08-30-2009, 02:24 PM
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mozzy wozzy
08-30-2009, 04:09 PM
(08-30-2009, 02:10 PM)Solitaire Wrote: Viepr Sehark Just nEEDS A Little Posting MakeOVer. Add Some Style 2 Your Posts, Put A Lil Bling iN Ur CHiCKeN Wing, cluck cluck FUCK. First Things FIrst, going tO nEEd To Change That Avatar, u look like somethin Straight Outta A Gay Lil American CartoOn or Something. Next, change That Signature, put a few Butts or anime Action Figures in there, U Can Keep The "Gamer Tag" but(t) everyThing Else Has GOTTA!!! GO!!!. Last But Not Least (Infact!! Most!! Important!!!))) Don't Be A Meanie Butt,nobody Likes U if youre Just A Douche (another Word 4 butt)) all the t.i.m.e. Do these 3 things, and yuore well on your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dis dis so much darling you're gonna get fashionated by koen!! darlin'
08-30-2009, 04:18 PM
all i can see is mozzy, grooveman and lunyka doing the goatse
Thanked by: Sonikku,
08-30-2009, 04:24 PM
08-30-2009, 05:12 PM
i feel like throwing up idk if its because of my stomach flu or this thread
Thanked by:
groove, lunyka, moz, vipershark
get out of spamhaul handle your bullshit someplace else, we don't need shitty posters like you guys shitting up threads more than they need to be if anything if theres one way to improve this place, is for the mods that dont know how to spam(those 3) to only moderate and lurk because all their posting leads up to endless discussions and arguments and viper, stop trying to look cool by making fun of lunyka, it doesn't hide the fact you're still stupid for even arguing back if you dont want to do that then carry on being retards in spamhaul, i just wanted to state the obvious(like i always do) Thanked by:
08-30-2009, 05:36 PM
i very rarely post in spamhaul (really dont enjoy this place at all anyway) i posted in this topic and the issue was then resolved, you can thank viper for starting up new pointless shit. locking this because running this more into the ground wouldnt really solve anything!!
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