07-09-2013, 10:52 AM
Playing Sydney 2000 for the Dreamcast. The button mashing has never felt so much fun 12 years back.

What are you playing?
07-09-2013, 10:52 AM
Playing Sydney 2000 for the Dreamcast. The button mashing has never felt so much fun 12 years back.
![]() Thanked by: Viiper
07-09-2013, 08:36 PM
Restarted Ocarina of Time (Collector's Edition, GCN) after a billion years... I don't remember the controls being this sloppy, and they were certainly more refined in Majora's Mask... hmm...
Thanked by: Sevenstitch
07-10-2013, 10:57 PM
Finally got the Insanity trophy for Mass Effect, earning me the platinum as well. Now to import into Mass Effect 2 for the first time. I've already seen what all a non-import ME2 has to offer several times over, so it's time to see what's new when I import
07-11-2013, 12:52 PM
My bro bought Sonic CD on Steam on discount.
Me: Let's get that 200 rings achievement. *Searching stage for rings *Got 60+ rings *FUCKING BUTTERFLY!! *Split second later found a barrier It's not my day. I also have to say that, while I have played Sonic CD before in Sonic Gems Collection, Sonic CD's special stages are the absolute worst.
07-11-2013, 01:16 PM
So I see that it's just the Slingshot which has awful slippery controls. The Bow seems just fine.
07-12-2013, 09:10 AM
Still on a binge with Dota 2. I never hated and loved a game at the same time before.
Like, I can go one game where I can help outcarry easymode heroes like fucking Drow and Huskar, then I'd go the next game feeding an Invoker. God I can't wait to get my report count reset; Dota is on a full release so naturally the most massive assholes from HoN and LoL migrated over. I had a bad time with a Vengeful Spirit last night and I was out of reports to nail him with (which is a big thing since the report system is really effective at shutting them up). We weren't going to win anyway since the other team got much better heroes than us, but this guy autoattacked during the laning phase of the game and lost his shit when I tried to get some farm for myself. I was a hero that desperately needed early gold, and he was a hero who legitimately is known for dying and self-sacrifice. And yet somehow none of the game was his fault~ Why do I still play this game idgi
07-12-2013, 09:52 AM
I'm playing final fantasy vii and having a gosh dang good time.
07-13-2013, 02:52 PM
Beat the Water Temple last night...
...It was actually really fun. Easily my favorite dungeon so far.
07-14-2013, 02:48 PM
Yeah, the water temple really isn't bad unless you forget to grab a key. I never understood the hate for it until one playthrough where I did just that.
Thanked by: Kriven
07-15-2013, 04:24 AM
Beat Mega Man 9 and Mega Man 2 today.
I started a Proto Man playthrough in MM9 about a month ago...used up all my E-Tanks against the final boss, and lost. Went to look for more, go back to final Castle, and...back to the first part. Power off. That hasn't happened to me in like, a DECADE. It was frustrating. Went back today and beat it using less than last time. I've done several challenge playthroughs in ohter Mega Man games, but I feel like MM9 has one of the harder final battles. MM2, hadn't played it in a while. It has some of the most frustrating fortress bosses in the Mega Man games. I'm talking mainly that wall boss. One wrong move and you CAN'T beat it. That's just annoying game design. I mean, yeah, I forgive it considering the game's history, and that it's a good game, but argh!
07-15-2013, 11:14 AM
I know all too well how brutal Mega Man games can be, lol. IMO, 1 is probably the hardest out of them (but they're all kind of easy to me I've played them so much :B).
07-16-2013, 10:36 PM
Just Got Shin Megami Tensei 4 (Downloaded it directly to my 3DS from the E-shop)
It uses the PS2 Shin Megami Tensei's exploration system and Mechanics (Press turns) with Classic Shin Megami Tensei Battle style. People will be repulsed because of the classic battle style because many got into the series from the Persona spinoffs, but if you played the original SMT games and Strange Journey, you will be fine.
Got all scavenger hunt items, figments, emotional baggage, vaults in Psychonauts, which got me to rank 100, rewarding me with a nice bonus cutscene. There's an achievement for getting to rank 101 (despite the game saying that 100 is the highest possible), which I think is possible to get by completing the Punchy Target minigame. It's incredibly difficult to beat at this point though so I'll give it a break for now.
Been playing some Awesomenauts, and it's... well, awesome. I've been testing out each character in order, they get unlocked pretty quickly so I haven't had to wait. So far my favourites are probably Sheriff Lonestar, Clunk, Gnaw, Yuri, Raelynn and Derpl Zork. I love Skølldir as a character, but I don't think I play well as him. Everybody's pretty great though, it really depends on which playstyle you prefer. I have yet to play with any humans, but so far bots are pretty fun to play with. I do want to try and play with someone sometime though, so I can properly try out Voltar. He can only really be useful if he's acknowledged and players work together (something bots don't seem to do). 90 minutes into Antichamber, thanks to Dazz for gifting me this! It's great fun so far, and whenever you discover the solution to a puzzle it gives that awesome feeling of achievement, like in Braid. The experience is kind of surreal, the textureless walls and strange mechanics make me feel like waking up from a dream when I close the game. A good dream, though ![]() Also playing through New Game Plus in Bastion. I started it a while ago but the save got accidentally overwritten with a new game. It's fine though, it was good to start it fresh anyway. Thanked by: Garamonde
07-17-2013, 01:51 AM
(07-16-2013, 10:47 PM)puggsoy Wrote: Been playing some Awesomenauts, and it's... well, awesome. I've been testing out each character in order, they get unlocked pretty quickly so I haven't had to wait. So far my favourites are probably Sheriff Lonestar, Clunk, Gnaw, Yuri, Raelynn and Derpl Zork. I love Skølldir as a character, but I don't think I play well as him. Everybody's pretty great though, it really depends on which playstyle you prefer. I'd love to play with you (and maybe my other friends would be willing to join in too) so just let me know~ I play a mean Leon though so watch out. ![]() Thanked by: puggsoy, redblueyellow
07-17-2013, 08:21 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2013, 09:02 AM by NICKtendo DS.)
After hours of practice in Time Trail, I managed to beat the game with a Good Ending.
While I feel awesome for achieving this, I still can't justify the lack of control in these Special Stages. S3&K may have Special Stages where you auto-run aswell, but there the Blue Spheres don't fly all over the place, plus the grid helps. CD's Special Stages are still the worst along with Sonic 2's IMO. I have 3 achievements to go. My next run I'll destroy all Metal Sonic holos and Badnik Generators, I have to collect 200 rings and I have to beat Metal Sonic without getting damage. The first I did with Tails, but that doesn't count apparently ![]() EDIT: Got the 200 ring achievement. |
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