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Mageker's Submissions
Thank you so much, RTB Smile
@AJ: I'll rip the other two later, including the one with the blue T-shirt.


[Image: florosapienicon.png] [Image: barribadsobarribadicon.png]


[Image: SPM-ToopaStriker_icon.png] [Image: spmgoombaicon.png]

I added more kinds of goombas to the goomba sheet but, for some reason, I didn't find the headbonk goomba in the game data.
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[Image: snowladyicon.png] [Image: kaboomicon.png] [Image: gunmanicon.png]

This one was ripped by Dazz and arranged by Vice long time ago, I have permission from him to post it.

[Image: addaxicon.png]

Also, this sheet is tagged as if I arranged it, but actually it's Vice the one who did it (like the credit tag says) Could anyone change "Mageker" for "Vice" in the Submitter info? Thanks
Thanked by: Davy Jones
Tag corrected Wink

Pretty stuff. You, Dazz and Vice did a great job Big Grin
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: Mageker
awww, the snow lady is too cute Heart
[Image: dariC.png][Image: tumblr_mlf109xOe81rmu6i5o1_250.gif][Image: b0KxM.gif]
Thanked by: Mageker
(01-07-2010, 05:17 PM)Davias Wrote: awww, the snow lady is too cute Heart

Hehe, yeah, she is Cute

Thank you, Ultimecia! >.<

A few miscellaneous from Trickster today. I uploaded Skill Effects in a zip file because it has more than 1500 frames x.x is there any problem with that? D=

[Image: characterprofileillusti.png] [Image: cardofthedayicon.png] [Image: skilleffectsicon.png]
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Nah, there are plenty of zipped files at the site, I got two of them, also from battle effects.
Too bad that the last two classes of each 'job' on Trickster are just color swaps, I was kind of expecting more (it have been some years since I've played Trickster)
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: Mageker
(01-08-2010, 02:52 AM)Ultimecia Wrote: Nah, there are plenty of zipped files at the site, I got two of them, also from battle effects.
Too bad that the last two classes of each 'job' on Trickster are just color swaps, I was kind of expecting more (it have been some years since I've played Trickster)

Oh, no, but there are only three job classes in Trickster, the recolours are because when you advance to the third job you can choose between 2 or 3 jobs. So, we could say that the third class gets divided into 2 (or 3 in the case of the Dragon).

I don't know if I explained myself really good... x.x but I can't do it better with my current level of English >.<

Oh, also, could I submit the character sprites in zip files? they have 300-400 frames, not too much, but it's way more than what monsters and pets have.
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That what I was talking about :p When I stopped playing Trickster, they release the 2nd job 1 month later. So when heard you had a 3rd job change where you could pic between 2 (or 3) classes, I was excepting different graphics for each. After all, this game is so well-animated, so pretty...And recolors for job is just too lazy :/

Don't worry, I think I understood.

I think it's really your choice. I've assembled characters with +1000 sprites (the LucasArts's adventure ones like Guybrush Threepwood and Indiana Jones), but I really don't think there is a problem, there are many zipped stuff at the site. There is a program called StitchStudio, quite useful to help assembling if you're not comfortable on submitting zip.
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
Thanked by: Mageker
Oh, how does it work exactly? Is it fast? I'd prefer to submit the character as sheets rather than zip, so if I can assemble sprites fast with that program, it would be cool.
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New sheet from Trickster:

[Image: charactercreationicon.png]

Also, this is all I could get from the 3 main characters of Tales of Symphonia: Down of the New World before I got annoyed. I ripped this playing the game with a minimal speed, so this was a pain to rip... they are probably incomplete, but well, just add them to the site if you want Sad

[Image: emilcastagniericon.png] [Image: martalualdiicon.png] [Image: richterabendicon.png]
Thanked by: Ultimecia

*was just playing Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World now*
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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Mageker, I've since gottem my laptop back up and running, so if you're still up for me sharing some of the sheet arrangements for Trickster, I'm game.

The game itself didn't run properly for me when I tried it before (lame), so I'm not so keen on downloading the whole lot, but I'd be more than happy to extract and arrange the files themselves if you send 'em to me. =)
Specs 'n' Headphones has been revamped! Check it, yo.
[Image: 10y3mgj.png][Image: groove-1.gif]
Thanks to Pik and Solink; they are sexy people. Heart
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@Ultimecia: hehe, I knew you'd like them Smile

@GrooveMan: sure, just tell me what do you want to arrange, or if you want everything (npcs, pets, monsters...) I can send it too Cute
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Do you intent ripping the other characters? Tenebrae, Alice, Decus...?
I was trying to get the ISO because both DVD drivers can't read from the original game :/ So I'd try ripping from it. How did you do? Emulator?

EDIT: I'm playing right now and I'm seeing one of Emil's face you missed. It's his "T_T" expression. I don't have the proper tools to show you but..
[Image: MegaEXESig.png]
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(01-09-2010, 02:26 PM)Ultimecia Wrote: Do you intent ripping the other characters? Tenebrae, Alice, Decus...?
I was trying to get the ISO because both DVD drivers can't read from the original game :/ So I'd try ripping from it. How did you do? Emulator?

EDIT: I'm playing right now and I'm seeing one of Emil's face you missed. It's his "T_T" expression. I don't have the proper tools to show you but..

Yeah, I have probably missed a lot x.x but it was really annoying to rip playing the game :/ I used an emulator, Dolphin, so I have to play the game where I wanted to get the texture from, so I eventually stopped ripping that since it was a pain Ded
Also, no, I won't rip other characters, it would be awesome if you can do it Cute
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