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Ultimecia's Submissions 2.0
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So... There we go again!

[Image: ps4.png]
Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millennium (Genesis)
[Image: PSIVAlysIcon.png][Image: PSIVChazIcon.png][Image: PSIVHahnIcon.png][Image: PSIVRuneIcon.png][Image: PSIVGryzIcon.png][Image: PSIVRikaIcon.png][Image: PSIVDemiIcon.png][Image: PSIVWrenIcon.png][Image: PSIVRajaIcon.png][Image: PSIVKyraIcon.png][Image: PSIVSethIcon.png]
[Image: PSIVZioLashiecIcon.png][Image: PSIVMyauIcon.png]

[Image: PhantasyStarGaidenIcon.png][Image: PhantasyStarGaidenIconb.png]
Phantasy Star Gaiden (Game Gear)
[Image: PSGaidenMinaIcon.png][Image: PSGaidenAlecIcon.png][Image: WorldIcon.png][Image: TownIcon.png][Image: DungeonIcon.png][Image: GypsyIcon.png]


Cleared cache: 1

[Image: batmanrobin.png]
The Adventures of Batman and Robin (SNes)
[Image: BatmanAdventuresBatmanSNesIcon.png][Image: robin_icon.png][Image: catwoman_icon.png]

[Image: castlevaniaoos.png]
Castlevania Order of Shadows (Mobile)
[Image: CastlevaniaOoSRohanKrauseIcon.png][Image: CastlevaniaOoSEnemiesIcon.png][Image: CastlevaniaOoSBossIcon.png]

[Image: daikatana.png]
Daikatana (GBC)
[Image: hiromiyamoto_icon.png][Image: GBCDaikatanaSuperflyIcon.png][Image: GBCDaikatanaMikikoIcon.png]

[Image: DukeNukem1Game.png]
Duke Nukem (Computer)
[Image: DukeNukem1-DukeIcon.png][Image: DukeNukem1-EnemiesIcon.png][Image: DukeNukem1-TilesIcon.png]

[Image: FFIIGBAGame.png]
Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls - Final Fantasy II (Gameboy Advance)
[Image: FFIIGBAFirionIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAMariaIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAGuyIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBALeonIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAJosefIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAGordonIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBALeilaIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAScottIcon.png][[Image: FFIIGBAHildaIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBACidIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAPaulIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAEmperorIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAAirshipIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAWyvernIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAChocoboIcon.png][Image: FFIIGBAChimeraIcon.png]

[Image: FFIVChroniclesGame.png]
Final Fantasy Chronicles: Final Fantasy IV (Playstation)
[Image: FFIVChroniclesLoadingIcon.png][Image: FFIVChroniclesSaveChocoboIcon.png][Image: FFIVChroniclesMenuLetterIcon.png]

[Image: finalfantasyv.png]
Final Fantasy Anthology: Final Fantasy V (Playstation)
[Image: FFVAnthologyLoadingIcon.png][Image: FFVAnthologyMenuElementsIcon.png]

[Image: ff8.png]
Final Fantasy VIII (Playstation)
[Image: FFVIIIChocoboWorldFFVIIIIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIMagazineIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIMenuBattleIcon.png][Image: FFVIIIWeaponIcon.png]

[Image: fft.png]
Final Fantasy Tactics (Playstation)
[Image: FFTArtifactsIcon.png]

[Image: HellboyGame.png]
Hellboy (Mobile)
[Image: HellboyHellboyIcon.png][Image: HellboyGhostSerpentIcon.png][Image: HellboyShamanIcon.png][Image: HellboyOshasaegaIcon.png][Image: HellboyMysticIcon.png]

[Image: samandmaxroad.png]
Sam & Max: Hit the Road (Computer)
[Image: ComputerSamMaxMaxIcon.png]

[Image: WarcraftMobileGame.png]
Warcraft: Faction of the Disaster (mobile)
[Image: ArthasHumanWarcraftMobileIcon.png][Image: ArthasUndeadWarcraftMobileIcon.png]

[Image: Watchmen-Game.png]
Watchmen (Mobile)
[Image: Watchmen-Archieicon.png][Image: Watchmen-ComedianIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-NiteOwlIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-RorschachIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-SilkSpectreIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-DrManhattanIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-MolochIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-BigFigureIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-HostageIcon.png][Image: Watchmen-WeaponsIcon.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Fantastic stuff, been wanting more PSX FF rips for a long time, and as you know, Duke Nukem is close bro of mine, so all sprite for him go down like syrup.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by:
So, Dazz, this means that you're forever in development?

I was doing the FFIV PS1 icon when I decided to rip some more.

[Image: FFIVChroniclesGame.png]
Final Fantasy Chronicles: Final Fantasy IV (Playstation)
[Image: FFIVChroniclesLoadingIcon.png]

[Image: CommanderKeen4Game.png]
Commander Keen 4: Goodbye Galaxy-The Secret of the Oracle (Computer)
[Image: CommanderKeen4-DopefishIcon.png]

Swim swim hungry, swim swim hungry
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by:
[Image: vqkwm8.jpg]
Thanked by:
Holy crap, the Dopefish lives! I thought Spaz had eaten it!
Thanked by:
Awesome rips! You've made me very happy today. Big Grin
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
This submission topic got already more playable FF characters than Dissidia! :o
(stupid joke, I know)

Final Fantasy Anthology: Final Fantasy V (Playstation)
[Image: FFVAnthologyLoadingIcon.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
I take it we can get rid of the two sheets we have on there at the moment then?
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
Thanked by: acmado, CarltonWO
Yeah, now they are obsolete
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
When I was eight, while the other girls were playing with their Barbie dolls, I was killing nazis.

[Image: Wolf3DIcon.png]
Wolfenstein 3D (Computer)
[Image: Wolf3d-PlayerIcon.png]

Did you know Billy Blaze (the protagonist from Commander Keen) is B.J. grandson? B.J. is William "B.J." Blazkowicz, and Commander Keen is William Joseph "Billy Blaze" Blazkowicz II. :o
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by:
Nice work, as always!
Keep on ;D
[Image: Fairies.gif]
Thanked by:
More Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy Origins : Final Fantasy II (Playstation)
[Image: ffiioriginsbattlebackgr.png]
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: acmado
You know I love you, right?
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
Me or the stuff I rip? XD
So I'm going to upload more two sheets, just for you

Final Fantasy Origins : Final Fantasy II (Playstation)
[Image: FFIIOriginsairshipicon.png][Image: FFIIOriginsWindDrakeIcon.png]

Both are transports
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: CitaMarrith

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