06-19-2008, 06:37 PM
Yes, they do.
Sweet merciful balls of fire, they do.
Sweet merciful balls of fire, they do.
Pokemon- what's your team?
06-19-2008, 06:37 PM
Yes, they do.
Sweet merciful balls of fire, they do.
06-19-2008, 07:14 PM
Zee Wrote:oB2Ko Mario Wrote:Hey Zee Thanks :> To be honest, a good friend of mine helped me build this team. He gave me suggestions and stuff for building it, and he suggested a few of the Pokemon that I have on there now. so also: what if my Rotom has 252 EVs in Special Attack AND in Speed (with the other 6 EVs in HP), and then it also has 31 IVs in Special Attack and Speed?
06-19-2008, 07:53 PM
oB2Ko Mario Wrote:Zee Wrote:oB2Ko Mario Wrote:Hey Zee After doing some normalized figuring, your best case scenario does about ~50% damage to a gyrados using thunderbolt, but then he'll just knock you flat with payback. Hope for a crit.
06-19-2008, 08:17 PM
My team is nothing more than my level 100 Piplup. Why didn't I evolve him? Piplups are cute, that's why. All of my other Pokemon I just sent/send to My Pokemon Ranch, because I honestly don't need any of them. Even Dialga, Shaymin*, and the like.
*Obtained through Action Replay ![]() (Wait a second. Did anyone see my above post?)
06-19-2008, 09:14 PM
Shroob2 Wrote:My team is nothing more than my level 100 Piplup. Why didn't I evolve him? Piplups are cute, that's why. All of my other Pokemon I just sent/send to My Pokemon Ranch, because I honestly don't need any of them. Even Dialga, Shaymin*, and the like. im cool cuz i obtain my pokamons with a cheating device B)
06-19-2008, 10:11 PM
Shroob2 Wrote:My team is nothing more than my level 100 Piplup. Why didn't I evolve him? Piplups are cute, that's why. I did the same with my Torchic. Only I never got it to level 100 because I then noted that RPGs are boring without plots. Torchic's awesome. Piplup's awesome too, but Empoleon is a beast Zee Wrote:Yes, they do. You inspired me to get back on Smogon and check their suggested lists and there are no suggestions on Payback. It seems like a niche move, anyway that isn't really effective since Dark isn't that great of an attacking type and Gyarados would kill most things that it's effective against with other moves or just outspeed it after DD. Only thing Rotom is good at somewhat is burning/paralyzing people, anyway. I don't think it really matters, though, since Rotom's stats suck anyway and would get killed by Stone Edge, Waterfall or EQ(unless it has levitate, I don't remember).
06-19-2008, 11:22 PM
Phantom Kirby Wrote:Shroob2 Wrote:My team is nothing more than my level 100 Piplup. Why didn't I evolve him? Piplups are cute, that's why. All of my other Pokemon I just sent/send to My Pokemon Ranch, because I honestly don't need any of them. Even Dialga, Shaymin*, and the like. Actually Shaymin is the last pokemon I need to get. I don't get my pokemon though cheating devices though. I just recently got a mew from using my friend's Pokemon ranger. He doesn't play pokemon and he got it for me to use so I could get my mew considering I don't have a Wii.
06-21-2008, 02:30 AM
My Selection
Lucario Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Blaziken Groudon
06-21-2008, 09:50 AM
Alex Wrote:Zee Wrote:Yes, they do. I use Payback on my Gyrados because I too often encounter Alakazams and I have nothing specifically on my old team to counter him. So I slapped payback on my Gyrados instead of a Stone Edge. (I already had a STAB rock type at the time. As it stands right now, I'm working on my "For Fun" online team. Since I'm pretty much trying to decide if SporePunching Breloom is worth the mad breeding I have to do for my PBR team. Otherwise I just need to finish EV-training the Starly & Tentacool.
06-25-2008, 03:32 AM
Zee, Absol Can learn though TM thunder, thunderbolt, charge beam, and shock wave which all can be used to take out your Gyrados. Shock wave is unavoidable.
Also if you decide to do the mad breeding good luck~
06-25-2008, 04:49 AM
Lunyka Wrote:Zee, Absol Can learn though TM thunder, thunderbolt, charge beam, and shock wave which all can be used to take out your Gyrados. Shock wave is unavoidable. 1. Absol has a low SpAtk 2. Gyrados has a lot of Special Defense 3. Gyrados is FASTER than Absol 4. Absol has poor Def & HP No, a 1on1 fight between full HP Absol and Gyrados will never swing in favor of the Absol if it chose to use that moveset. I know you meant that as a joke, but really, there's more to it than proper movesets, you've also got to consider stats, builds and scenarios. Furthermore, yeah, I'm doing that mad breeding thing, it sucks a lot.
06-25-2008, 11:54 AM
I'm looking into some lists right now, and I can't really find anything to replace Rotom :<
I mean, Rotom's awesome for the fact that it's immune to Earthquakes because of its Levitate ability. Any suggestions? :<
06-26-2008, 08:46 AM
Well, what role does he serve in your party? Once you know what he's there for, you can start looking for replacements.
06-26-2008, 08:53 AM
I got the most badass team
Infernape Bibarel Staraptor Luxray Empoleon Happiny B) |
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