HOLY SHIT AN UPDATE (No really, an update!...I wish people cared.

)! With an actual sheet, too (Albeit ages old)!
Yeah, those tin can things from Gunforce 2? I ripped them, they're old and crappy, and I should probably try a second jab at it, but I'm lazy and already sheeted this iteration so there. Notice my complete lack of effort making this.
Behold my horrid attempt at spriting Xoda Rap (Spriting is an overstatement, in fact)! I don't even know why I'm posting this.
The NeoGeo CD ports of Metal Slug 1 and 2 are awesome, and you should play them (Or a Saturn/Playstation equivalent) if you can find them as well. I got 1,000 points in Combat School and now I'm a Super Devil! Which means I can shoot cannon shells out of my handgun. Ignore those wimpy "power weapons", though, or you'll be sorry. On another note, now we know the 'evil Marco as a dragon' pictures aren't actually unused (Did I tell you Super Devil Eri gives me a boner? No, that was too much information. Never mind me)!
I thought this was the actual size of the Raiden III gallery images for a moment, then I realized this is actually 200% scale and they were right the first time. Well, what do you know. Fairy's cute as heck, by the way.
![[Image: greenbender1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/greenbender1.gif)
![[Image: greenbender2.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/greenbender2.gif)
Green Bender, from Strikers 1999. A truly badass...thing, being a low-observable (Meaning it's stealthy, so you can't SEE IT oh teh noes!) supersonic bomber that transforms into some crazy beetle mecha and then can jettison some extra bits for emergency mode as well! The only thing I ever recall being so awesome was Zero Gunner 2's Sea of Clouds boss, but sadly I can't emulate that game.
![[Image: ironcasket1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/ironcasket1.gif)
And here's Iron Casket from Strikers 1945 II, which doesn't have a third 'emergency mode' form, but is still worth attention as well. Also pretty big.
AND SO, I SHALL GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE FIRST PERSON TO RIP SPRITES FROM DOLPHIN BLUE. Now to figure out if I actually did it correctly (I probably didn't because there's so many damn colors).
Metal Slug: Marco's Worst Nightmare. Crouch and get hit by rolling mines! Jump and get hit by rockets! In my case, I'd just rush them and melee while firing wildly. Should get them before they start getting annoying. What's your strategy?
Hey look! I ripped from Metal Slug 6! But don't think I can do much more, since I basically edited existing sprites based on screenshots instead of actually, you know,
ripping them. Nevertheless, I've checked multiple times and have confirmed it's exact, pixel-for-pixel perfect. Well, actually, to be honest, I recolored it for NeoGeo use and even edited it a little since the obvious editing from Fio was, well, obvious, but I have the original too.
![[Image: bluetearfighter.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/SpriteAnimations/MetalSlug/bluetearfighter.gif)
I tried to sprite those Bluetear Fighters from Dolphin Blue in Metal Slug style, but it didn't turn out so great, so I didn't really pursue it further. Yet.
![[Image: 00000017.png]](http://a.imageshack.us/img525/8139/00000017.png)
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Under Defeat artwork! It's not actually WWII, but it certainly
feels like it, with a couple of notable exceptions. For starters, the
allies (AKA Union) are the ones who have these badass vehicles...
![[Image: 00000014.png]](http://a.imageshack.us/img826/9337/00000014.png)
...While the Axis (AKA Empire) has
pretty girls who pilot comparatively dinky helicopters. This probably isn't how you remembered WWII. I certainly didn't.
And I got Noitu Love 2 without actually pirating it! Because ten dollars isn't much to pirate anyway, I guess. Yeah, I should rethink how I look at game developers. Notice that I suck at this game and haven't even gotten past the third stage yet. Other than that,
awesome game.
Reverse tries his hand at spriting Under Defeat things in Metal Slug style! And does so horribly. This is supposed to be one of those blue Union helicopters that fire missiles at you. I also put a girl in there to mirror the player, no idea if that's actually the case canon-wise.
And here's the second player helicopter, which I sprited terribly and on top of that, I misspelled the designation, and to this day I've been too lazy to revise it...or even figure it out. Lame, I know.
Super Devil mode + Armor Piercers = Best thing ever. Unfortunately, it never actually happens.
Anyone remember Zero Gunner? Well, you probably remember Zero Gunner 2, but I can't emulate that, so I just got the original on a Model 2 Emulator. Apparently the thing has a model viewer (Much like how many Psikyo games have a sprite viewer) so I tried ripping a couple of things out of that in a sort of crappy pre-rendered-sprite way. This is the result. Anyone able to recognize what kind of helicopter this is? It just said "Nakajima Gunship" under the ship select screen, and I can't really find any helicopters by Nakajima. Weird. I also wonder if Zero Gunner 2 has a model viewer as well. Goddamn I wish I could play it
My girlfriend (!!) actually sprited this and worked on a couple of other animations, but I only animated this (It was going to be part of a project, but I got lazy). Admittedly she uses a much better color choice than I ever do.
A concept still unfinished to this day. I was inspired by the Yakolev Yak-141 'Freestyle', with its twin-boom VTOL design, so I tried spriting something similar (Using good ol' Komet as a base) and ended up with this. You can't really tell it's a twin-boom design, but it is. And yes, it can take off vertically, but like I said, it's unfinished, and in fact I never even bothered to make a second frame of animation. It would be pretty simple to complete though, I'm just lazy.
I tried making a bit of a custom army for Sprite Wars (Since I'm kinda-not-banned from it anymore), which is depicted here setting a bunch of DAMN FURRIES on fire. Though they're more or less a mercenary/arms dealing force that likes to fund both sides of a conflict and then take whatever each of them wants under their noses. PROFIT!
I ripped a couple of sprites from Noitu Love 2, but since I'm worried about Joakim coming after me for pinching stuff out of his game, I'm just going to make it a bunch of JPEG images for now. And it's a difficult game to rip from, so you're unlikely to see much else.
Another rip from Dolphin Blue, this time the sole (used) animation of those exploding torpedo divers, since they do nothing else except, well, explode. Yeah.
You could say this is the sole reason why I
downloaded Symphony of the Night, but it's certainly not the only reason I
kept it. Yeah, Hunting Girl/Nemesis, one of my favorite enemies from the game. Shame they didn't put her on the DS or something. Note that whenever the background is black (Instead of transparency) there's transparency or blending modes involved (Meaning it'd look weird with transparency).
![[Image: azghal1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/azghal1.gif)
And her beefy counterpart, the Azghal. The second version utilizes an unused palette which I found while ripping it with PSX VRAM (Much like with other things I ripped from this game). There was apparently an outline at some point, but they decided to ditch it for some reason.
I said a million times, "There should be Hunting Girl porn", and looking at what I ripped, I decided to make it myself (Still bothering Oniontrain for more though). Aren't I wonderful?
![[Image: shescertainlywellfed.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/shescertainlywellfed.gif)
![[Image: frozenhalf.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/frozenhalf.gif)
![[Image: salome.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/salome.gif)
![[Image: kekekekekeke.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/kekekekekeke.gif)
![[Image: badplacementgalore.png]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/badplacementgalore.png)
![[Image: paranthropus1.png]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/paranthropus1.png)
![[Image: swordlordfacepalm.png]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/swordlordfacepalm.png)
![[Image: vandalsword1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/vandalsword1.gif)
![[Image: vandalsword1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/vandalsword1.gif)
![[Image: discuslord.png]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/discuslord.png)
![[Image: frozenshade.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/frozenshade.gif)
![[Image: largeslime.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/largeslime.gif)
![[Image: slime2.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/slime2.gif)
Lesser enemies galore! I have sheets of all of these, but as per usual, I was too lazy to post them (Although I probably should since they're more useful to you folks).
![[Image: scylla1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/scylla1.gif)
And some bosses, too, which I was again too lazy to post the sheets of (Although they certainly do exist).
And here I rip from the Saturn version! Maria Renard's awesome, by the way, but I hate the stupid button/D-pad combos, especially when you have
four freaking buttons free! What the hell.
Remember Castlevania: Curse of Darkness? You probably don't, because everyone said it was lame. Well, I must be an exception, because I for one liked the whole innocent devil system and all. But anyway, remember how the Phantom/Spectral swords could draw pentagrams and fire lasers out of them? Well, what if good ol' Nemesis could do so in the 2D games? HMM, DOESN'T THAT SOUND AWESOME? I sprited that here, but note that I have a better version I never uploaded, using actual in-game sprites. Why I never complete half the shit I should is beyond me, but it's a shame, really.
SUPER ARGENTINA...SHIP-BREAKER! An image response to someone at Sprite Wars who believed they could take me on and actually win. And when I've 1cc'd over 100 games, I'm sure I could pull it off.
You know, folks, if you want a good positive first experience with tile-ripping, I would recommend you start with Dimahoo, since tile-ripping from this game is a friggin' piece of cake. See this giant badass supersonic intercontinental stealthy elemental medieval bomber (Hmm, try to comprehend that)? I ripped it
entirely through Kawaks' tile viewer. Unfortunately, I haven't taken pixel aspect ratios into account with this image, but I certainly could if I wanted to. Notice that the two 'cores' from my previous Stealth Dragon rips are actually present on the sides of this thing. Oh, I should've mentioned this boss is ridiculously hard, much like the entirety of this game. But kill it with a level-8 elemental burst, and you'll get the fairy of fire! Which is pretty much why I even bother to kill this thing.
And here's Gigafacer, which is also ridiculously hard and has some item drops of its own that I've forgotten by now (I got to Stage 4 and then kind of forgot to finish the game). A true marvel of Goblin engineering, look at all that gold plating! A flying face fit for a king, indeed! Complete with flying hands! Too bad it'll all end up as scrap metal by the end of the game. But could we at least salvage the gold bits?
Now I rip from Change Air Blade, which is a great vs. shmup, although I think they could've done a bit better with the 2-player elements. Nevertheless, here's Alpha Blade, Shot Power Up, with full afterburners. Strangely, the 'full burners' animation is only present in attract mode, only appears for Alpha Blade, and at that only for the Normal Power Up version (Which means I recolored this one, because, like, purple is awesome!).
Folding wings? Spread vulcans? Miniature planes that chase after you? Afterburners that can fry you? No, this isn't Blackheart from Battle Garegga! It's Delta Edge, Speed Power Up's boss dock from Change Air Blade! I wonder how this somehow went right under Raizing's nose, but to be honest this is actually more enjoyable than Blackheart ever was. Especially when you can
pilot it!
![[Image: alphabladeshot.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/alphabladeshot.gif)
Alpha Blade (Shot) and Delta Edge (Speed), both animations (Maneuvering and "Hold A instead of tapping it for increased shot power and slower speed"). The latter animation is very much like CAVE games as well, which makes the whole thing (When combined with the Blackheart reference and "Collect bomb/power up chips for actual bombs/power ups!") seem rather Toaplan-ey, although it's actually made by Sammy. Who exactly that is under Sammy, however, is still beyond me.
Hey guys! I actually got Warzard/Red Earth to work in MAME Toggles, and actually ripped stuff from it! Strangely, all I had to do was grab a frontend, pop the old wzd000.chd into the ROM, and then run it through MAME Toggles through there, and everything worked fine. Weird. Anyway, here's the awesome ninja Kenji with his awesome ninja wall gun. Done correctly this time.
And here's his sole competitor (Which, funnily enough, also comes from Capcom), Strider Hiryu, in his Marvel Vs. Capcom form. Typical punch-kick-punch-kick fare, I know, but it certainly looks rather cool at least, not to mention you can actually combo that in-game.
Originally I wasn't a big fan of Strider, since the first game was simply ridiculous, and its spiritual sequel, Osman, felt more like an insane acid trip than an actual game, but that all changed with Strider 2, which is possibly one of
the most badass games ever. Capcom really must know badass or something. Look at Red Earth and Dimahoo (Well, okay, they only
published Dimahoo, but kudos to them for choosing to publish it!) too. Anyway, here's a funny midget-armor-thing with cannons on its shoulders, which was just one of the awesome enemies on the second stage (Fortress Wahen).
Metal Slug 4 may have sucked, but
pretty please, give Noise Factory a break, if they just made their own run-n-gun IP (According to my dreams) it would be awesome, and their beat-em-ups and fighting games were some pretty awesome shit too. Anyway, this is Sengoku 3, the China boss, which is some zombie samurai in control of
FIRE, which means he spews
FIRE when swiping and
FIRE when stabbing with his
FIRE-enhanced spear, and he can
FIRE himself up to get covered in
FIRE and jump around on
FIRE which creates
FIRE mushroom clouds which can also set you on
FIRE if you are not careful. With
FIRE. There's also a lightning-based one but I get so obsessive-compulsive with this game that I never even get past the first stage without ragequitting. But it's still an awesome game.
Experimentation with MS2M-style shockwaves on Slug Charges. This time around I recolored it, so it might look better.
Here's Clara Tantra from Red Earth, which I can now rip from thanks to my tinkering with MAME Toggles. She's supposedly some evil Sangyptian (Egyptian?) queen who likes to turn people into monsters...and apparently she can turn into one too (Ravange, that gold-plated chimera thing). Well damn, why do the pretty ones always have to be evil?
BONUS STAGE! I probably didn't rip everything, but do I care? Also, they could've put two extra bosses instead of bonus stages, which makes me kind of sad. I mean, bosses in this game are usually way more badass than any bonus stages, but maybe it's just me.
Hydron does what he does best. Fiend would be proud.
This guy's supposed to walk while flailing his four blade-clutching arms, but the resulting animation would take more than 300 frames to loop correctly, so I was like, "Fuck this", and posted just the flailing part (Since walking isn't quite as interesting, yo). Someone said this boss was harder than the final boss, although Blade is undoubtedly even harder than this one (How about getting a continue with a full health bar?).
There's more Red Earth rips I obtained but I forgot where I saved them (You mean Reverse isn't being lazy? No way! Just as bad though

![[Image: gdairfortress1.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/gdairfortress1.gif)
![[Image: gdairfortress2.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/gdairfortress2.gif)
![[Image: gdairfortress3.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/gdairfortress3.gif)
After that I somehow decided to rip from Raiden Fighters/Gun Dogs (I prefer to call it Gun Dogs since that was the original intended title), these rips being from RF2, but everything afterward being from Jet. Raiden Fighters would be my second choice for easy tile-ripping, since the SPI arranges tiles in a rather simple way. Anyway, these are
massive intercontinental bombers, which strangely have refueling probes which kind of undermines the point of their size, but I guess they need to get a
lot of bombs on target or something. Anyway, one of these things is amazing enough, but then when you take into account that the enemy has hundreds, if not
thousands of these things (Hence all the paint jobs), that's pretty impressive. Nevertheless, they lack an armored core, so they're rather weak, just take out the engines. Looks impressive though, especially in attract mode.
![[Image: gdcarrier.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/gdcarrier.gif)
Raiden Fighters Jet, Simulate Mission Level 30 Boss. Basically, it's a piston-engined carrier plane that takes a jet-propelled bomber to the edge of friendly airspace, drops the bomber, and heads for home, while the bomber zooms over to the enemy, drops a nuke, and then heads back too. This is based on the fact that early turbojets were not very fuel-efficient, so they had to come up with something special to make them useful. Definitely a sexy pair, that's for sure. However, given the circumstances of their appearance, it's not actually known if they truly exist in real life (The simulated missions are just that, simulations).
Raiden Fighters Jet, Simulate Mission Level 05 Boss. A heavy gunship stationed in a rocky cliff-filled desert. There are four extra frames for each prop spinning (Not pictured), which are unused in the game, but implies that the machine would've had a takeoff sequence at some point. It's got plenty of turrets and a rather nasty central core battery, which reminds me a bit of the Flying Fortress of RF1 (Which also appears in RFJ, and I plan on ripping it again sometime). Again, it's simulated, so the circumstances of its existence is a mystery. In other news, I love the use of blended wing bodies in Raiden Fighters, it makes some otherwise-ugly crafts look rather beautiful!
Raiden Fighters Jet, Real Battle Phase 02 True Final Boss. This plane
does exist, in fact, it's one of your own friendly aircraft prototypes hijacked by the enemy in an epic final battle. Naturally, because of this, it looks rather similar to the XTF-1 Ixion, and indeed has a similar designation of XTB-1. This boss is very difficult to get to, in fact it's so difficult that it would take me another entirely new paragraph to explain
just how hard it is. In this image it's carrying an unused second cruise missile that I found in the tile data (All of my sprites from Raiden Fighters are now tile-ripped), unless it somehow appears in a 2-player game or something. I also have the sprites of the afterburners on full blast, but since the transparency effect regarding them is complicated and I haven't totally figured it out yet, I'm going to refrain from posting it.
Raiden Fighters Jet, Simulate Mission Level 10 Boss. A revision of the flying boat from the Train Yard stage of RF1, so chances are the enemy has plenty of these by now. Nice use of blended-wing bodies here, and I like the twin booms and push-pull propulsion. The RFJ version is quite a bit different from the RF1 version, but since I haven't played the original in ages, I don't quite remember
how it's different. I like how Seibu did a rather good job of staying away from 'unconventional aircraft' stereotypes. Seriously, other than some of the basic enemy designs, you don't see many Shinden and Lightning ripoffs here.
Raiden Fighters Jet, Simulate Mission Level 35 Mid-boss. Also appears in RF2 as Hummingbird XB-3, although by now it's probably just B-3. Interesting forward-swept wing design, utilizes thrust vectoring technology for even higher maneuverability. If gameplay is to mean anything, it really shows, since the thing can practically outpace your own plane. In other news, can anyone figure out if those are conventional jets it utilizes, or perhaps motorjets? I can't tell.
Yeah, I know, memory overload. Uh...just view single posts or something, I guess? That's it for now.
EDIT: OH BOY LET'S CRASH PEOPLES' COMPUTERS AND PARTY! For I have some other things to post.
![[Image: darnbastard.png]](http://a.imageshack.us/img832/5032/darnbastard.png)
![[Image: darnscoundrel.png]](http://a.imageshack.us/img265/8652/darnscoundrel.png)
![[Image: empiregunner.png]](http://a.imageshack.us/img814/6735/empiregunner.png)
Random doodles I made from video games. I have more, but they're even worse than these, so I got skittish about uploading them. In order: Darn Bastard (Noitu Love 2), Darn Scoundrel (Noitu Love 2), Empire gunner (Dolphin Blue), Empire gasser (Dolphin Blue). Some of the others (Not pictured because they're terrible, but PM me if you are interested): Eri Kasamoto (Metal Slug 2), Wilhelmine Mueller (Under Defeat), Serena (Guardian Heroes), Robot (Guardian Heroes), Kasumi (Panzer Bandit), that funny robot thing that I can't spell the name of because it's in Japanese (Panzer Bandit).
![[Image: epicboom.gif]](http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/1120/epicboom.gif)
![[Image: megahypercannon.gif]](http://www.majhost.com/gallery/esreveR/Random/megahypercannon.gif)
REVERSE RIPS ACTUAL GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE FROM METAL SLUG GAMES! I should really just make them YouTube videos, but you know me.
Hopefully that's it for now.
EDIT: Oh wait there's more. Note that these were
not sprited by me, they were actually done by a good friend of mine called Commander Evil, and he asked me to animate them, so I did (Kinda).
Alle hagel Der Wunderwaffe! Ein wahres wunder der technik von Rebellen. Jubel und freude, Kommandant Bösen, der einen spriter sie alle zu knechten!
And here's his Bluebottle Medium Bomber as well. With a subtle tail turret.