05-31-2009, 10:12 AM
![[Image: RocketKnightAdventure-F.jpg]](http://g.imagehost.org/0733/RocketKnightAdventure-F.jpg)
This game is really fucking awesome.
I have been playing all RKA games launched, and analyzing them. Rocket Knight Adventures for the Genesis, Sparkster for the Super Nintendo, and Sparkster for the Genesis.
RKA is my favourite so far, even though Sparkster Genesis version has a much more improved gameplay and engine, the level design of RKA is pure awesome. Plus it has stages based on Gradius' gameplay.
The game is about a land that mixes up medieval fantasy lands with technology, and, like many other games at the time (like Jazz Jackrabbit and Aero the Acrobat for instance), it was one "copy" made out of Sonic the Hedgehog's fame around the time, trying to copy Sonic's attitude and speed into the game. But, just like Jazz Jackrabbit, it got rid away with it because this game has quality.
The gameplay consists of two buttons (three at Sparkster for the Genesis) + directional pads, one to jump and another to attack with its sword (also shooting a short-range cutting projectile by doing that). By holding the attack button and releasing, you perform a corkscrew attack, kind of like Sonic's Spin Dash charge, but with a sword, knocking off enemies close by. By holding the attack button and releasing it while holding a direction at the directional pad, Sparkster performs a rocket dash towards the direction aimed.
Sparkster (Genesis) has controls improved, the rocket charges automatically, and you have two attack buttons, one for normal attacks and another to boost, plus the boost rebounds better, and you can control the fall instead of falling straight down. However, when you attack normally, Sparkster doesn't shoot a cutting projectile, but you can extend the range of the sword by collecting a power-up that bursts your sword in flames.
The story is about this pig-like goblin king called Gedol that wants to conquer the whole land that Sparkster and the other opposums (he is an opposum after all) lives, with an army of pig-like goblin soldiers, and is normally aided by Sparkster's rival, Axel Gear, which is basically a badass version of Sparkster in a purple armor. You will confront him at least twice in each of those games.
Also, there is a rumor in a german magazine that Sparkster will finally have a new game, and probably for the WiiWare or the PSP.
So yeah, I recomend you to play Rocket Knight Adventures, it is really fucking awesome.