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Pokémon Black & White (be warned: spoilers)
(07-24-2010, 03:11 PM)Keychain Wrote: Flaffy alt evo? Oh god no.


why would they do that if mareep and flaffy are both electric and this one is clearly not?? it doesn't make any sense. as kat said, just because it's a sheep, it doesn't mean that it's part of mareep's evolution line

eh, i don't like this sheep pokemon much, but that other one seems promising to be a kickass pokemon.

literally, because it seems to be a fighting-type, get it??? ahaha!!!!
Thanked by: Helmo, Maxpphire, Gwen
(07-24-2010, 04:15 PM)Track Eleven Wrote: shut the fuck up and go back to trying to shove ambipoms or whatever the fuck they're called up your ass

they look fine

why are you so mad?

when i said flaffy alt evo i said in reference to them being sheep, nothing else. and honestly, the sheep one looks pretty ugly. i like the one below it however
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that bottom one will probably be a yanmega evo or something
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Rökkan
i doubt that.

I think it's based on the "young grasshopper" thing in all those kungfu movies
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is it opposite day today?? the sheep is gorgeous the grasshoper ninja is butt ugly. i mean he looks p. cool but he is ugly as fuck (also i dont like pokemon wiith clothes/hair of sorts or alluding to hair/clothes, for example machamps speedo or the grasshoppers sandals and socks)
[Image: ZJO1oF0.gif]
You guys got trolled.

Those images are fake, bunch of guys over 2ch made a thread and even did a work in progress, plus it's 2 weeks too early for corocoro to leak. What gave it away for me was that they reused the chiramii vs wargle and kibago vs munna pic. These guys were clever and the pokemon did look nice though, if only they waited a bit longer and not make it so obvious.

Also some of the previous posts made me dissapoint, cussin' and arguin over silly stuff like this.
That pokedex number, WHAT A TWEEST.
Thanked by: Shawn, Maxpphire, Gwen
Bulbagarden calls it "Victini" like Victory.

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[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Aw, i wanted a team of them. Plan ruined.
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(07-24-2010, 07:40 PM)Koopaul Wrote: Bulbagarden calls it "Victini" like Victory.

Yeah that's it translated, bikutini is the romanization, since japan also does the v/b thing like in spanish, so they pronouce victini BIKUTEENEE.
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Aww, they made one of my favorite reveals a legendary. ): Oh well.
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Whether it's a legendary or not doesn't matter (it is), all that matters is whether its good, or you like using it, or both.

Also, apparently;
There are a few things that Serebii didn't mention:
Rankurusu gets Psywave, not Psybeam
Rankurusu gets Dizzy Punch
Gochiruzeru gets Faint Attack
Chiiramii gets Swift and Wake Up Slap
Piggie bacon gets Take Down

[Image: 2003-02-20.gif]
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the thing I most dislike about legendaries (other than a couple of there designs) is there uniqeness
for example two people using mewtwo in the same battle. isn't mewtwo one of a kind? but two people are using it against each other
kinda ruins the mood of the battle and the reality of the games for me
that being said, theres only a few pokemon that have not been proven to contain more than one in that species
the emotion trio
and if you don't count the anime
and we know there is only one mewtwo
and this is assuming that the bird trio and regi trio in platinum and the best trio in colluseam and frlg are not the same specimens as the ones from there original game
Thanked by: Sengir, Baegal
Wouldn't it kinda suck more if they only gave one of the legendaries away to one person...?
[Image: 2003-02-20.gif]
Thanked by: Maxpphire, Gwen
Also whoever uses legendaries to fight with anyway is a total tool. idgas what your thoughts on my though is.
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Thanked by: Baegal

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