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Yawackhary's Submissions Again
Burning Force (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: oc7yH.png]

[Image: WCErv.png]

The arcade version has better graphics and sounds but the Genesis version is easier. As soon as I figure out how the bosses work, whether it is software scaling (there only seems to be 3 big poses for the first boss in the savestate) or something else there should be a rip. Also for cheap low brow humour, look at the avatar and the icon combination.

Onslaught (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: 8TmF2.png]

[Image: 13eGZ.png]

Fact of the day: The person who programmed this game was also involved with the Commodore 64 version of Target Renegade. I wonder if the character had some influence between that game and this game (they both have spikey hair), after all the other versions of Onslaught had a different character design for Grimuz.

Outlander (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: lVeEk.png]

[Image: n6Sdz.png]

Set in a Mad Max type of world and split between two styles of gameplay (driving and side scrolling), it is quite a nice game. I wonder if it was planned to be a Mad Max game at one point but it doesn't matter cause licensed games usually aren't as good as inspired by games.

(checks amount of sprites ripped)

Oooof... Over a 1000 already. I honestly thought that I wouldn't get that far when I first started nearly 4 and a half years ago.
Thanked by: Garamonde, Ton
(07-18-2011, 07:30 AM)Yawackhary Wrote: Added:
Burning Force (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: oc7yH.png]

[Image: WCErv.png]

The arcade version has better graphics and sounds but the Genesis version is easier. As soon as I figure out how the bosses work, whether it is software scaling (there only seems to be 3 big poses for the first boss in the savestate) or something else there should be a rip. Also for cheap low brow humour, look at the avatar and the icon combination.

Onslaught (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: 8TmF2.png]

[Image: 13eGZ.png]

Fact of the day: The person who programmed this game was also involved with the Commodore 64 version of Target Renegade. I wonder if the character had some influence between that game and this game (they both have spikey hair), after all the other versions of Onslaught had a different character design for Grimuz.

Outlander (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: lVeEk.png]

[Image: n6Sdz.png]

Set in a Mad Max type of world and split between two styles of gameplay (driving and side scrolling), it is quite a nice game. I wonder if it was planned to be a Mad Max game at one point but it doesn't matter cause licensed games usually aren't as good as inspired by games.

(checks amount of sprites ripped)

Oooof... Over a 1000 already. I honestly thought that I wouldn't get that far when I first started nearly 4 and a half years ago.

What a coincidence; I'm working on ripping the SNES version of Outlander right now
More on topic, your rips are awesome, Yawackhary!
Thanked by: Yawackhary

Zero Tolerance (Genesis)
[Image: QOpfU.png]

[Image: t48vy.png]

Most of the sprites in this game use a different display mode that Tile Molester doesn't support (luckily TileGGD does).

Barver Battle Saga (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: uWqfw.png]

[Image: xfC1s.png]

To be honest, I'm not sure if this game is acceptable here. It is a well known pirate to the point of having an English translation but apparently the game uses sprites from other RPGs.

Outlander (Genesis)
Enemies and Bosses
[Image: 3xIuD.png]

The driving enemies and boss sprites use a different mode, the same mode as Zero Tolerance.

Sounds like it's just me now... Just me.
Thanked by: Solink
Very nice!
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by: Yawackhary
Watched a few videos, but I can't recognize characters and monsters. I saw a little bit from SD3 in the tilesets, but I have no idea about the other styles (or I didn't watch enough videos).
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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Dr. Franken (Game Gear)
Playable Character
[Image: QsBvq.png]

[Image: 1hd3b.png]

[Image: 8oUr3.png]

This game was dumped on Wednesday so it's quite fresh, there's not much in this game because it is a demo of an unreleased game (probably made as a pitch to the publisher) so not only that I managed to complete a game without any cheats, it is also nearly all of the in game sprites (excluding some misc stuff).
Thanked by: Ton, Solink

Journey from Darkness: Strider Returns/Strider II (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: 9t5AD.png]

[Image: l9YpQ.png]

Yes the infamous Strider Returns, the Strider game that everyone hates. There is an interesting fact, the developers actually sprite ripped the original Strider game on the Genesis, recoloured his sprite, added a couple of new poses and they managed to make an "original" character (do not steal) due to the copyright regarding Hiryu.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Playable Characters
[Image: rEbLn.png]

[Image: bZoPI.png]

The last Genesis game that was published by Sega in America (I think Sonic 3D was the last in Europe), the last commerical game on the console that had effort (compared to the sport game roster updates and an arcade port using the MAME and the Genecyst emulators) and looks pretty detailed too.
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Mystical Fighter (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: OvyO9.png]

[Image: KiD2X.png]

Not many games have a Kabuki as a playable character, in fact I don't recall many games that have kabukis in them.

Pac-Land (Other Systems)
Playable Character
[Image: jj2xZ.png]

[Image: IIXVs.png]

Here's something that you don't see every day, an "arcade perfect" port that existed in the late 80s. That is because it was on the PC Engine/TurboGrafix 16, a 8-Bit console that is actually quite powerful (more powerful than the Master System, palette is better than the Genesis and roughly par with the SNES, the only thing is that it can't do is paralax scrolling without some cheats) and not as well known as the other consoles at the time unless you lived in Japan. The default controls on this game are a bit screwy (button 1 is to go right, button 2 is to go left and the D-pad is to jump) so it is better to switch to the more conventional control method to play this game. I'm not sure but I think at least this game was an influence to Super Mario Bros. or Wonder Boy.

Also yes, Pac-Man has an awfully big nose.

As for any more rips for the system; a lot of the games are either shoot em ups (to the point where some people call this a shmup machine), Japanese RPGs, quirky oddball games that you don't have a clue and sports games such as Baseball and Tennis. It also doesn't help that most of the games are compressed (so far) so they require savestates and depending on the game, it might only store one pose at a time (like New Adventure Island). Luckily this one wasn't. Smile
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(04-23-2011, 05:03 PM)Yawackhary Wrote: Added:
Kung Fu Kid (Master System)
Playable Character
[Image: dy8Em.png]

Enemies and Bosses
[Image: Dglp9.png]

[Image: bI9Z5.png]

Slower than I used to be but at least it is most of the sprites ripped from the game.

Heehee, his name is Wang... *snicker*
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Tiny Toon Adventures 3 (Genesis)
Playable Character
[Image: bjo49.png]

[Image: SfeTJ.png]

Another pirated game that is loosely based of a license and later on in the game rips off Super Mario World. Oh and the character name is correct even though it is strange, it's not Buster Bunny or Babs Bunny.

Ninja Ryukenden (Other Systems)
Playable Character
[Image: Etkd1.png]

[Image: ajMJj.png]

That's right, Ninja Gaiden was ported to this console under its Japanese name. It is strange that a game only sold in Japan also has hidden English and Chinese language mode but it makes sense here due to that the developers came from Hong Kong. (also a lot of Ninja movies were made in Hong Kong as well including Godfrey Ho's "masterpieces")

Batman (Other Systems)
Playable Character
[Image: ljMb2.png]

[Image: ej3cI.png]

Originally designed as a platformer like the other Sunsoft Batman games, this ended up being more a top down game most likely due to the card space. One stage is even a rip off of Crack Down (the Sega arcade one, not the Microsoft one).

Pac-Land (Other Systems)
Playable Character
[Image: jj2xZ.png]

His palette was a touch off so I've fixed it.
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Golden Axe (Master System)
Playable Character
[Image: jtEqf.png]

[Image: baQJt.png]

Golden Axe is a bit screwy due to the fact that there are hardly any sprites, all the characters use the background tiles (the only way to have large characters without sprite flicker). Even the palette is screwy too.

Toxic Crusaders (Genesis)
Playable Characters
[Image: N0u5G.png]

[Image: J02rz.png]

This game is so dull to play and times absolutely unfair (pixel perfect platforms with dodgy jumping mechanics in a beat em up?).

Tiny Toon Adventures 3 (Genesis)
Enemies and Bosses
[Image: vQ0VZ.png]

I believe some of the sprites here are unused since I didn't see them in game.

I know that this is a long post, it's just that these are thoughts going around my head.

Lately I have been a bit poorly and stressed (actually if you want to be honest, for a good few years) and well its getting worse. So I've been thinking of ways of finding the causes of stress and while I've still got a long way to go, I did find one that is close to home. The main problem is that I have too much responsiblity of sprite ripping especially the Sega side. No, I'm not saying that there aren't any Genesis rippers at all. In fact Techokami and ElecticOmega are actually better than me in terms of skill and productivity as well as the more busy IRL rippers who sometimes contribute a great rip. It's just that there's hardly any backup/support when compared to some other projects. Master System is even worse to the point of being almost singlehandedly ripping. It's gets worse when I have a vacation cause it adds extra pressure to make up for lost time. Even then apart from the Sonic games, many people either just don't care about other systems at all or got put off that they find it too hard even though I would happily help anyone who has problems ripping on Genesis/Master System games unless said game is hard to rip (which there are a few). Another problem is that most of the famous games on the console have been ripped almost completely so it is hard to encourage to rip the obscure games. I know that it can take a long time to rip a sheet though.

Is it competition about how many rips to be on the site? No. Is it jealously between old system rivals? No, in fact I like when people are helping each other like the King of Dragons thread or the Mario RPG stuff where great rips emerge and shows a good thing towards the site. Also I actually do like some Nintendo games (e.g. Mario series, Donkey Kong series and a bit of F-Zero) so its not the case of being a fanboy. It is the pressure to be as productive as some of the finest of the site. Due to that I can't compete with some of the rippers who make lots of excellent rips in volume, to compensate I more or less have to rip a new game every time just to give variety even if the game itself is absolutely awful and shouldn't be played. Also it feels like a chore, like a duty instead of a passionate timewaster which is what ripping should be. I had this feeling before in another community where I left where I couldn't compete with the stuff people were making.

This isn't a case of retiring, at least not yet. Instead I have decided to rip what I want instead of ripping just to keep a section at bay. I actually once had a list of Genesis and Master System games that can be ripped and was using that but now that list can be only be used as a reference. That means instead of having up to 10 rips a week, there might only be a couple but they are from games that people know (e.g. Mega Turrican) or sheets that are worth the effort, there might be times where I go back to a game just to get it done. As soon as I cleared a good few games (and dealing with a bit of torture with a certain game but it is for a good cause), this will start so I can live better, more relaxed and enjoying ripping games.

For the two certain people who might be reading, I'm sorry that I caused problems to you both. You're both right, health comes before fullfilling a task that has to be done (unless you're getting paid for it).

tldr; Getting stressed, annoyed that there isn't much support, the rippers on the site are great and can't compete with them, to ease the pressure ripping games that I want to rip.
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I'm only caring about things which I REALLY like & I'm glad to see that you're starting to do the same Smile

[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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...I didn't know this...

You ARE one of the finest on the site, ripping is not about being the best, there is no "best". Honestly, we're always impressed no matter what you rip, I don't see how you'd feel the need to do this to yourself for so long a time, and it saddens me. I never rip from a game I dislike, and I know my rips aren't very impressive but that's not what matters, everyone who rips here should know that it's about helping the site, and enjoying yourself (to some extent) and helping others who are looking for such sprites. The "popular" submitters (you counting) here are better known for their longtime dedication and being so good at what they do for so long. I want to be a legend some day and seeing you guys I know that's possible, I just need to keep doing what I love (sprite ripping) and gather knowledge to expand my ripping range and help more than I am. This goes not only for sprites, but I wish to eventually rip sounds, models and textures. I will make it happen, because I'm not a quitter and quitters never win. I'm very sorry that you felt the need to do this for such a long time, I bet Techokami and ELEKTRO-OMEGA would help you with some ripping and teach you some things if you asked. We love you for who you are, not just because you've been here a long time but because you are a wonderful person who always does his best to make people happy. You don't need to "try" to be awesome, you automatically do that. Wink
[Image: sweet-capn-cakes-deltarune.gif]
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Yawackhary, you're one of the best we've got. You're consistent, quick, kind, and very good at what you do.
That said, this is a hobby. If it's something that has become a chore for you, look for something that makes you happier. You don't owe us anything and we'd rather have you enjoying life than feeling obligated.
Most of what you said is why I stopped making customs. I've just been outclassed by other people who contribute to this site. I realized that I'm better in a support role behind the scenes doing the occasional spritework when it strikes my fancy.
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
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Don't ever feel like ripping is something that has to be done. Try taking some time off every now and then. I mean look at me. Here I am ripping a couple of full sheet like once every 2-3 months where I feel like I should be ripping more. I mean I still have some unfinished rips that are just collecting dust.
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
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