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Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs
Heya guys! Look who's back! Me and Pikachu Trainer are back to rip from Pokémon Ranger 3! Most of Ranger 2 section is down to us, so we thought we'd give it another go. We'd like to thank the amazing Barubary for help again on how to extract and get everything, we couldn't have done it without him!

Although quite a few Pokémon have similar sprites, or the same, some poses are different, or not included, so we're re-ripping everything. Keep checking back for more wonderful stuff!


[1717-1719] Bulbasaur, Ivysaur & Venasaur [ICON]
[1720-1723] Charmander, Charmeleon & Charizard [ICON]
[1724] Blastoise [ICON]
[1748-1750] Tentacool & Tentacruel [ICON]
[1756-1757 & 2055] Magnemite, Magneton & Magnezone [ICON]
[1758] Dodrio [ICON]
[1759-1761] Gastly, Haunter & Gengar [ICON]
[1762-1763] Krabby & Kingler [ICON]
[1764-1765] Voltorb & Electrode [ICON]
[1770-1771 & 1874-1875] Horsea, Seadra & Kingdra [ICON]
[1772 & 1856] Scyther & Scizor [ICON]
[1775] Lapras [ICON]
[1777-1780, 1842-1843 & 2064-2065] Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon & Glaceon [ICON]
[1831] Politoed [ICON]
[1845] Slowking [ICON]
[2056] Lickilicky [ICON]
[2058] Tangrowth [ICON]
[2071] Probopass [ICON]
[2073] Froslass [ICON]
[2074] Dialga [ICON]
[2075] Palkia [ICON]
[2076-2077] Heatran [ICON]
[2078] Regigagas [ICON]
[2079] Giratina (Altered) [ICON]
[2081] Phione [ICON]

[1781-1782] Kabuto & Kabutops [ICON]
[1786-1788] Zapdos [ICON]
[1789-1791] Moltres [ICON]
[1839 & 2063] Yanma & Yanmega [ICON]
[1844 & 2016-2017] Murkrow & Honchcrow [ICON]
[1852 & 2066] Gligar & Gliscor [ICON]
[1858] Heracross [ICON]
[1859 & 2054] Sneasel & Weavile [ICON]
[1860-1861] Teddiursa & Ursaring [ICON]
[1862-1863 & 2068] Swinub, Piloswine & Mamoswine [ICON]
[1866-1867] Remoraid & Octillery [ICON]
[1868] Delibird [ICON]
[1870-1871] Skarmory [ICON]
[1872-1873] Houndour & Houndoom [ICON]
[1876-1877] Phanphy & Donphan [ICON]
[1878 & 2069] Porygon 2 & Porygon Z [ICON]
[1884, 1773 & 2059] Elekid, Electabuzz & Electivire [ICON]
[1885, 1774 & 2060] Magby, Magmar & Magmortar [ICON]
[1917-1919 & 2070] Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir & Gallade [ICON]
[1938-1939 & 2072] Duskull, Dusclops & Dusknoir [ICON]
[1945-1947] Clamperl, Huntail & Gorebyss [ICON]
[1989-1990, 1928 & 1991] Budew, Roselia & Roserade [ICON]
[2027 & 1830] Bonsly & Sudowoodo [ICON]
[2028] Mime Jr [ICON]
[2029] Happiny [ICON]
[2036-2038] Riolu & Lucario [ICON]
[2039-2040] Hippotas & Hippowdon [ICON]
[2041-2042] Scorupi & Dorapion [ICON]
[2043-2044] Croagunk & Dorapion [ICON]
[2045-2046] Carnivine [ICON]
[2047-2049] Finneon & Lumineon [ICON]
[2051 & 1869] Mantyke & Mantyne [ICON]
[2052-2053] Snover & Abomasnow [ICON]

[1725-1730] Pidgey, Pidgeotto & Pidgeot [ICON]
[1731-1732] Pikachu & Raichu [ICON]
[1733-1734] Sandshew & Sandslash [ICON]
[1735-1736] Vulpix & Ninetails [ICON]
[1737-1740 & 1812] Zubat, Golbat & Crobat [ICON]
[1741-1745 & 1826] Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume & Bellossom [ICON]
[1746-1747] Mankey & Primape [ICON]
[1776] Ditto [ICON]
[1783-1785] Articuno [ICON]
[1792-1793] Mewtwo [ICON]
[1795-1797] Chikorita, Bayleef & Meganium [ICON]
[1798-1800] Cyndaquil, Quilava & Typhlosion [ICON]
[1801-1803] Totodile, Croconaw & Feraligatr [ICON]
[1804-1805] Sentret & Furret [ICON]
[1806-1807] Hoothoot & Noctowl [ICON]
[1808-1809] Ledyba & Ledian [ICON]
[1810-1811] Spinarak & Ariados [ICON]
[1813-1814] Chinchou & Lantern [ICON]
[1817] Cleffa [ICON]
[1819-1820 & 2061-2062] Togepi, Togetic & Togekiss [ICON]
[1821-1822] Natu & Xatu [ICON]
[1823-1825] Mareep, Flaaffy & Ampharos [ICON]
[1827-1828] Marill & Azumarill [ICON]
[1832-1834] Hoppip, Skiploom & Jumpluff [ICON]
[1835 & 2008] Aipom & Ambipom [ICON]
[1836-1838] Sunkern & Sunflora [ICON]
[1840-1841] Wooper & Quagsire [ICON]
[1847] Wobbufett [ICON]
[1848] Girafarig [ICON]
[1849-1850] Pineco + Forretress [ICON]
[1851] Dunsparce [ICON]
[1853-1854] Snubbull & Granbull [ICON]
[1855] Qwilfish [ICON]
[1846 & 2015] Misdreavous & Mismagius [ICON]
[1857] Shuckle [ICON]
[1864-1865] Corsola [ICON]
[1879] Stantler [ICON]
[1880] Smeargle [ICON]
[1881 & 1766-1767 & 1882] Tyrogue, Himonlee, Hitomchan & Hitmontop [ICON]
[1883] Smoochum [ICON]
[1886] Blissey [ICON]
[1887] Raikou [ICON]
[1889] Celebi [ICON]
[1892] Entei [ICON]
[1893] Suicune [ICON]
[1894-1896] Larvitar, Pupitar & Tyranitar [ICON]
[1897] Lugia [ICON]
[1899] Ho-Oh [ICON]
[1900-1902] Treecko, Grovyle & Sceptile [ICON]
[1903-1905] Torchic, Combusken & Blaziken [ICON]
[1906-1908] Mudkip, Marshtomp & Swampert [ICON]
[1909-1910] Poochyena & Mightyena [ICON]
[1911-1914] Lotad, Lombre & Ludicolo [ICON]
[1915-1916] Wingull & Pelipper [ICON]
[1920-1921] Makuhita & Hariyama [ICON]
[1922] Sabelye [ICON]
[1923-1925] Aron, Lairon & Aggron [ICON]
[1926-1927] Electrike & Manetric [ICON]
[1929-1931] Carvanha & Sharpedo [ICON]
[1932-1933] Numel & Camerupt [ICON]
[1934-1935] Baltoy & Claydol [ICON]
[1936-1937] Anorith & Armaldo [ICON]
[1940 & 2020] Chingling & Chimeco [ICON]
[1941] Absol [ICON]
[1942-1944] Spheal, Sealeo & Walrein [ICON]
[1948] Relicanth [ICON]
[1949] Luvdisc [ICON]
[1950-1952] Bagon, Shelgon & Salamence [ICON]
[1953-1955] Beldum, Metang & Metagross [ICON]
[1956-1958] Latias [ICON]
[1959-1961] Latios [ICON]
[1962-1965] Deoxys [ICON]
[1966-1969] Turtwig, Grotle & Torterra [ICON]
[1970-1972] Chimchar, Monferno & Infernape [ICON]
[1973-1975] Piplup, Prinplup & Empoleon [ICON]
[1976-1981] Starly, Staravia & Staraptor [ICON]
[1982-1983] Bidoof & Bibarel [ICON]
[1984-1985] Kricketot & Kricketune [ICON]
[1986-1988] Shinx, Luxio & Luxray [ICON]
[1992-1993] Cranidos & Ramparados [ICON]
[1994-1995] Shieldon & Bastiodon [ICON]
[1996] Mothim [ICON]
[1997-1998] Combee & Vespiqueen [ICON]
[1999] Pachirisu [ICON]
[2000-2001] Buizel & Floatzel [ICON]
[2002-2004] Cherubi & Cherrim [ICON]
[2005-2007] Shellos & Gastrodon [ICON]
[2009-2012] Drifloon & Driftblim [ICON]
[2013-2014] Buneary & Lopunny [ICON]
[2018-2019] Glameow & Purugly [ICON]
[2021-2022] Stunky & Skuntank [ICON]
[2023-2026] Bronzor & Bronzong [ICON]
[2030-2031] Chatot [ICON]
[2032-2034] Gible, Gabite & Garchomp [ICON]
[2035] Munchlax [ICON]
[2057] Rhypherior [ICON]
[2080] Giratina [ICON]
[2082-2084] Shaymin [ICON]
[2085-2086] Arceus [ICON]
[1694-1710] Hero [ICON]
[1715-1716] Ukulele Pichu [ICON]
[2143, 2090-2091] NPCs 1 [ICON]
[2092-2094] NPCs 2 [ICON]
[2095-2097] NPCs 3 [ICON]
[2098-2100] NPCs 4 [ICON]
[2101-2103] NPCs 5 [ICON]
[2104-2106] NPCs 6 [ICON]
[2107-2109] NPCs 7 [ICON]
[2110] Knight [ICON]
[2111, 2113 & 2115] NPCs 8 [ICON]
[2112] Old Man [ICON]
[2114] Ranger1 [ICON]
[2116] Scientist [ICON]
[2118-2119] Ranger 2 [ICON]
[2120] Red Coat [ICON]
[2462-2468] Cave Doors [ICON]

Thanked by: Ton, Superliger, Kich
Awesome! I can't wait to see these rips
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
Thanked by: geffi

Yup, here's the first of the rips. Now you're probably thinking, wait, such a small sheet? The simple answer is yes. Until the American version of the game comes out we're single sheeting the NPCs and will condense them when we know their affiliations and groups, which we can learn from the American version.

Enjoy, lots more soon!


Ranger Dex:
[R-???][2085-2086] Arceus [ICON]
[R-057][1889] Celebi [ICON]

Arceus' Ranger Number is currently unknown, it's available via Wi-Fi quest.
Thanked by:
I realized it's a bit sheet hunty that I put one NPC to a page, so I decided to do three to a page until the American Game comes out. Enjoy these new sprites!

Ranger Dex:
[R-???][2080] Giratina [ICON]

[2143, 2090-2091] NPCs 1 [ICON]
[2092-2094] NPCs 2 [ICON]
[2095-2097] NPCs 3 [ICON]
[R-301][1897] Lugia [ICON]

Had to upload with shack, image was too big.
Thanked by:
[R-170-172] [1795-1797] Chikorita, Bayleef & Meganium [ICON]
[R-031-032][1806-1807] Hoothoot & Noctowl [ICON]
Thanked by:
Here are my first lot of the rips, I plan to do loads more. I would just like to thank Barubary, because without his help I would not be posting this.

If you have a request for any particular sprite you would like me to rip I shall definitely rip them for you.

Ranger Dex:
[R-001-003][1725-1730] Pidgey, Pidgeotto & Pidgeot [ICON]
[R-109][1857] Corsola [ICON]
[R-109][1857] Shuckle [ICON]
[R-291] Ditto [ICON]
[R-293][1792-1793] Mewtwo [ICON]
[???] Shaymin [ICON]
[2098-2100] NPCs 4 [ICON]

[2462-2468] Cave Doors [ICON]
Thanked by: Lemon
Updated main list. Don't save the NPC 4 Icon, I'll re-do it later to fit in with the other NPC icons.
Thanked by:
[R-157-159][1798-1800] Cyndaquil, Quilava & Typhlosion [ICON]
Thanked by:
Good stuff!
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by: Lemon
Wow, this is going quickly. Do we have a section icon for it yet?
[Image: b1.php?u=39480955]
Quote:You had wasted MY LIFE... waiting for just a goddamn bunnelby model.
-The prestigious Farlavor
Thanked by:
Wow, awesome rips! I had no idea Mewtwo or Lugia were in this, or that they would look so good

Keep up the good work!
[Image: smugnificent.gif]
[Image: GiantPKMN4.gif]
Thanked by: Lemon
A.J. Nitro: Thank you so much Big Grin
Tonberry2k: I am going to make one shortly Smile and thanks
JoshR691: Thanks, that means a lot coming from you Tongue
Thanked by:
Great job on these rips! This is getting a lot done pretty quick, so it shows how hard you are working.
I'm very happy to see so much legendary stuff ripped already too.
Can't wait for more! Keep up the good work!
Thanked by: Lemon
Did you forget to add Ho-oh to the first post or did you just put his name there for the future?
[Image: 27348983yu7.png]
Thanked by:
PT has already started him. I've been adding them unlinked as soon as we start them just so you can see what's coming up.
[2098-2100] NPCs 4 [ICON]
[2101-2103] NPCs 5 [ICON]

NPCs 5 + the icon for NPCs 4.
Thanked by:

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