Heya guys! Look who's back! Me and Pikachu Trainer are back to rip from Pokémon Ranger 3! Most of Ranger 2 section is down to us, so we thought we'd give it another go. We'd like to thank the amazing Barubary for help again on how to extract and get everything, we couldn't have done it without him!
Although quite a few Pokémon have similar sprites, or the same, some poses are different, or not included, so we're re-ripping everything. Keep checking back for more wonderful stuff!
[1717-1719] Bulbasaur, Ivysaur & Venasaur [ICON]
[1720-1723] Charmander, Charmeleon & Charizard [ICON]
[1724] Blastoise [ICON]
[1748-1750] Tentacool & Tentacruel [ICON]
[1756-1757 & 2055] Magnemite, Magneton & Magnezone [ICON]
[1758] Dodrio [ICON]
[1759-1761] Gastly, Haunter & Gengar [ICON]
[1762-1763] Krabby & Kingler [ICON]
[1764-1765] Voltorb & Electrode [ICON]
[1770-1771 & 1874-1875] Horsea, Seadra & Kingdra [ICON]
[1772 & 1856] Scyther & Scizor [ICON]
[1775] Lapras [ICON]
[1777-1780, 1842-1843 & 2064-2065] Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon & Glaceon [ICON]
[1831] Politoed [ICON]
[1845] Slowking [ICON]
[2056] Lickilicky [ICON]
[2058] Tangrowth [ICON]
[2071] Probopass [ICON]
[2073] Froslass [ICON]
[2074] Dialga [ICON]
[2075] Palkia [ICON]
[2076-2077] Heatran [ICON]
[2078] Regigagas [ICON]
[2079] Giratina (Altered) [ICON]
[2081] Phione [ICON]
[1781-1782] Kabuto & Kabutops [ICON]
[1786-1788] Zapdos [ICON]
[1789-1791] Moltres [ICON]
[1839 & 2063] Yanma & Yanmega [ICON]
[1844 & 2016-2017] Murkrow & Honchcrow [ICON]
[1852 & 2066] Gligar & Gliscor [ICON]
[1858] Heracross [ICON]
[1859 & 2054] Sneasel & Weavile [ICON]
[1860-1861] Teddiursa & Ursaring [ICON]
[1862-1863 & 2068] Swinub, Piloswine & Mamoswine [ICON]
[1866-1867] Remoraid & Octillery [ICON]
[1868] Delibird [ICON]
[1870-1871] Skarmory [ICON]
[1872-1873] Houndour & Houndoom [ICON]
[1876-1877] Phanphy & Donphan [ICON]
[1878 & 2069] Porygon 2 & Porygon Z [ICON]
[1884, 1773 & 2059] Elekid, Electabuzz & Electivire [ICON]
[1885, 1774 & 2060] Magby, Magmar & Magmortar [ICON]
[1917-1919 & 2070] Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir & Gallade [ICON]
[1938-1939 & 2072] Duskull, Dusclops & Dusknoir [ICON]
[1945-1947] Clamperl, Huntail & Gorebyss [ICON]
[1989-1990, 1928 & 1991] Budew, Roselia & Roserade [ICON]
[2027 & 1830] Bonsly & Sudowoodo [ICON]
[2028] Mime Jr [ICON]
[2029] Happiny [ICON]
[2036-2038] Riolu & Lucario [ICON]
[2039-2040] Hippotas & Hippowdon [ICON]
[2041-2042] Scorupi & Dorapion [ICON]
[2043-2044] Croagunk & Dorapion [ICON]
[2045-2046] Carnivine [ICON]
[2047-2049] Finneon & Lumineon [ICON]
[2051 & 1869] Mantyke & Mantyne [ICON]
[2052-2053] Snover & Abomasnow [ICON]
[1725-1730] Pidgey, Pidgeotto & Pidgeot [ICON]
[1731-1732] Pikachu & Raichu [ICON]
[1733-1734] Sandshew & Sandslash [ICON]
[1735-1736] Vulpix & Ninetails [ICON]
[1737-1740 & 1812] Zubat, Golbat & Crobat [ICON]
[1741-1745 & 1826] Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume & Bellossom [ICON]
[1746-1747] Mankey & Primape [ICON]
[1776] Ditto [ICON]
[1783-1785] Articuno [ICON]
[1792-1793] Mewtwo [ICON]
[1795-1797] Chikorita, Bayleef & Meganium [ICON]
[1798-1800] Cyndaquil, Quilava & Typhlosion [ICON]
[1801-1803] Totodile, Croconaw & Feraligatr [ICON]
[1804-1805] Sentret & Furret [ICON]
[1806-1807] Hoothoot & Noctowl [ICON]
[1808-1809] Ledyba & Ledian [ICON]
[1810-1811] Spinarak & Ariados [ICON]
[1813-1814] Chinchou & Lantern [ICON]
[1817] Cleffa [ICON]
[1819-1820 & 2061-2062] Togepi, Togetic & Togekiss [ICON]
[1821-1822] Natu & Xatu [ICON]
[1823-1825] Mareep, Flaaffy & Ampharos [ICON]
[1827-1828] Marill & Azumarill [ICON]
[1832-1834] Hoppip, Skiploom & Jumpluff [ICON]
[1835 & 2008] Aipom & Ambipom [ICON]
[1836-1838] Sunkern & Sunflora [ICON]
[1840-1841] Wooper & Quagsire [ICON]
[1847] Wobbufett [ICON]
[1848] Girafarig [ICON]
[1849-1850] Pineco + Forretress [ICON]
[1851] Dunsparce [ICON]
[1853-1854] Snubbull & Granbull [ICON]
[1855] Qwilfish [ICON]
[1846 & 2015] Misdreavous & Mismagius [ICON]
[1857] Shuckle [ICON]
[1864-1865] Corsola [ICON]
[1879] Stantler [ICON]
[1880] Smeargle [ICON]
[1881 & 1766-1767 & 1882] Tyrogue, Himonlee, Hitomchan & Hitmontop [ICON]
[1883] Smoochum [ICON]
[1886] Blissey [ICON]
[1887] Raikou [ICON]
[1889] Celebi [ICON]
[1892] Entei [ICON]
[1893] Suicune [ICON]
[1894-1896] Larvitar, Pupitar & Tyranitar [ICON]
[1897] Lugia [ICON]
[1899] Ho-Oh [ICON]
[1900-1902] Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile [ICON]
[1903-1905] Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken [ICON]
[1906-1908] Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert [ICON]
[1909-1910] Poochyena & Mightyena [ICON]
[1911-1914] Lotad, Lombre & Ludicolo [ICON]
[1915-1916] Wingull & Pelipper [ICON]
[1920-1921] Makuhita & Hariyama [ICON]
[1922] Sabelye [ICON]
[1923-1925] Aron, Lairon & Aggron [ICON]
[1926-1927] Electrike & Manetric [ICON]
[1929-1931] Carvanha & Sharpedo [ICON]
[1932-1933] Numel & Camerupt [ICON]
[1934-1935] Baltoy & Claydol [ICON]
[1936-1937] Anorith & Armaldo [ICON]
[1940 & 2020] Chingling & Chimeco [ICON]
[1941] Absol [ICON]
[1942-1944] Spheal, Sealeo & Walrein [ICON]
[1948] Relicanth [ICON]
[1949] Luvdisc [ICON]
[1950-1952] Bagon, Shelgon & Salamence [ICON]
[1953-1955] Beldum, Metang & Metagross [ICON]
[1956-1958] Latias [ICON]
[1959-1961] Latios [ICON]
[1962-1965] Deoxys [ICON]
[1966-1969] Turtwig, Grotle & Torterra [ICON]
[1970-1972] Chimchar, Monferno & Infernape [ICON]
[1973-1975] Piplup, Prinplup & Empoleon [ICON]
[1976-1981] Starly, Staravia & Staraptor [ICON]
[1982-1983] Bidoof & Bibarel [ICON]
[1984-1985] Kricketot & Kricketune [ICON]
[1986-1988] Shinx, Luxio & Luxray [ICON]
[1992-1993] Cranidos & Ramparados [ICON]
[1994-1995] Shieldon & Bastiodon [ICON]
[1996] Mothim [ICON]
[1997-1998] Combee & Vespiqueen [ICON]
[1999] Pachirisu [ICON]
[2000-2001] Buizel & Floatzel [ICON]
[2002-2004] Cherubi & Cherrim [ICON]
[2005-2007] Shellos & Gastrodon [ICON]
[2009-2012] Drifloon & Driftblim [ICON]
[2013-2014] Buneary & Lopunny [ICON]
[2018-2019] Glameow & Purugly [ICON]
[2021-2022] Stunky & Skuntank [ICON]
[2023-2026] Bronzor & Bronzong [ICON]
[2030-2031] Chatot [ICON]
[2032-2034] Gible, Gabite & Garchomp [ICON]
[2035] Munchlax [ICON]
[2057] Rhypherior [ICON]
[2080] Giratina [ICON]
[2082-2084] Shaymin [ICON]
[2085-2086] Arceus [ICON]
[1694-1710] Hero [ICON]
[1715-1716] Ukulele Pichu [ICON]
[2143, 2090-2091] NPCs 1 [ICON]
[2092-2094] NPCs 2 [ICON]
[2095-2097] NPCs 3 [ICON]
[2098-2100] NPCs 4 [ICON]
[2101-2103] NPCs 5 [ICON]
[2104-2106] NPCs 6 [ICON]
[2107-2109] NPCs 7 [ICON]
[2110] Knight [ICON]
[2111, 2113 & 2115] NPCs 8 [ICON]
[2112] Old Man [ICON]
[2114] Ranger1 [ICON]
[2116] Scientist [ICON]
[2118-2119] Ranger 2 [ICON]
[2120] Red Coat [ICON]
[2462-2468] Cave Doors [ICON]
Although quite a few Pokémon have similar sprites, or the same, some poses are different, or not included, so we're re-ripping everything. Keep checking back for more wonderful stuff!

[1717-1719] Bulbasaur, Ivysaur & Venasaur [ICON]
[1720-1723] Charmander, Charmeleon & Charizard [ICON]
[1724] Blastoise [ICON]
[1748-1750] Tentacool & Tentacruel [ICON]
[1756-1757 & 2055] Magnemite, Magneton & Magnezone [ICON]
[1758] Dodrio [ICON]
[1759-1761] Gastly, Haunter & Gengar [ICON]
[1762-1763] Krabby & Kingler [ICON]
[1764-1765] Voltorb & Electrode [ICON]
[1770-1771 & 1874-1875] Horsea, Seadra & Kingdra [ICON]
[1772 & 1856] Scyther & Scizor [ICON]
[1775] Lapras [ICON]
[1777-1780, 1842-1843 & 2064-2065] Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon & Glaceon [ICON]
[1831] Politoed [ICON]
[1845] Slowking [ICON]
[2056] Lickilicky [ICON]
[2058] Tangrowth [ICON]
[2071] Probopass [ICON]
[2073] Froslass [ICON]
[2074] Dialga [ICON]
[2075] Palkia [ICON]
[2076-2077] Heatran [ICON]
[2078] Regigagas [ICON]
[2079] Giratina (Altered) [ICON]
[2081] Phione [ICON]
[1781-1782] Kabuto & Kabutops [ICON]
[1786-1788] Zapdos [ICON]
[1789-1791] Moltres [ICON]
[1839 & 2063] Yanma & Yanmega [ICON]
[1844 & 2016-2017] Murkrow & Honchcrow [ICON]
[1852 & 2066] Gligar & Gliscor [ICON]
[1858] Heracross [ICON]
[1859 & 2054] Sneasel & Weavile [ICON]
[1860-1861] Teddiursa & Ursaring [ICON]
[1862-1863 & 2068] Swinub, Piloswine & Mamoswine [ICON]
[1866-1867] Remoraid & Octillery [ICON]
[1868] Delibird [ICON]
[1870-1871] Skarmory [ICON]
[1872-1873] Houndour & Houndoom [ICON]
[1876-1877] Phanphy & Donphan [ICON]
[1878 & 2069] Porygon 2 & Porygon Z [ICON]
[1884, 1773 & 2059] Elekid, Electabuzz & Electivire [ICON]
[1885, 1774 & 2060] Magby, Magmar & Magmortar [ICON]
[1917-1919 & 2070] Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir & Gallade [ICON]
[1938-1939 & 2072] Duskull, Dusclops & Dusknoir [ICON]
[1945-1947] Clamperl, Huntail & Gorebyss [ICON]
[1989-1990, 1928 & 1991] Budew, Roselia & Roserade [ICON]
[2027 & 1830] Bonsly & Sudowoodo [ICON]
[2028] Mime Jr [ICON]
[2029] Happiny [ICON]
[2036-2038] Riolu & Lucario [ICON]
[2039-2040] Hippotas & Hippowdon [ICON]
[2041-2042] Scorupi & Dorapion [ICON]
[2043-2044] Croagunk & Dorapion [ICON]
[2045-2046] Carnivine [ICON]
[2047-2049] Finneon & Lumineon [ICON]
[2051 & 1869] Mantyke & Mantyne [ICON]
[2052-2053] Snover & Abomasnow [ICON]
Pokemon:[1725-1730] Pidgey, Pidgeotto & Pidgeot [ICON]
[1731-1732] Pikachu & Raichu [ICON]
[1733-1734] Sandshew & Sandslash [ICON]
[1735-1736] Vulpix & Ninetails [ICON]
[1737-1740 & 1812] Zubat, Golbat & Crobat [ICON]
[1741-1745 & 1826] Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume & Bellossom [ICON]
[1746-1747] Mankey & Primape [ICON]
[1776] Ditto [ICON]
[1783-1785] Articuno [ICON]
[1792-1793] Mewtwo [ICON]
[1795-1797] Chikorita, Bayleef & Meganium [ICON]
[1798-1800] Cyndaquil, Quilava & Typhlosion [ICON]
[1801-1803] Totodile, Croconaw & Feraligatr [ICON]
[1804-1805] Sentret & Furret [ICON]
[1806-1807] Hoothoot & Noctowl [ICON]
[1808-1809] Ledyba & Ledian [ICON]
[1810-1811] Spinarak & Ariados [ICON]
[1813-1814] Chinchou & Lantern [ICON]
[1817] Cleffa [ICON]
[1819-1820 & 2061-2062] Togepi, Togetic & Togekiss [ICON]
[1821-1822] Natu & Xatu [ICON]
[1823-1825] Mareep, Flaaffy & Ampharos [ICON]
[1827-1828] Marill & Azumarill [ICON]
[1832-1834] Hoppip, Skiploom & Jumpluff [ICON]
[1835 & 2008] Aipom & Ambipom [ICON]
[1836-1838] Sunkern & Sunflora [ICON]
[1840-1841] Wooper & Quagsire [ICON]
[1847] Wobbufett [ICON]
[1848] Girafarig [ICON]
[1849-1850] Pineco + Forretress [ICON]
[1851] Dunsparce [ICON]
[1853-1854] Snubbull & Granbull [ICON]
[1855] Qwilfish [ICON]
[1846 & 2015] Misdreavous & Mismagius [ICON]
[1857] Shuckle [ICON]
[1864-1865] Corsola [ICON]
[1879] Stantler [ICON]
[1880] Smeargle [ICON]
[1881 & 1766-1767 & 1882] Tyrogue, Himonlee, Hitomchan & Hitmontop [ICON]
[1883] Smoochum [ICON]
[1886] Blissey [ICON]
[1887] Raikou [ICON]
[1889] Celebi [ICON]
[1892] Entei [ICON]
[1893] Suicune [ICON]
[1894-1896] Larvitar, Pupitar & Tyranitar [ICON]
[1897] Lugia [ICON]
[1899] Ho-Oh [ICON]
[1900-1902] Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile [ICON]
[1903-1905] Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken [ICON]
[1906-1908] Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert [ICON]
[1909-1910] Poochyena & Mightyena [ICON]
[1911-1914] Lotad, Lombre & Ludicolo [ICON]
[1915-1916] Wingull & Pelipper [ICON]
[1920-1921] Makuhita & Hariyama [ICON]
[1922] Sabelye [ICON]
[1923-1925] Aron, Lairon & Aggron [ICON]
[1926-1927] Electrike & Manetric [ICON]
[1929-1931] Carvanha & Sharpedo [ICON]
[1932-1933] Numel & Camerupt [ICON]
[1934-1935] Baltoy & Claydol [ICON]
[1936-1937] Anorith & Armaldo [ICON]
[1940 & 2020] Chingling & Chimeco [ICON]
[1941] Absol [ICON]
[1942-1944] Spheal, Sealeo & Walrein [ICON]
[1948] Relicanth [ICON]
[1949] Luvdisc [ICON]
[1950-1952] Bagon, Shelgon & Salamence [ICON]
[1953-1955] Beldum, Metang & Metagross [ICON]
[1956-1958] Latias [ICON]
[1959-1961] Latios [ICON]
[1962-1965] Deoxys [ICON]
[1966-1969] Turtwig, Grotle & Torterra [ICON]
[1970-1972] Chimchar, Monferno & Infernape [ICON]
[1973-1975] Piplup, Prinplup & Empoleon [ICON]
[1976-1981] Starly, Staravia & Staraptor [ICON]
[1982-1983] Bidoof & Bibarel [ICON]
[1984-1985] Kricketot & Kricketune [ICON]
[1986-1988] Shinx, Luxio & Luxray [ICON]
[1992-1993] Cranidos & Ramparados [ICON]
[1994-1995] Shieldon & Bastiodon [ICON]
[1996] Mothim [ICON]
[1997-1998] Combee & Vespiqueen [ICON]
[1999] Pachirisu [ICON]
[2000-2001] Buizel & Floatzel [ICON]
[2002-2004] Cherubi & Cherrim [ICON]
[2005-2007] Shellos & Gastrodon [ICON]
[2009-2012] Drifloon & Driftblim [ICON]
[2013-2014] Buneary & Lopunny [ICON]
[2018-2019] Glameow & Purugly [ICON]
[2021-2022] Stunky & Skuntank [ICON]
[2023-2026] Bronzor & Bronzong [ICON]
[2030-2031] Chatot [ICON]
[2032-2034] Gible, Gabite & Garchomp [ICON]
[2035] Munchlax [ICON]
[2057] Rhypherior [ICON]
[2080] Giratina [ICON]
[2082-2084] Shaymin [ICON]
[2085-2086] Arceus [ICON]
[1694-1710] Hero [ICON]
[1715-1716] Ukulele Pichu [ICON]
[2143, 2090-2091] NPCs 1 [ICON]
[2092-2094] NPCs 2 [ICON]
[2095-2097] NPCs 3 [ICON]
[2098-2100] NPCs 4 [ICON]
[2101-2103] NPCs 5 [ICON]
[2104-2106] NPCs 6 [ICON]
[2107-2109] NPCs 7 [ICON]
[2110] Knight [ICON]
[2111, 2113 & 2115] NPCs 8 [ICON]
[2112] Old Man [ICON]
[2114] Ranger1 [ICON]
[2116] Scientist [ICON]
[2118-2119] Ranger 2 [ICON]
[2120] Red Coat [ICON]
[2462-2468] Cave Doors [ICON]