06-07-2008, 12:38 AM
Farfetch'd should become a dark/flying and a ninja.

Pokemon in need of evolutions
06-07-2008, 12:38 AM
Farfetch'd should become a dark/flying and a ninja.
06-07-2008, 12:55 AM
Awesome thread. There's so many though, I'll type up my list later.
Uh, for starters, Tentacruel, Cloyster, Marowak, Ursaring, Zangoose, Seviper, Arbok, Wheezing, Absol... And Chansey needs to lose its evolution.
06-07-2008, 09:24 PM
I forget who Wrote:1. Pinsir- Just a generic bug. Scyther got one. Why not him? Dark or Earth would ne great when matched with bugNo way, he's the only full bug type pokemon that doesn't evolve. Oh now I remember Wrote:2. Mawile- A decent Pokemon, but her usefulness runs out after a bit. She is one of the few pure steel types, so lots could be done with her.She (He?) needs a baby form: Miniwile Tonberry2k Wrote:3. Absol- The one we have has skyrocketing strength, but no decent stats anywhere else. Another evolution could make Absol usable.Yeah, Absol indefinetley needs an evolve form, like Hexxor or something, It would be Dark/Psychic type. koopaul Wrote:Look at Megneton's evolution. Did they just add more Magnemites? No, they fused them together, if Dugtrio was to have an evolution it might be the same case. I think there was supposed to be a Mrs. Mime but she got lost in the creation of D/P... That was a pokewiki rumor though
06-07-2008, 09:53 PM
koopaul Wrote:Look at Megneton's evolution. Did they just add more Magnemites? No, they fused them together, if Dugtrio was to have an evolution it might be the same case.I always thought digletts and dugtrios looked a bit like fingers. An evolution could lead to the whole hand emerging.
I can so picture that! XD
But as you can probably figure, my original username (mewthriii) pertained to a pokemon I intended to create, an evolution to mew which could only occur with the help of a one-of-a-kind item of unknown origin and location. here's a simple photoshop of mewtwo to give the gist of m3. ![]() Beyond the obvious changes, you can probably tell that, compared to mewtwo, the points are larger and the eyes are sharper. This is supposed to imply that the changes made to create mewtwo were conglomerate advancements that got it halfway from mew to mewthriii. mewthriii's proper name is melisew.
06-08-2008, 11:17 AM
me and my friend are drawing made up pokemon, we just kinda doodled a few to pass the time in Tech. but then it became a huge project.
we made the first three starters, a grass, a fire, and a water type I would really like to see a water/fighting type of pokem on if there already isn't, they made fire/fighting, fighting, rock/fighting, and a poison/fighting, so we made Octekid, who evolves into Octodo, and then finally into Octumo the pokemon I think that need an evolution are Absol, and Eevee need to finally evolve into a normal type, that evolves THREE times now, Eevee only evolved into Fire, Water, Electric, Dark, Psychic, Grass, Ice, so I would REALLY like to see a normal and dragon type Eevee evolution I think Diglet should get an alternate evolution, instead of getting three Diglets to make Dugtrio, you level it up to a certain level and it becomes a bigger mole and Ditto, Smeargle, and Kecleon, three badass copy pokemon, need an evolution
06-08-2008, 11:56 AM
Whether any of us likes it or not, Eevee will eventually be able to evolve into every type.
06-08-2008, 12:06 PM
Sho_"Rocker"_Daisuke Wrote:and Ditto, Smeargle, and Kecleon, three badass copy pokemon, need an evolution don't forget castform (sort of) it would be cool if ditto evolved into castform.
06-08-2008, 01:05 PM
koopaul Wrote:Look at Megneton's evolution. Did they just add more Magnemites? No, they fused them together, if Dugtrio was to have an evolution it might be the same case. Magnezone is an abomination against nature, and should never be mentioned. Magneton 4 lyfe.
06-08-2008, 02:13 PM
David Reinold Wrote:Sho_"Rocker"_Daisuke Wrote:and Ditto, Smeargle, and Kecleon, three badass copy pokemon, need an evolution isn't Castform a created pokemon? kinda like Porygon, Porygon 2, and Porygon Z?
porygon was a 3d model made real, while castform was biologically created from the dna of other pokemon. ditto was most likely one of those pokemon. check out my m3 post (#24) for my full theory.
06-08-2008, 02:37 PM
David Reinold Wrote: This thing is creepy and the only reason why there is a mewtwo is because he was created with DNA of mew. They don't breed or evolve. That would be changing the game too much in my opinion
06-08-2008, 02:49 PM
When are they gonna make a pure Flying-type? Wait, what would a pure Flying-type be, air?
06-08-2008, 03:07 PM
06-08-2008, 03:11 PM
there's been a couple of pure flying types, they just stopped making them after a while...
also, why didn't they make Leafeon an Eevee evolution at the begining? I mean, the three starter pokemon are always Grass, Fire, and Water types, so why make the first three Eevee evoltuions Fire, Water, and ELECTRIC?! Does that make sense to you or is it just me? |
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