Oh, don't get me wrong, MvC2 is an amazing game for hardcore fighting fans and casual fighting fans alike due to its fun, crazy, out-of-control gameplay and familiar faces in both the Marvel and Capcom series.
It just seems to me that the game focuses too much on looks than actual gameplay. It's almost impossible to catch an enemy by surprise with a super, and little to none of the Capcom characters play like they should and seem "nerfed" compared to other characters.
Seriously, Ken fucking sucks in this game. His Hadouken has so little reach that there's no point in using it, his Senpuukyaku goes in a 45 degree angle, his Shippu Jinryakyaku is incredibly nerfed and almost impossible to hit with and his Shinryuken not only rarely lands, but does way less damage than it used to do.
Sakura lost virtually her entire movelist just so they could fit an "Akuma" mode for her, which basically gives her back her old movelist. At the expense of 3 power gauges.
Akuma's Messatsu Gourasen is just fucking retarded, it's like Shinryuken but with SHITTIER range AND damage. Trying to use this move for a tag-out super combo is almost impossible to do if you want to land with it, unless the enemy's fucked in a corner, and even then it's a game of chance.
I also don't like how there's only like four or five songs in the soundtrack total, I hear the same song playing during a fight almost the whole time. I miss the old days when the character theme would play for the challenger, and when you knocked out a character, the theme would fade out and the character who jumps in's theme would start playing. In fact, MvC1's overall presentation succeeds MvC2 in many ways.
The characters in MvC2 are also unbalanced, especially compared to MvC1. Although, the unbalance does kinda make the game a bit more fun, something that other games can't pull off very well. The characters are a bit ridiculous though... I mean come on,
TWO Wolverines? Servbot?
But there are also some excellent character additions... Cable is a fuckin beast and Hayato, while low-tier, can chain together some amazing combos.
These are just little nitpicks though, MvC2 is still one of my favorite fighters ever and those nitpicks would definitely never stop me from buying the PSN/XBLA versions. ( If I had the systems....

EDIT: Also activating supers by doing just one movement and pressing two attack buttons is retarded. Just saying. Give me back my QCFx2 specials Capcom!