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Recruiting a spriter for my project
Ok... I didn't want to resort to begging for help, but there's little choice now. I need a spriter for my project. This is a platform shooter with some RPG elements. For right now, I just need my main character so I can get on with the main production. Basically, this is what she needs to look like:

-Sprite size: appx. 16x32. Doesn't have to be exact, but should at least work ok with a 16x32 collision mask over it if it's bigger than that.
-The character's name is Celentine. She's a natural irish-looking redhead (fiery orange hair) with green eyes.
-Her hair is longer than shoulder length and completely straight.
-She wears a purplish (magenta, maybe) colored dress. The dress is torn off just above knee length, and in general her attire looks worn and ratty.
-Shoes aren't a terribly important detail. Maybe just slippers that match her dress.

This is something I attempted to do with Chumbucket's platformer outline (and utterly failed). You can use this as a rough reference.
[Image: 2.png]

The animations I need are
  • Standing
  • Walking/Running (these can be two different animations, or one walking animation that looks fine sped up for running)
  • Jumping
  • Falling
  • Ducking
  • Shooting 9mm hangun (standing, running, ducking, and midair)
  • Swinging a broadsword (same as with the gun)
  • Looking up
  • Getting hurt
  • Dead (fallen over on the ground)

I'm not going for any specific style right now. 16-bit at least.. maybe either something kinda anime-realism like Tales of Phantasia or Ogre Battle, or a lighter, more comical style would work too. Whatever style this is done in, I'll eventually need some NPCs and enemies done in the same style, but if I just get Celentine for now, I can start working on the bulk of the game. If this all seems like too big of a project, then if someone made some sort of template, I could make most the NPCs myself. Just an idea....

just FYI, at this point in time, I don't know if this game is just going to be a personal project or if it will wind up getting sold. If it goes commercial, any graphic artists involved will split some of the profit, of course.
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I'll be a bit honest here and suggest that you dont promise money when its clear that this wont be more than a personal project. that will prevent someone from being interested by the idea of making money out of this.

and by the way, you uploaded a resized-blurred version of your sheet.

chumbucket's outline is crap, i do recomend not to use it for more than a reference but never as a base.
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yeah, i learned his outline was crap when i started working with it.

i think photobucket resized it.. i'll trim it down to the necessities and upload a new one.

I never promised money, i said it's possible, but up in the air right now. wtf do you mean by "its clear that this wont be more than a personal project"? You don't know that <_< this is one of my cherished pieces of IP. i very well might sell it if I can.

now, with all due respect to metaru, does anyone actually have any helpful input?
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