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So do you own anything rare?
(08-02-2009, 02:27 AM)Sol Wrote:
(08-02-2009, 02:22 AM)Squeakythefox Wrote:
(08-02-2009, 02:12 AM)Sol Wrote: I've got a copy of Mario Paint and a Super Scope with a couple of games for it, as well as a copy of Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World, and I've heard those are kind of rare. I think I've also got a DK64 Nintendo 64 controller lying around somewhere. Oh, and original copies of Secret of Monkey Island and SimCity, boxes and all.

I've got the those snes games but I didn't even know a DK64 N64 controller existed O.O

Yeah, it was some special order thing from Nintendo Power I think, back in the day. It's pretty cool, it's yellow and the ends of the weird controller prongs are brown, so it resembles bananas, hahaha.

I remember getting one of those when I got DK64

I played every single N64 game I had with that baby :>

oh and I have Pokemon Green lying around here somewhere does that count?

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I dunno if it counts but I have a copy of Xenogears.
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I have Xenogears, too.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
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[Image: 588794_40460_front.jpg]

my favorite childhood game
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i own a dreamcast and some PS3 games too.
skype: bryangtbroyan
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PS3 games are rare, hahaha.

I actually have a Dreamcast too, never played it though, because it's all the way down in Arizona in my brother's apartment. We've also got some game for the, whatever that is.
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i have some obscure and now impossible to find ps1 rpgs. :-- )
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Supposedly I have a Gameboy Color with a rare and short-lived revision of the CPU.

I also have possibly the largest privately owned Legend of Zelda collection in all of Minneapolis, which includes Two LoZ t-shirts, both gold cartridge NES LoZ games, and a legend of zelda Link Pez dispenser (actually, it dispenses gummy sweet tarts, but it looks like a PeZ). I'm forgetting a lot of stuff, but my Collection features every game BUT the SNES version of A Link to the Past, and the N64 versions of OoT and MM. I have Link's Awakening, both Oracle games, Wind Waker, Collector's edition, FSA, Minish Cap, ALttP/FS, both classic NES series LoZ games for GBA, TP for Wii, and probably a lot of other crap.

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Intelligence Qube and Tactics Ogre; both PSX games.
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I have a rare Super Mario Bros. 3 E-Reader card that you could get for a limited time. It gives you a downloadable level in SMB3 for the GBA.

I also got a ton of rare event-only Pokemon. Does that count?

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If you actually got them from the event, yes; but let's be fair, a good portion of people with event-only pokemon either traded for them or used cheats to get them. :/
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I just got this image of a pokemon groupie who regularly hits up bunch of wal-marts to get his hands on limited edition mewthrees and tuxedo pikachus
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(08-03-2009, 04:08 PM)Fleepa Wrote: I just got this image of a pokemon groupie who regularly hits up bunch of wal-marts to get his hands on limited edition mewthrees and tuxedo pikachus


Also your signature is amazing
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Dont know if a SuperMarioGalaxy Commemorative Launch coin(limited edition) is rare or not but can only get if u have a reserved copy of the game itself also I have a little 3inch(i think) Mario Musical toy(Japan Imported) i will post a pic later if yall want me too to see wat it is
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I don't know if this is rare, but I have a see-thru Donkey Kong Country GBC game. I'm pretty sure it's not rare though. But, my brother, (RTB) has a Pikachu GameBoy Colour, and I'm pretty sure that's rare.
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