellTale Games?
[Image: cIUPd.png]
Give me my own member group!
megazario Wrote:quite amazing good job make up more keep up the good work
plz dont give me a bad point plz for sounding a bit gay here
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New info added to the first post.
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aspel arts
sexy red head

aspel looks like the kid from Fragile wtf
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Oh it'll have cutscenes like Dawn of the New World, awesome.
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dawn of the new world was kind of dissapointing at first. I didn't like the new voice cast because I was so used to the old characters voices (a few of them fit more) but the new cast sort of started to grow on me. johnny yong bosch does an amazing job (as usual) as ratatosk, tara sands does a great job and I found raine's voice actress to do a great job too. I miss Crispin Freeman as Regal and Shiloh Strong as Zelos (because zelos is the best character imo).

the story is kind of paced poorly but really picks up around the second half (and when you get some better monsters) I was kinda offed by the monster pact system at first because it seemed cumbersome, but once you really get it it's kind of a thrill to lead nothing but Emil and three gigantic monsters into battle( because you can get some seriously huge beasts)
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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New Tales of VS scan, new charactaers confirmed and such in the first post.

EDIT: Added additional new info about ToV(PS3).
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fuck yeah stahn
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