How's it goin fellas? I decided to reboot Project Nexgen once more, this time in written form. The project was actually a long time in the making. I was playing video games since I was in first grade, but I never seriously got into it until right around the time the N64 came out. By that time I was a true-blue Nintendo fan for life. My devotion went so far that I eventually started making Mario-themed fanart, and after that, fancomics. Just little four-panel strips with plots that I would rip off of the funnies in the newspaper, but soon I evolved from that as well. At age 11, I made my first Mario fanfic starring my favorite character Toad, a basic boy-meets-dog tale with the dog played by Poochy from Yoshi's Island. I also used characters from other Nintendo games (K. Rool was the villain of the tale.) When Pokemon R/B came out for the Game Boy, Poochie was replaced by Pikachu, and that's when it started to evolve into the epic it is today. In this incarnation, I try to explore a scenario that may happen in the Mushroom World. For decades the Mario Bros. were the Mushroom Kingdom's strongest line of defense against evil, but they can't do it forever. What would happen if they were suddenly gone, perhaps for good? How will the world react? Will anyone stand up to take their place? What if a new evil force cast its shadow onto the good people of the MK, one with more ambitious plans than simply captutring princesses? Here's my idea of what would happen. C&C much appreciated.
Super Mario Bros. Nexgen
World 1-1 8 Years Later
In a small coastal town in the Mushroom Kingdom, there lived a Toad and a Yoshi, who were friends since infancy. The Toad was named Kino and the Yoshi was named Gunpei, or Gun for short. They were at the park one day, getting some fresh air. Eight years have passed since peace was restored to the kingdom. The princess was safe, and the Koopas were defeated once and for all, but in doing so the kingdom's heroes, the Mario Bros., allegedly sacrificed their lives. Kino's parents also dissapeared as a result of this war and he was looked after by his grandfather ever since. The spot at which Kino and Gun were hanging out had a good view of the unusual city of Flotsam Beach. Fifty years ago, Flotsam Beach was almost destroyed by a large hurricane. The entire town was submerged in at least five feet of water, but instead of evacuating, the people decided to rebuild the city atop the old one. miles of bridges, walkways, and railways connected to special buildings and houses that hung from large cables with powerful electromagnets. These cables were connected to the old city's existing skyscrapers. The park where Kino and Gun were at was situated on the roof of one of these old buildings.
"And he was just sitting on the train with his boombox, flailing around like a man possesed!" raved Kino.
"Are you kidding me, man?" said Gun in bewilderment.
"That's what I was thinking!" exclaimed Kino. "How do you headbang to Pink Floyd anyway?"
These were the kind of dull, mundane moments Kino and Gun cherished the most, for they understood that a true friendship is measured not in minutes, but in moments. At midday they decided to get some lunch, and the two friends were so engrossed in their converstion that they failed to notice a dark shadow emerging from a nearby thicket. It bolted out at lightning speed, and Kino was none the wiser until it was too late. The shaded figure slammed against his back, muttered an apology, and continued along its desparate path. As Kino recovered and Gun helped him back up, Kino realized that his wallet was now missing. That creature must have taken it!
Kino was not happy. "Who does that jerk think he is?"
Gun was a little more optimistic. "Hop aboard, dude, the Yoshi Express will catch us up in no time!"
Kino obliged, knowing that Gun was a lot faster than he was. Kino usually got better grades, but when it came to physical matters, Gun had him beat. They were gaining on the creature, but neither of them seemed to be able to get a good look at it. It ran to the edge of the roof, glanced back at its pursuers, and lept onto a passing freight train.
"Bad news, bro!" said Gun. "We won't be able to catch up. Train's movin' too fast!"
Kino just then had an idea. "If you throw me onto the train, maybe I can catch it."
"I can do that, but are you sure you can do this on your own?" asked Gun.
"No crook's gonna wipe the floor with the likes of me!" said Kino. "Now let's do this!"
"Alright, dude, hold still..."
Gun launched out his tongue, which could extend to about eight times his body length, wrapped it around Kino, and with one swift motion flung him toward the train. Kino made it aboard just as the last car was passing by. He ran toward the front, without the faintest idea of what to expect. Soon he made his way to the engine car, where the shady figure was waiting. Kino clenched his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.
"You have... nowhere left... to run!" he shouted. "Now give back my--"
Kino was in a state of shock as he caught first glance at the thief. It looked to be an antropomorphic version of a Pikachu, and appeared to be female. She had a slender, athletic build, and was taller than Kino, but not as tall as Gun. She had golden yellow fur, but also had bright brown hair that stuck out in the sides and had a single large bang that covered her left eye completely. She wore a light blue t-shirt with a white and blue striped long-sleeve shirt underneath, a blue skirt, thigh-high stockings that matched her long sleeves, and a pair of light blue sneakers with the tops folded down. The t-shirt had a red number "25" on it. Rather fashionable for a she-beast.
"W-WHAT ARE YOU?" Kino cried out.
After the beast stared at him for a moment, she simply blurted out, "Ha! You blinked! I win, Pika!"
What was this creature? Kino thought to himself. She sorta looks like that electric Pokemon I learned about in Biology class last week. Dr. Zhou swore up and down that it was a Mouse Pokemon, though it reminds me more of a rabbit...
"How much longer are you gonna stand there?" said the beast, hands on her hips. "Weren'tcha gonna try to take back your coins, Pika?" after saying that, she lunged at Kino. "Well if you're not gonna start this fight, then I will!"
She kicked at Kino, aiming for his crotch. Kino jumped back to dodge the underhanded assult. "Nice try!" He did a sweep, knocking her off of her other leg, causing her to fall flat on her back. "You'll never beat me with those kindergarten karate skills!" Kino lept at the beast, fist in the air, poised for the finishing blow, when suddenly she disappeared. Kino looked around, wondering where she went, then felt a hand on his back. "Nice try, Pika!
" The Pikagirl used Thundershock on Kino.
"AAAUUUGHHAAA!!!" Kino could feel the current coarsing through his veins, seizing up his muscles, cracking his bones. This was an agony the likes of which he never experienced before. The attack left him still quivering, unable to move, every breath like swallowing broken glass. "W-what did yyou do t-t-to me?" he stammered, his consciousness failing. "I paralyzed ya. Don't worry, it'll wear off in a little while, Pika, but if we were real enemies, you would be pizza topping by now!" She jabbed her finger at him with a smug look on her face. "You're obviously not ready to fight the bad guys yet, Pika." "B-bad guys? W-what're you--"
Suddenly a greenish blur swooped down and knocked the beast back a few yards and flat on her back. She now had a large wound on her belly and blood was seeping out of her mouth. She looked at her attacker -- it was Gun.
"The only bad guy I see around here IS YOU!" barked Gun, giving her a finger jab of his own.
Slowly the she-beast got back on her feet. "Fine, Pika, don't take my word for it." Her face became stern. "You'll find out one way or another, Pika, and this time no crusty, middle-aged, mustachioed plumbers will be here to pull your candy asses out of the fire!"
"Sez you, you freak!" shouted Gun as he rushed in for another attack. The Pikagirl used Quick Attack, teleporting behind Gun and delivering a swift roundhouse kick to the back of his head, sending him sprawling.
"We'll meet again, losers. Try not to die before then! Pika Pika Pika!" she taunted as she teleported off the train with Agility.
Kino was knocked out, but Gun still had stamina enough to get up and notice, right where the girl disappeared, that she left Kino's wallet.
"Who is this chick?" said Gun, not expecting an answer anytime soon.
To be continued...
Super Mario Bros. Nexgen
World 1-1 8 Years Later
In a small coastal town in the Mushroom Kingdom, there lived a Toad and a Yoshi, who were friends since infancy. The Toad was named Kino and the Yoshi was named Gunpei, or Gun for short. They were at the park one day, getting some fresh air. Eight years have passed since peace was restored to the kingdom. The princess was safe, and the Koopas were defeated once and for all, but in doing so the kingdom's heroes, the Mario Bros., allegedly sacrificed their lives. Kino's parents also dissapeared as a result of this war and he was looked after by his grandfather ever since. The spot at which Kino and Gun were hanging out had a good view of the unusual city of Flotsam Beach. Fifty years ago, Flotsam Beach was almost destroyed by a large hurricane. The entire town was submerged in at least five feet of water, but instead of evacuating, the people decided to rebuild the city atop the old one. miles of bridges, walkways, and railways connected to special buildings and houses that hung from large cables with powerful electromagnets. These cables were connected to the old city's existing skyscrapers. The park where Kino and Gun were at was situated on the roof of one of these old buildings.
"And he was just sitting on the train with his boombox, flailing around like a man possesed!" raved Kino.
"Are you kidding me, man?" said Gun in bewilderment.
"That's what I was thinking!" exclaimed Kino. "How do you headbang to Pink Floyd anyway?"
These were the kind of dull, mundane moments Kino and Gun cherished the most, for they understood that a true friendship is measured not in minutes, but in moments. At midday they decided to get some lunch, and the two friends were so engrossed in their converstion that they failed to notice a dark shadow emerging from a nearby thicket. It bolted out at lightning speed, and Kino was none the wiser until it was too late. The shaded figure slammed against his back, muttered an apology, and continued along its desparate path. As Kino recovered and Gun helped him back up, Kino realized that his wallet was now missing. That creature must have taken it!
Kino was not happy. "Who does that jerk think he is?"
Gun was a little more optimistic. "Hop aboard, dude, the Yoshi Express will catch us up in no time!"
Kino obliged, knowing that Gun was a lot faster than he was. Kino usually got better grades, but when it came to physical matters, Gun had him beat. They were gaining on the creature, but neither of them seemed to be able to get a good look at it. It ran to the edge of the roof, glanced back at its pursuers, and lept onto a passing freight train.
"Bad news, bro!" said Gun. "We won't be able to catch up. Train's movin' too fast!"
Kino just then had an idea. "If you throw me onto the train, maybe I can catch it."
"I can do that, but are you sure you can do this on your own?" asked Gun.
"No crook's gonna wipe the floor with the likes of me!" said Kino. "Now let's do this!"
"Alright, dude, hold still..."
Gun launched out his tongue, which could extend to about eight times his body length, wrapped it around Kino, and with one swift motion flung him toward the train. Kino made it aboard just as the last car was passing by. He ran toward the front, without the faintest idea of what to expect. Soon he made his way to the engine car, where the shady figure was waiting. Kino clenched his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.
"You have... nowhere left... to run!" he shouted. "Now give back my--"
Kino was in a state of shock as he caught first glance at the thief. It looked to be an antropomorphic version of a Pikachu, and appeared to be female. She had a slender, athletic build, and was taller than Kino, but not as tall as Gun. She had golden yellow fur, but also had bright brown hair that stuck out in the sides and had a single large bang that covered her left eye completely. She wore a light blue t-shirt with a white and blue striped long-sleeve shirt underneath, a blue skirt, thigh-high stockings that matched her long sleeves, and a pair of light blue sneakers with the tops folded down. The t-shirt had a red number "25" on it. Rather fashionable for a she-beast.
"W-WHAT ARE YOU?" Kino cried out.
After the beast stared at him for a moment, she simply blurted out, "Ha! You blinked! I win, Pika!"
What was this creature? Kino thought to himself. She sorta looks like that electric Pokemon I learned about in Biology class last week. Dr. Zhou swore up and down that it was a Mouse Pokemon, though it reminds me more of a rabbit...
"How much longer are you gonna stand there?" said the beast, hands on her hips. "Weren'tcha gonna try to take back your coins, Pika?" after saying that, she lunged at Kino. "Well if you're not gonna start this fight, then I will!"
She kicked at Kino, aiming for his crotch. Kino jumped back to dodge the underhanded assult. "Nice try!" He did a sweep, knocking her off of her other leg, causing her to fall flat on her back. "You'll never beat me with those kindergarten karate skills!" Kino lept at the beast, fist in the air, poised for the finishing blow, when suddenly she disappeared. Kino looked around, wondering where she went, then felt a hand on his back. "Nice try, Pika!

"AAAUUUGHHAAA!!!" Kino could feel the current coarsing through his veins, seizing up his muscles, cracking his bones. This was an agony the likes of which he never experienced before. The attack left him still quivering, unable to move, every breath like swallowing broken glass. "W-what did yyou do t-t-to me?" he stammered, his consciousness failing. "I paralyzed ya. Don't worry, it'll wear off in a little while, Pika, but if we were real enemies, you would be pizza topping by now!" She jabbed her finger at him with a smug look on her face. "You're obviously not ready to fight the bad guys yet, Pika." "B-bad guys? W-what're you--"
Suddenly a greenish blur swooped down and knocked the beast back a few yards and flat on her back. She now had a large wound on her belly and blood was seeping out of her mouth. She looked at her attacker -- it was Gun.
"The only bad guy I see around here IS YOU!" barked Gun, giving her a finger jab of his own.
Slowly the she-beast got back on her feet. "Fine, Pika, don't take my word for it." Her face became stern. "You'll find out one way or another, Pika, and this time no crusty, middle-aged, mustachioed plumbers will be here to pull your candy asses out of the fire!"
"Sez you, you freak!" shouted Gun as he rushed in for another attack. The Pikagirl used Quick Attack, teleporting behind Gun and delivering a swift roundhouse kick to the back of his head, sending him sprawling.
"We'll meet again, losers. Try not to die before then! Pika Pika Pika!" she taunted as she teleported off the train with Agility.
Kino was knocked out, but Gun still had stamina enough to get up and notice, right where the girl disappeared, that she left Kino's wallet.
"Who is this chick?" said Gun, not expecting an answer anytime soon.
To be continued...