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Mageker's Submissions
(11-21-2009, 06:59 PM)Mageker Wrote: Cool! Than you! I read somewhere that Valefor, Amdusias, Andras and Marbas where from Mushroom Castle, I guess that was wrong Dx
Where did you find all that information about monsters? =O
Also, the cursed frog, frog, cursed black cat and black cat weren't from the Haunted House II I think Very Sad they appeared randomly in towns if I recall Ded
And the dolls were summoned by a boss that appeared only in Halloween x.x that's what the Strategy Wiki says, at least x.x
This is where I found out about the first four I mentioned, and the StrategyWiki had the Cursed Cat/Frog and Olivia (which is the boss that spawns the two doll monsters) under "Haunted House II", and the Servant's Wolf's description on that wiki says "A wolf monster relating to Aran Job.", and the Aran job can be gotten in Rien. I haven't played MapleStory in a few years, so I don't know if they're still around or not. But for now, I'll move them to the Halloween Event section until someone can confirm their location, and whether they're still around or not. Very Sad
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@RTB: Oh, well, it's okay then >.< I think they only appeared in Halloween... but I can't play Global MS, so I don't really know...

@CeeY: Thank you Smile

More monsters here. That stump doesn't look like depressed xD maybe we was so depressed that he got drunk :/

[Image: sicklygreenmushroomicon.png] [Image: depressedghoststumpicon.png] [Image: juniorpharaohyetiicon.png] [Image: pharaohsnakeicon.png] [Image: anubisiconq.png] [Image: juniorpharaohyetiicon.png]
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Those are all from the Ariant PQ, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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The Mushroom and the Stump are not from AriantPQ, I think the mushroom appears where the normal green mushrooms do, and the Stump where the normal Ghost Stumps appear. But, once again, I'm not sure.
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Just three this time. The week-end has ended so I don't think I'll be able to rip anything until friday... anyway, here they are.

[Image: blackwizardskelegonicon.png] [Image: murderouszombiemushroom.png] [Image: muruicon.png]
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Well, I know I said I wouldn't rip anything until Friday xD but well...
I'm now moving to Trickster again, I'll leave Maple Story for a while.

[Image: murupa_icon.png] [Image: murupia_icon.png] [Image: murumuru_icon.png] [Image: murukun_icon.png] [Image: blackwizardcornian_icon.png] [Image: blackwizardwyvern_icon.png]
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Well, a few enemies from Yoshi Touch & Go that I ripped a looong time ago. I know it's not complete, but ripping from this game is really a pain, so I'll submit this, at least >_<
If it's not submittable this way, just tell me.

[Image: ytagenemies_icon.png]
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[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by: Mageker
I ripepd this thing a long time ago... but I forgot to post it. Anyway, here is it, another monster from Maple Story.
Happy Christmas everyone~

[Image: navysergeantghost.png]
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Toadiko updated with a few poses from when she is tied on a tree. Thanks to Vice for ripping them.

[Image: toadikoicon.png]
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Happy new year everyone~
I have some new sheets here: 3 monsters, 1 background and some tiles from Maple story; 2 monsters (Puppeteer and Nate's Spring) and a few pets from Trickster.

[Image: giantnependeathdefensive_icon.png] [Image: totem1_icon.png] [Image: totem2_icon.png] [Image: backghostship_icon.png] [Image: graysubway_icon.png] [Image: tilemoltenrock_icon.png] [Image: tilenihaldesert_icon.png] [Image: poisonforest_icon.png] [Image: tilepyramid_icon.png] [Image: showafield_icon.png] [Image: puppeteer_icon.png] [Image: natespring_icon.png] [Image: santarosefairy_icon.png] [Image: youngblood_icon.png] [Image: captainskull_icon.png] [Image: rukan_icon.png]

Edit: I was looking in the old Trickster project and I found out this sheet hasn't been added to tsr yet, I hope someone could do it, it's a pet.

[Image: ballooniconxe2.png]
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Cool stuff!
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by: Mageker
Two more monsters. I also updated the Puppeteer sheet, I forgot to add the mugshot.

[Image: puppeteer_icon.png] [Image: icewitchicon.png] [Image: censerpigicon.png]
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The sprites are nice, but they ruined the quality of the mugshots =/
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
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I totally agree with you, specially in that Ice Witch sheet :/
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