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Am I the only one who thinks... (Zelda related)
(05-06-2009, 07:58 PM)koopaul Wrote: Over the years I've noticed gamers- "hardcore" gamers have become increasingly babyish. All they do is complain. The reason? Their standards are far too high.
that's a stereotype of a group that doesn't exist.

Anyway, I'm not actually huge on OoT. It was good, but I never got into it like the 2D zeldas. But anyway, I really agree. Actually, I think the main reason the gamecube flopped was that nintendo tried to make it less of a crowd pleaser and more of an innovator. Think about it, Wind Waker, Sunshine, Viewtiful Joe. All extremely original and fun but not what the fans were asking for at all.
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I love all Zelda games. OoT was my favorite. I would've liked Majora's Mask more without the three days thing. I always felt rushed to finish dungeons. Never had to the time to sit and think.
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Song of Reverse Time = NO PROBLEM

god dammit how many times do i have to say this

time system is what MADE majora's mask so epic and amazing

Thanked by: Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Blue
totally agreed and thanked and added rep and sexed you for that accurate statement.
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Y'know, I honestly never even thought about it until now. Although I had played Zelda and Zelda II as a kid, and had even tried LTTP a bit, it wasn't until OoT that I got INTO Zelda (Same thing happened for me with Metroid, where Metroid Prime got me into the previous games). I remember being one of those "disappointed fans" when Wind Waker was initially announced, but my opinion changed rather quickly once the game was released and my sister's boyfriend bought it.

But once I got into Zelda, every game gave me a sort of giddy feeling. It's a feeling I've come to associate as my "this game rocks!!!!" feeling. When I finally was able to play Zelda I and Zelda II, and beat them WITHOUT Game Genie (Sad thing is, that was only after I got the games on the Virtual Console. I just seemed to suck at them when it came to emulators), I had that feeling. When I played LTTP and LA, I had it. OoT? MM? The Oracles? It was there! Wind Waker too! Hell, even PHG was cool to me! But TP? Something felt different. Sure, it was a fantastic game, very beautiful, and it had that epic story going but... thinking back now, I felt like it lacked something. It kinda reminded me of how I feel about remakes: I get that "this is awesome" feeling, but it's not as profound as the original. That and I hated how more spiderish the skulltulas had gotten.

But is it because my expectations were high? Not at all. What I expected and what I got were on different levels with TP. I thought the game would be devalued by the wolf aspect of it, and I ate my words for that. So... I don't know. It's very strange...
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