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Pokemon Zero
Title: Pokémon Ø: The Missing
Genre: RPG/Action

Taking place in the fictional Pokemon region of Laou, you are a young trainer named Ken, who after reading news reports on a strange Pokemon, decides to become a Pokemon Trainer and go on an adventure to find this mysterious Pokemon. Featuring at least 250 Pokemon spanning all four generations and some new additions to the roster, an all new gameplay mechanic inspired by the past Pokemon games on the Game Boy and DS, and open-ended Pokemon customization.

In-Battle Gameplay:
When you encounter a wild Pokemon, you have the option to either acknowledge the battle and send out a Pokemon (you can user number keys 1-6 to make your selection, or just press Enter to automatically send out your first Pokemon) or you can attempt to flee the battle scene. You have your own health bar for a situation like this, so be wary; there are some battles that would make it a lot safer for you to just battle the wild Pokemon. Trainer battles automatically force you to send out a Pokemon and do not give you the option to attempt a flee. Battles are completely real-time.

Movement is done in the WASD format, where A is to move left, D is to move right, S is to crouch, and W is to jump.
There are six attacking slots; one is your basic physical attack that does not use PP, four are your special moves that use the PP system, and one is dedicated to an HM move that uses the PP system. Just like in the Pokemon games, every attack has varying power, crit ratios and other stat effects.
Physical attacks are done with the Space Bar.
Specials are done with the num pad buttons 1-4.
HM moves are performed with the 5 key.
Evasion techniques are done with the E key. Evasion techniques give you a few frames of invincibility in exchange for losing the ability to move until you're done evading. The higher your Evasion stat, the better this technique becomes.

The PP system for attacks uses a slow-charge system. When you use a move that drains PP, a chunk of PP for that attack will go away, and slowly refill depending on the move. This prevents attack abuse.
Powerful attacks will consume more PP in one burst, whereas weaker attacks can be used more than once at a time due to the small amount of PP that they most likely will use.

The overworld functions exactly like its GBC/GBA/DS counterpart, with the addition of a few extras:

Trainer interaction is generally more fleshed-out; You are allowed to choose whether or not you want to battle a trainer, and you can challenge a trainer to a Pokemon match on your own will. There is also the option to trade Pokemon, sell items, or even just take part in idle chitchat.
A trainer's behavior in the overworld indicates their current state; trainers that are generally hyper, excited, looking around a lot and constantly moving probably don't want to do anything but get a battle out of their system.
There is a slight recharge time in trainer battles, as trainers who have been defeated need time to train their Pokemon and heal them, as well as other things. Some trainers will completely leave the area when you beat them, and you can run into them again at different parts in the game.
There are many characters that actually develop on their own, and you can run into in many parts of the game. Depending on the time, you can even run into gym leaders just being normal people, and have conversations with them, as well as attempt to initialize trading, selling or battles. Gym leaders will be much less likely to trade their Pokemon than a regular trainer, but with the right Pokemon, you might just be able to pull it off.

There are 14 Pokemon boxes that you can use to store Pokemon, and your portable device also comes with the PortaBox, a special box system installed in your PokeGear. It can hold upwards of six Pokemon, and unlike the regular Pokemon boxes, you can switch out Pokemon from your party to this box at any time(excluding matches). The PortaBox is fully compatible with all Pokemon PCs, so you can exchange Pokemon and teams through it.

Day and night system is returning, but will not have as big an effect on gameplay as G/S; it will likely only be used for events around the region and certain Pokemon. Evolutions will not be effected by the time of day.

Outside of towns (routes, etc) you will run into wild Pokemon, but instead of random encounters, there are Pokemon scattered around the area; if you collide into one, a battle will begin. The Pokemon in the area randomize every time you enter a battle or leave a city. Rarer Pokemon will be less likely to come towards you the closer you get to them, and may have a tendency to try harder to run away from you. Wild Pokemon cannot flee in mid-battle, but rarer/faster Pokemon will be harder to start an encounter with. This is where PokeBaits come in handy, a new item that you can buy at any store.

General Pokemon Information:
All Pokemon will revolve around one asserted type, instead of having two types like in the other games.
Every Pokemon has a different type alignment, regardless of their asserted type. Type alignments are an important factor in determining attacks, defenses and breeding.
(Example: LANTURN's main type is WATER. WATER-types are usually weak against ELECTRIC, however due to LANTURN's type alignment also including ELECTRIC, it gets resistance from ELECTRIC attacks, thus canceling out its weakness and making the damage it takes from ELECTRIC attacks neutral (1x). Note: ELECTRIC attacks do only half(0.5x) damage to ELECTRIC Pokémon. LANTURN can also use ELECTRIC attacks, and gives them a STAB(Same Type Attack Bonus) which boosts it's ELECTRIC attacks since it's the same type of the attack. Keep in mind it gets this bonus with WATER attacks too since it's part water.)
All Pokemon moves are stored in a Pokemon's move bank. Depending on the Pokemon, they can keep upwards of 8-20 moves in their move bank. This allows you to organize your moves and set up your own "perfect" move list.
Physical moves can go in either the Physical slot or the four Special slots; be sure to remember that the Physical slot uses no PP. However, the Physical slot also slightly weakens attack power. Use thought when aligning your physicals.
Special moves can only go in the Special slot. Learned moves and TMs are NOT compatible with the HM slot.
HM moves can accompany either a Special slot or the HM slot. HM moves can only be overwritten by OTHER HM moves. The only way to remove an HM move from a Pokemon's memory bank is to go to a Move Deleter, or
use an HM Cleaner, a one-use item that makes a Pokemon forget an HM move.
The main stats of a Pokemon are Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, Evasion and Speed. Attack and Defense correspond to Physical attacks, Sp. Atk and Def both correspond to Special attacks, Evasion corresponds to the effectiveness of the dodge, and Speed helps with movement speed and attack speed.
Pokemon can be customized with hats, jackets, and other miscellaneous design tweaks.

This is the general sprite style;
[Image: pokemonzero_battle.gif]
(In-Battle Sprites)

The full development forum is here.
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This looks fantastic, I can't wait to see it in action and play it.

Here's that team, btw.
kind of electric themed, not really (But it could be if you want? idk.)
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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Any specific customization for your Jolteon?

(hat, hairstyle, etc)
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Not really, I mean he's shiny but you probably wouldn't do that. Though a top-hat would rock, maybe?
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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this sounds pretty cool
a lot of stuff in this should be implemented in the real games, imo
I still think that the zangoose looks awful though and they're still looking down but uh
it looks good otherwise
Can I be in?
edit- "In" meaning my own trainer in the game.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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Nice, Pokemon with active battles.

Have a couple of questions.
What language is this going to be made in?
How many people doing this? Seems way too much for even a group of 3.

Good luck.
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Until further notice, GML.
Right now we only have like three or four people that want to help, but with a lot of support so that may not even be the final group.
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Very nice to see this turning into a project, I'll be sure to lend a hand with Pokemon sprites if needed.
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Huh. I'd totally like to help with this. The idea is overall awesome.
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The site's opening in six days; I'll be posting the PKMN0 topic from the new forum here to accept any and all help, etc.
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Well I ended up giving Gallade a shot, but before I really get into him.

Could someone help me with the shape of his arms?
[Image: Help22.png]
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yo tyvon
you know how you can find pokeballs in caves and stuff on the ground

what if like rarely in the game
you can find a pokeball that has a pokemon in it
like that a trainer has lost or something
and you can either return it for cash or a rare item or something or keep the pokemon for yourself

and also what if you can like buy pokeballs and potions and stuff from trainers when you're running low
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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(06-04-2009, 06:00 PM)Vipershark Wrote: yo tyvon
you know how you can find pokeballs in caves and stuff on the ground

what if like rarely in the game
you can find a pokeball that has a pokemon in it
like that a trainer has lost or something
and you can either return it for cash or a rare item or something or keep the pokemon for yourself

and also what if you can like buy pokeballs and potions and stuff from trainers when you're running low
The first idea is an excellent idea, I'll definitely have to look into that.

The second one is pretty much already being done.
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so do you actually get to catch missingno?
he seems to be this game's legendary.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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I'm very interested into helping.
It reminds me of a 3D battle system that I thought for pokémon, and it worked very similar to that: 4 buttons, each one assimilated to an attack, two of them being "special" ones and sucking out a "PP" bar of some sorts and two of them being normal attacks.
Count me in to help with the concepts and pixel-arts c:
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