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So, um, there's 3 games on the Lords of Shadow franchise now? (2 PS3 and the 3DS one).

ooo, rip old castlevania? too soon? )':

I have yet to play my Lords of Shadow, but I'm pretty sure it has a completely different feel from the other ones, which is cool, but hey don't kill the other one.

Konami has been giving all this big name games to other companies like Silent Hill and Castlevania. What's next, Metal Gear? (Oh wait)

At least Gradius is still safe. I think. I don't know, it's been forever since a proprer Gradius, I'm not sure.

(06-01-2012, 02:39 PM)Meta Wrote: seaman was an horrible game.

I was deadly afraid of Seaman when I was younger and saw it on a magazine. I mean, I'm still kinda terrified by the concept to this day. Fish with man faces that talk with you on a really dark and eerie aquarium? No thanks.
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(06-01-2012, 02:39 PM)Meta Wrote: seaman was an horrible game.

Yep. Still want a second one though. Sometimes you just want a human faced fish to talk to you about porn.

And Gradius V was made by Treasure.

Konami has been going downhill big time lately, I'm really not sure what they're doing. I mean how do you mess up Silient Hill HD that badly? Although I think Jim Sterling is a dick his Jimquistion thing on Konami was bang on the mark.
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(06-01-2012, 02:50 PM)Maidsukki Wrote: Konami has been giving all this big name games to other companies like Silent Hill and Castlevania. What's next, Metal Gear? (Oh wait)

Konami handing over the development of Metal Gear Rising to Platinum Games is the best thing that could've happened to it, considering: 1. It was going to be cancelled otherwise because Konami was having trouble developing it themselves, and 2. Platinum Games is an incredible development studio. Definitely not something to be complaining about when it means a better end product, especially considering Kojima Productions are still the ones handling the plot and characters, and the only alternative was to have no game at all.
Thanked by: Dazz, Alpha Six, Gwen
The more you know~

I like Platinum Games <: Ok good, I still have to see the trailer, haven't seen it yet.
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I initially wasn't liking how Rising wasn't going to be the game between MGS2 and MGS4, especially since we'd miss out on Raiden's transformation between those two games (and especially how he became a total badass by 4). I felt as if it being a sequel to 4 would have been a bad move.

Then I saw the trailer, and oh my god I apologize for thinking so stupidly.

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i was thinking about that trailer today. i kinda came to the conclusion that Rising is probably going to follow the cinematic aproach of MGS4 and expand upon it. the whole thing is going to be an interactive "thriller".
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Just saw the Tomb Raider trailer. Psyched for it.
I never thought that sentence would exist.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
I'm still waiting for another demo of Zelda Wii U.
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Nintendo rely on gimmicks too much. I mean:
GCN - GBA link
Wii - Motion Control
3DS - 3D, AR
All of these are great but N seem to think their consoles will sell based solely on these. And how many games utilise them to the optimum outside the N games built specially to use them? Wii's MC became used mainly for menu selection if at all. There haven't been any major third party games using the MotionPlus yet.
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Hoping there's some news on a new F-Zero. Either on 3DS (which if it has online on par with MK7 would make a THIRD racing game I need to pick up for it) or Wii U (which I don't give a shit about online yet because HD F-ZERO PLEASE YES MAKE THIS HAPPEN)

Also needs to have the Captain Falcon Power Ballad that was in GX. I will accept no substitutes.

(I don't care if it's not technically a "power ballad" it's still awesome)
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
Thanked by: NICKtendo DS
(06-02-2012, 04:10 AM)Faeldspr Wrote: Nintendo rely on gimmicks too much. I mean:
GCN - GBA link
Wii - Motion Control
3DS - 3D, AR
All of these are great but N seem to think their consoles will sell based solely on these. And how many games utilise them to the optimum outside the N games built specially to use them? Wii's MC became used mainly for menu selection if at all. There haven't been any major third party games using the MotionPlus yet.

This is true, but the fact of the matter is that they do make their consoles unique compared to the other companies.

We all know that the PS3 and 360 are direct competition, but Wii was in a league of its own. A game released on the Wii wouldn't be the same as the version release on another console (for the most part) due to the mechanics of the machine.

And those gimmicks made the console sell very well, especially considering it was a pretty crap console. I mean in regards to power, of course, I'm sure people like the console. But there is no denying that the machine was lacking in the region of HD, next-gen gaming.

The Wii U has the tablet controls and motion controls. It is still going to be in a league of its own. I believe that the 360's next console will likely take a page from that book and do more with regards to Kinect funtionality - which is what concerns me.

I believe Sony won't change their attitude to gaming and continue using conventional gaming control. Because that will then make them sell to people who like that conventional means.

Each company is finding its own place in the gaming world, and that excites me a bit. It lets people buy the console based on what they want to get out of it.
Tsunami Bomb - The Simple Truth
We could run away
Leave behind anything paper
Not knowing where we're going to stay
When there's no Mondays

You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
When I'm in your arms, I feel safe from harm and sorrow too
You're part of me, it's so easy to see the simple truth
But most of all, nothing couldn't be solved when I'm with you
(06-02-2012, 04:02 AM)thegameexplorer Wrote: I'm still waiting for another demo of Zelda Wii U.

Umm... They'd need a first demo before they can have another. An before that, they'd need to announce the game in general.
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There has been a demo showing off the dynamic lighting
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That was a general WiiU tech demo, I think they said it's not part of an actual Zelda game.

I'm hoping they'll announce a (near) release date for Animal Crossing 3DS, that's all I want honestly.
Thanked by: StarSock64, ~DrakoRero~
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Reggie's face.

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