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Devil May Cry 4
While at first I was a bit hesitant to play this, I'd heard bad things (particularly about Nero) I decided to give the game a try and rented it this week. I was very surprised. It returns to the more gothic castle scenery from Devil May Cry and has some of the creepiest locations in a game. It's a shame that the Devil May Cry games lost a little bit of that 'horror' feel after 2 and 3, but some of it returns in the new one.

Playing as Nero was actually lots of fun, I also found him quite an enjoyable character too. His arrogance is exactly like Ichigo's - and their voiced by the same person too. The Devil Bringer is a welcome addition to the combat.

If you havent played it, spoilers ahead.

Just as soon as I started really getting comfortable with Nero, the game pulled a fast one on me and put me in the zip down leather pants of Dante. The ability to change classes at any time you want is absolutely fantastic. It really adds a whole new layer to the combat. The new weapons are absolutely fantastic, Pandora has got to be one of the coolest weapons in DMC. My most used weapon is Gilgamesh, because I love the Casshern homage. The Dark Slayer style almost makes bossfights too easy.
It's a really great (and one of if not the prettiest action game i've ever played) game. It was also pretty cool they brought back Trish.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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I enjoyed it, though I honestly don't think its nearly as good as it could have been.

They should have given Nero and Dante an equal amount of missions; preferably 20. If not 20, then at least 10-15 each.

Also the gameplay was unfairly balanced towards Dante; with Nero lacking any other weapons.

In general, it was good, but it doesn't top 1 or 3.
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I thought it was dull and repetitive.
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yeah but you liked wind waker
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Trying to compare wind waker to devil may cry is like comparing turd (DMC) to chocolate (ww). "Yea, but they're both brown."
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wind waker was the most boring repetitive shit in the world.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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i THOUGHT his opinion was stupid and he was a moron
you derailed my topic into taking the spotlight so you can show everyone what a fantastic person you are at moderating people, go away.

also: mission 19 REALLY sucks they should have made it so whatever side of the dice you hit is where it lands up

also: cocks
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Kojjiro! Wrote:i THOUGHT his opinion was stupid and he was a moron
you derailed my topic into taking the spotlight so you can show everyone what a fantastic person you are at moderating people, go away.

He was actually just pointing out that you spammed your own topic.
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it's my own topic so i'm pretty sure i can do whatever the fuck i want with it. if I want to slather it up in bacon grease and fry it, I can do that.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Wow man

kojj your kinda gettin owned by Josiah ):
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who said i was spamming anyway
this topic was derailed meaning it changed focus
i am still talking about how much total tools badassbill and josiah are, so i'm still on topic.
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Nero needed more weapons~
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Off topic = SPAM.

Just because it's your topic doesn't give you the right to bend the rules in it. That's why topic's can get locked if the OP bends some rules...

Also, I have no opinions on this game, because I have yet to play it... I have only played DMC2 so far.
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I hope you don't intend to base your opinion o nthe series on the worst game in it.
But not really! DMC2 had some interesting things going for it. The multiple characters and paths to take is really evidently used in 4
[Image: cKfiI0F.png]
Thinking of you, 
wherever you are.
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Josiah Wrote:
Kojjiro! Wrote:it's my own topic so i'm pretty sure i can do whatever the fuck i want with it. if I want to slather it up in bacon grease and fry it, I can do that.
Dazz (Universal Rules) Wrote:1. Don't be dumb.
No pointless and stupid comments, do your best to type in full sentences and spell words properly, don't spam or advertisement, etc. And yes, this is still the case if it's other people's topics.
Like I said, you should probably stop now before you make yourself look like an even bigger idiot.

Essentially this. (although we don't need members to try and enforce the rules themselves; that's our job. =D)

The thread has decent discussion potential, but Kojiro, you are spamming; your thread or not. If it continues, I'll lock the thread.
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