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Pokemon Zero
A Pokedex has been added to the list of stuff. Check it out on the forums. If there's Pokemon you wanna see in the 'dex, let me know, because I'd like to complete this before I do anything else.

I'm also looking for more trainers; there'll be a list on the forums for that shortly.
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[Image: pokemonproject.png]

Its was made for a Pokemon hack of a friend of mines, Ignore everything except for the one in Red Cargo's.

Perhaps a Victory road Trainer, If im in that is.

Ps: DOn't know If Arcanine is in the Pokedex, did see two missing spots in it.
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It's cool. First sprite I've ever done. And I apoligize. I didn't know. :/
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This project looks interesting, I wish you luck with it. ... No sableye, though?
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The Pokedex isn't complete yet; I can easily add new additions.
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can I be the pokedex

get it

uh anyway bad joke aside I'm likin' everything so far. Like I said before I'd like to be in somehow :<
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Ya know now that I think of it I actually remember having the same idea once Tyvon, funny how I've never mentioned it...

Battle system was similar but I wasn't sure how'd it work out, well I'll be seeing if this will open a pathway.
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I guess that'd just make you an even bigger help towards the project, haha.

Anyway, I'm looking for someone to help me out with the storyline. Preferrably someone who also has extensive knowledge of the Missingno glitches like I do, or someone good at making plots in general, so I can figure out a chain of events that leads to the Missingno adventure. I already have a general idea, I just have to flesh it out.
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I believe thats an Easy field for me.

Always been an idea guy.
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i dont know
[Image: penispgv.png]
i do know that im so badass that i made my toxicroak purple just by looking at it. then i caught it.
wip if you're one of the retards who never notices that unless someone says it is

team if you want it (im bored with wonderbros atm, i might end up just pixelling them in one pose anyways):
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1: I can't sprite worth a damn, but I can-Help with story development. Possibly a site design? I don't know GML, but I know basic Java if you need someone to help later on with programming I cold try looking into it.

2: I like this idea, as you probably already guessed. I want to be a who evolves over time. Rookie Trainer George -> Seasoned Trainer George -> Big League Trainer George -> Pokemon Master George. No I'm not trying to take over the game, I'm not trying to be a troll either. I just think progressive trainers, since your system works more like the show than the actual canon games do is more fun. SO why not try and bring this game to the limit?

3.I'm trying to find my old 2nd gen Sprite I made for ref sakes. If I can't find it I'll draw up something.

4. My Pokemon IF we go with my progressive idea.
Novice - Pkm Level 3-5
Chimchar (If name nicknames allowed? Wukong)

Seasoned - Pkm Level 28-35

Big League - Pkm Level 50-60
Toros (I'm a Taurus DefeatedU I know its lame shut up.)

Pokemon Master - Pkm Level 70-80
Pikachu (With Volt TACKLE!)
Toros <->( certain days switched with Absol named Fenrir if possible)
[Image: VeM0J5C.gif]
[Image: clVthBd.png]
You may also know me as Giraffe
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Tyvon, I could try and help you with the story if you like. I've been looking for a chance to stretch my writing muscles, and I can probably look up any info I might need to know about Missingno.
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Actually, I was thinking that if I were to be in the game I could be a (minor, most likely) recurring character too.

Just make me Ace Trainer Viper.

My team would be:
Shiny Espeon (because green yay and also psychic yay) (I'f i'm recurring would need to start as an eevee)
Seviper (lol viper)
Sharpedo (lol shark)
Totodile (which if I'm recurring eventually evolves into croconaw then feraligatr)
Pidgey (which evolves if recurring)
and maybe a bronzor which evolves if recurring because it's quite possibly the most annoying pokemon ever
either a bronzor or a gastly which evolves if recurring idk

as for my sprite, I can't custom to save my life so i made an EXTREME KEN EDIT to show height, proportions, etc if someone would like to give making one a try
[Image: pkmn0edit.png]
(over there on the right)
I'm 6'3" but about as skinny as ken is so I left the arms/torso basically the same
also note the lack of skinny jeans as I do not wear them; my jeans are always slightly baggy but not parachutes
I wear glasses.
I made the further shoe one pixel longer. I dunno what size this translates to irl but I wear a size 12 shoe.

outfit, etc:
Baggy jeans
Black t-shirt or hoodie with a pokeball on the front
If you're going for detail, the shoes should look like this ( because that's what I wear irl
black hair
tyvon/ken's skin complexion
preferably a visible pokeball belt but doesn't matter

I doubt anyone will do it, but...
also I can help with the story too
I'm much better with writing than I am with spriting
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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you know whose shoes are better

and i'd like to help with story, as I enjoy writing ever so much~!
[Image: 472_gliscor_1_m.png]
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(06-19-2009, 12:59 AM)Cooltrainer♂ Ryan Wrote: you know whose shoes are better

and i'd like to help with story, as I enjoy writing ever so much~!

as much as I love nintendo, those are incredibly ugly
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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