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E3 2009
What do you hope to get out of this year's E3?

I'm hoping for something to the effect of a new sonic game that deviates AWAY from the mideval/myth concept (serious, knights and werewolves? seriously?). I kind of want a game more like the sonic adventure series. Maybe it's the soundtrack that makes it different. I remember when sonic heroes came out, Crush 40 started writing much happier songs and it just doesn't give it the right feel. Either way, a new sonic game with more of that edgy theme would be nice.

So what do you want?
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Something good.

I don't see it happening but hey! It's worth a shot!
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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Isn't it not until another month?
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(05-11-2009, 05:25 PM)mozzy Wrote: Isn't it not until another month?
3 weeks.
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Soon enough for a topic, regardless. We need time to discuss, remember.
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maybe e3 will help us all get laid
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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E3 is going to suck, I know it. It's gotten so predictable, and everything gets leaked like two weeks before so it hardly matters.
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Here's hoping for another home console Zelda game.
They announced just after TP's release that they had started work on a wii specific title and have said no more about it since then.
this is a sig

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More KOFXII trailers please.

Oh, and Soul Calibur PSP please.
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I need more trains in my life. Link better give up the goods.
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elder scrolls 5
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Gameplay footage from Assassin's Creed 2 and and the Pokemon G/S remakes.

Some new not-casual games for the Wii/DS wouldn't hurt, either. Starfox or F-Zero on the Wii and some Pikmin or Smash Bros on the DS would be favorable.
[Image: 2cqcfi1.png]
Sheezyart/PSN IVery Sad DUCK_JGarrison
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Give the rights of Sonic to Nintendo and have him not go downhill any more than he already is.

...Oh, and Pikmin 3.
Blank Garfield Minus Garfield Blank
[Image: fSymsOGXOcsm54gkCltWuVyc_r1_500.gif]
Brawl FC: 4339-4126-4921
Info on Sin & Punishment 2 plz
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Kid icarus DS/Wii o kudasai :<
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