Nice stats on Woppet.
I was thinking though, for the boss enemies, they would actually be upgraded versions of regular enemies. (ie : Lexou flies around the room in an 8 pattern, shooting lighting bolts straight down or at 45°), and different flashing colors sounds cool.
Also, the bosses being x2 would be cool.
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all right i'm the hardest enemy
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(12-06-2010, 11:48 AM)Lexou Wrote: Nice stats on Woppet.
I was thinking though, for the boss enemies, they would actually be upgraded versions of regular enemies. (ie : Lexou flies around the room in an 8 pattern, shooting lighting bolts straight down or at 45°), and different flashing colors sounds cool.
Also, the bosses being x2 would be cool.
While different patterns for different bosses would be cool, I feel like it would detract from the charming simplicity of the game. I feel like interchangable patterns that swap different characters into them keeps the simplicity intact, but the most simplistic method is, of course, no bosses at all.
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StarSock64 is very much a -she- unhoming character
but cool beans my floating socks are ready to hop around
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(12-06-2010, 03:26 AM)John Hale Wrote: Ugh. I'm running into some glitches that are hard to solve in Game Maker. I'll try to get them resolved, but if, by the end of the week, I'm unable to solve them, I think I might just switch to XNA. We'll see.
How could it be any easier if you switched to xna...? whats the problem?
It's collision stuff. The GM collisions I've been using (place_meeting and such) don't really check which directions you're colliding from, meaning that my check for whether the player is on the ground or not (place_meeting(x, y + 1, par_block)) will mess up when the player is in the air next to a moving wall. In other words, it all works pretty nicely when the blocks aren't moving, but since I have scrolling set up to move all the objects, it gets messed up.
I had scrolling set up that way since I don't want to have to move the view (that could lead to the x variable to eventually overflow, since the game is an infinite scroller).
I'm trying a variety of different things to fix this, though. I just mentioned switching to XNA because, at least I'd be able to code everything myself. And it would give me an excuse to do something I can maybe put in my portfolio (which means I might eventually switch anyway).
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Try looking at ace's zero engine on the gmc. It's got some good collision detection stuff in it.
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I didn't read viperharks but he obviously stalks sol until you kill him right
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gorsal, it's
Love it, and I was listening to it on my itunes and had it on shuffle. It transitions perfectly into Murder Sermons by Whitel Chapel.
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