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xdonthave1xx's submissions
That sounds awesome. And sorry for not saying I saved everything. :X Whoops. Everything posted til now has been saved.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Its cool. As long as the right sheets get credited to my stats Wink and any bad submissions are mentioned as soon as possible, you don't even have to say they're saved Big Grin

This next one will take a while, I have my basic layout ready

[job class] [name] [element]
[picture] [battle sprites in order of stand(run frame 1), run (run frame 2), attack frame 1, attack frame 2, damaged, defeat (but pretty much dead)]
[of person] [stationary map unit picture (many duplicates here)] [moving map unit sprite]

My only problem will be figuring out how to arrange all 51 (49 character, 1 unidentified enemy, and 1 custom [just text arranged like the pictures] telling how these are arranged.

But I think I figured out how I want to arrange it. I'll try to have it finished by next Saturday.

EDIT: OK. Slight delay, still going to try to shoot for that goal of done by next Saturday, but will have to recheck previous characters to double check on the battle animations. Some people don't use the standing animation as a base for their running animation, so I'm going to have to redo my layout a little. This setback will mean I'll have to redo 10 of the characters, but thankfully I have an outline that can easily separate the finished characters to easily reedit their layout.

Update: OK. Wasn't as bad as I made it sound. Just had to go back to recheck the multiframe animations (running and attacking), and since earlier games especially will reuse entire frames of animation let alone individual tiles, I simply went the cheap route of copying necessary frames (that were confirmed to be correct). And was delayed yesterday and Monday because I archive binge any new game sites I run across, and I found 3 the other day. But, I've got all 14 heroes done, have Cham's map unit screenshotted, as well as her battle animations. And then I'll be ready for the enemies you fight. Only problem child will probably be Jyn, but more because the final enemy seemed bigger than everyone (maybe Jyn is bigger than 32 x 32, or maybe Jyn's sprite uses almost the entire 32 x 32, I forgot). And will need to check if Grym as an enemy is immune to the "peace" spell which prevents the use of magic in that battle (works best against enemy mages, enemy wizard I don't know...)
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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Good luck!
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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OK. Bad news and good news.
The bad news is that I'm not submitting everyone in one sheet.
The good news is that I have the human(ish) characters done and can finish the 16 monsters later today (part of the reason for only having the humans is because some of the monsters are big (48 pixels tall as opposed to 32) and the monsters only have a few animations each (the Skorp only has three animations, and none of the monsters have a hurt or dead sprite anyway).

Besides, this will also let me know if what I've been doing so far is good or if I've just been wasting my time Tongue.

Without further, here's the sheet and icon (not in that order).
[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-HumanCharacters_.png]
[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-HumanCharacters.png]

And I made a promise to myself a long time ago that if I ever uploaded sprites that used transparency as a background to try to post it with its transparent "color" (Final Fantasy to Final Fantasy III, Metroid, other examples most usually with the NES). And since I think there is some slight compression used in the storing of the sprites in the rom, and the palette uses the same gray for both transparent and a color used on the characters and (goes to check something in Meka to my horror) my emulator is trying to kill me... I'm uploading these as they are, and will post an update in the future.

Turns out that the sprites can be separated with the "disable background". But its a pain in the butt because the characters switch between being background and sprites at the same time (when they run and attack, they're sprites. when they stand still, and get hit, they're background.) I'll come back to this game later.

Monsters are going to wait a while. I might get those by the end of August. My next sheet will be a quick one of getting the townspeople sprites (or are they background....?) then fixing the characters [I suppose I only really have to check the characters who use gray in their sprites... so people like Iris should be done so quickly that they're already done], and if I haven't gone insane by then, then the monsters.
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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OK. As I said, somewhere in that mess of my previous post that the townspeople sheet would be quick. The time consuming part was going through the game with a hacked save of max stats people (lost Sophi on stage 15, the RNG was not on my side for some of the attacks on the enemy [how can a 99 luck character miss an attack?]) and checking every building in case the shop people were different in between any of the stages (no, they are not).

[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-Townspeople_icon.png]
[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-Townspeople.png]

OK. I won't have them done by tomorrow. But I can have the monsters done most likely by Wednesday depending on if storms become a factor. I just did the MS Paint Right Mouse Color test* by pasting my previous completed sheet onto a single color canvas, and I only have to check up on the following characters, Morbi, Pyro, and Grym. If they turn a ghastly shade of yellow, then I'll know they were painted transparent, and not a very close shade of gray like some people.

* The MS Paint Right Mouse Color test, best explained by the Windows Help File.
The Color box indicates the current foreground and background colors. To paint with the selected foreground color, drag the pointer. To paint with the selected background color, right-click while you drag the pointer. To change the current foreground color, click an available color square. To change the background color, right-click an available color square. To mix a new color, double-click in any color square, and then click Define Custom Colors.
Choose Solid Background or Transparent Background when you copy and paste part of a picture using the Free-Form Select or the Select tool. When you use the Solid Background option, the background color is included in your selection when you paste it somewhere else in the picture. When you use the Transparent Background option, the background color is not included in the selection, so any areas using that color are transparent and allow the rest of the picture to appear in its place.

Since during my test, the entire canvas was pink, anything using the shade of gray used as my background in my Human Characters sheet would automatically replaced with pink, and only Morbi, Pyro, and Grym were wearing pink (so was Iris, but her's was already part of her costume, and a different shade too).
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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OK. I'm going to post another version of the human characters sheet. Consider it an update, consider it the real submission. The portraits sprite (yeah, it was a sprite) was drawn in gray. The map unit sprite (which is actually a background) was drawn with the green (which against this background is faint, but a different color), and everything else (the map moving and battle animations) has been separated from the gray background.

Here it is. The update as I said.
[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-HumanCharacters2.png]

Not replacing this one with the other one, but if you want to use this one instead, use the same icon. ([Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-HumanCharacters_.png])
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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OK. Looks like I finished the characters this week. Well, mostly North and South America I finished this week (10:13 PM typing this). Here are the monsters.
[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-Monsters_icon.png]
[Image: GG-CrystalWarriors-Monsters.png]

I was looking at the sequel earlier. I might see if its possible to get the maps for that one. Wow, the sequel looks a little darker compared to this one. This one actually has a story this time around that is told between levels and even has an opening (which I wonder how the heck I missed that every time I played it...)

Thankfully there's an FAQ and if I can hack the save file, then that'll make things easier too. Though first two battles at least, it doesn't look like there are wondering monsters.
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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Saved them all. Great job. Big Grin
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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I have a question. If there are maps that are reused but expanded on in say another battle or in an multi-part level, should I get the expanded map and post that its for both, or can I submit two maps, one small one for one level and the map for the next level that half of it is the previous battle and the other half is for that battle.
Um... maybe I can explain easier by posting an example.

The first battles, maps not cleaned up yet, and not a submission yet.
[Image: bat1.png]
[Image: bat2.png]

Now, considering half of battle 2's map is the same map for battle 1, when I start uploading maps, should I just make a note or something on my sheet? Or would it be OK to upload both even though battle 1 is pretty much half of battle 2's?
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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Hm, I'm not sure. Maybe just have the whole map that's used?
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Eh, maybe I should check other strategy games to see how many had multipart/multipath battles and see how they did it. I recall one of the Fire Emblems had the changed part off to the side. Then again, I could make a note and have "Battles 1 and 2" so it doesn't look incomplete when all the maps except for Battle 1's is up.

Well. At least the water in this game isn't as much of a pain as the previous game. Only two frames. The rest of the game is going to be a bigger pain though, and I'm thinking I see why we don't have more Game Gear rips Tongue Curse you background items pretending to be sprites.
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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OK. Haven't submitted in almost two weeks because I got distracted with other stuff, and decided to go on a hiatus from ripping. On and off on this one (which is not from Royal Stone) could have been finished weeks ago.

And double checked the blue. Its a different shade than used in the game. And if that's a problem, kindly suggest a new color, and I shall replace the background no questions asked.

[Image: SNES-LordMonarch.png]
[Image: SNES-LordMonarch-People_icon.png]
[Image: SNES-LordMonarch-People.png]
(If you see an image that is not at 692 by 920, then please check again in a few minutes, I changed my upload settings to post a 480 x 304 24 frame GIF that weighs in at around 1101.14 KB and forgot to reset the uploads to under 1 MB)

Hm... was looking at some MSX games in yy-chr (Romancia both versions and Kiki Kaikai). And I might be making a small MSX submission in the future.
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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OK. Figured I could do this one quickly. There is a code for the MSX versions that allow you to play as the princess. MSX-1 version simply replaces the hero with the princess and she is trying to rescue the hero. MSX-2 version replaces the hero with the princess, NPCs with other NPCs, monsters with different monsters, and even other little elements get changed like building textures and the status bars (HP hearts are onigiri for example).

[Image: MSX2-Romancia.png]
[Image: MSX2-Romancia-PlayableCharacters_ic.png]
[Image: MSX2-Romancia-PlayableCharacters.png]

Using YY-CHR, was able to move the Serina part of the game over the main game because I was unable to get the code to work. Colors are the same for the hero's, and the site I first saw the code at posted screenshots showing the graphical changes, so they are correct. HOWEVER! I need to confirm the color used for the MSX-1 version of this cheat (moving the entire area over the main game's area has the princess's sprite use the same color alive and dead [hero's sprite turns gray upon death {will eventually upload hero's alone unless you've already played the MSX-1 version, then you'd know what I'm talking about}]).

Next one will be another MSX one. They may look a little familiar, but they are from a different version of an earlier submission I made. Big Grin
Some old GIFs I made that I used as avatars on forums (mostly wouldn't have been possible without Spriters Resource and affiliates).
[Image: Game.gif][Image: image.gif][Image: FF12.gif][Image: Alchemy.gif]

No actual planned rips. Just random whatevers.
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Oooh... MSX rips. Very nice.
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