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[Image: BsTAFTrCQAAs2rp.png]

Been doing a lot of research on Web Application programming and happened to stumble on a few tools and libraries for developing web apps that I'm using and want to share. ;D

Three.js is a really cool javascript API to developing webGL applications. I'm using it on this site for that animated 3D background. If you know GLSL then it should be a breeze! Polymer is a new thing that was anounced in Google IO for developing expressive HTML5, and works similar to their previous tool, Angular. If you plan on doing web development, seriously check out Polymer!

@ThomasSpeedrunner - Try recording with OBS, fraps, or CamStudio. OBS is really stable, and you can even livestream with it. Looking good!

EDIT: Added a link to that cool 3D animation if anyone's interested. Just click the pretty picture. ;D
Thanked by: Vipershark, puggsoy
(07-12-2014, 01:12 PM)Mag Wrote: @ThomasSpeedrunner - Try recording with OBS, fraps, or CamStudio. OBS is really stable, and you can even livestream with it. Looking good!

Thanks. Also, Kega Fusion (the emulator I'm using) has a built-in AVI recording thing, but it has a specific codec that has to be installed, which doesn't seem to want to install for unknown reasons.
[Image: sig.gif]

I'm a Sonic hacker. 'Nuff said.


Custom Sprite Gallery (restarted on 7/6/2014)
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[Image: shrine.gif]
Anti-Vipershark Operation Pantsu Weapon - By Kistu-nii~ Cute

Thanked by: TheShyGuy, puggsoy, Virt, IndyGo, Mag
You've got us at the edge of our seats~ But looking at that screenie, there's some things that bug me.

-Neither the trees or fenceposts are casting shadows, so it looks like they're just floating over everything.
-The pink girl is blending in with the dirt, since she doesn't have a good outline like the green guy does.

Also, anyone think a thread dedicated to people posting screenshots/videos/demos of their cancelled game projects is a good idea? I feel like it could go a long way in giving them motivation to start a new one, or maybe even pick up the old one, if they just showed what could have been. And if not, it'd at least let them show off some of what they're capable of doing.

For example, here's a fangame I was working on with a friend some years ago, The Legend of Zelda: The Pearl of Darkness. I was the programmer and graphics artist, and he made the maps, wrote the dialogue and composed the music.
[Image: tamerkoh.gif?9][Image: DevBanner.png][Image: Youtube.gif]DLBROOKS33
Thanked by: Mag, TheShyGuy
[Image: Bsy87l1CUAEpW3O.png]

I just ported one of the old games I made to HTML5, it's like a sandbox game where you drop some guys and they mess around with each other. Just click left and right at random for some random shenanigans. Click the picture for the link.

Ported this guy over to webGL with Three.js. Come check out the source here! Edit: Also ported it to Pixi.js to see the performance difference. It's pretty big.

@Kami - Looking good!

@ThomasSpeedrunner - That tends to be the case with recording programs, these random codec issues. OBS doesn't have that, and records anything, your screen, a game, whatever. Tested it with Dark Souls 2, The Walking Dead, and Desktop, all perfect.

EDIT: @Koh - Looks like we were both writing a reply at the same time! xD
That fan game looks really great! The animations are clean and the sounds are awesome!
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Since I don't think the drunk thread survived the VGRed Wedding of July, the only placebo have to put this great idea is here, considering tonight I'm starting on this shit. (I had to drown my sorrows tonight, fuck you John Cena)

So, tell me if this is a great idea or what. I take all of the popular guys from old school arcades (PacMan, DK, Dig Dug, Jumpman and put them all into some street fighter styled fighting game. Don't release any info until this shit is almost complete, and then I completely advertise the shit out of it. Post it on reddit, gameplay on YouTube, send demos to whomever streams games, whatever I can do. Get enough buzz Im a few days (this shit will catch on if if looks nice. Everyone loves fighting games and stroking nostalgia boners.) and get it big. Enough following for whatever tourneys I can get it into, get a cult following. Get it big, and then "cut all ties" with it when the cease and desist letters start coming in. Make sure a torrent is on pirate bay before hand. Don't charge anything for the game so I can go on without being c+d'd longer and help out with the impending legal shit. Clean my hands of it to avoid getting sued, and there's a following large enough to where it's sustainable and new people can get it from PB.

No lawsuits because I dip out early. Good idea or what?

Everyone's based on the cabinet art. We got two legged red eyes PacMan and handsome as fuck chinned Jumpman. Everyone wins
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
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(07-20-2014, 11:20 PM)Sportoise Wrote: Since I don't think the drunk thread survived the VGRed Wedding of July, the only placebo have to put this great idea is here, considering tonight I'm starting on this shit. (I had to drown my sorrows tonight, fuck you John Cena)

So, tell me if this is a great idea or what. I take all of the popular guys from old school arcades (PacMan, DK, Dig Dug, Jumpman and put them all into some street fighter styled fighting game. Don't release any info until this shit is almost complete, and then I completely advertise the shit out of it. Post it on reddit, gameplay on YouTube, send demos to whomever streams games, whatever I can do. Get enough buzz Im a few days (this shit will catch on if if looks nice. Everyone loves fighting games and stroking nostalgia boners.) and get it big. Enough following for whatever tourneys I can get it into, get a cult following. Get it big, and then "cut all ties" with it when the cease and desist letters start coming in. Make sure a torrent is on pirate bay before hand. Don't charge anything for the game so I can go on without being c+d'd longer and help out with the impending legal shit. Clean my hands of it to avoid getting sued, and there's a following large enough to where it's sustainable and new people can get it from PB.

No lawsuits because I dip out early. Good idea or what?

Everyone's based on the cabinet art. We got two legged red eyes PacMan and handsome as fuck chinned Jumpman. Everyone wins

The drunk posting wasn't a good idea, and I'm not sure anyone really cares how you plan to dodge theoretical legal trouble. Otherwise, it sounds like a pretty cool concept that could be executed well enough, although I don't think this is the right thread to post it in? Maybe? I dunno. I always thought this was a "Post your WIP game dev things here!" rather than an idea place, but it could be allowed for all I know! Ah, thanks for clearing that up, Vipershark Smile
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No, it's fine here. This is just general gamedev discussion.

Frankly I think the whole "nostalgia" craze is stupid, but if the actual game mechanics are good enough and the game is fun, I guess that could be used as an advantage to get more people into it.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Rystar, puggsoy, [robo9]
[Image: d9CIhLs.gif]

Torpedo Teds
[Image: Vb8vjwW.png][Image: uIrDfRP.png][Image: Jd3PZ8y.png][Image: BvmA5Pf.png][Image: 6L4ceD0.png][Image: LAKfOPp.png][Image: 10CGjip.png][Image: gEIdmj2.png]
Thanked by: Rystar, Rosencrantz
I love how how they shoot bubbles out of their propellers! That's an adorable little detail Genki ^_^
Thanked by: recme
(07-22-2014, 01:04 AM)Rystar Wrote: I love how how they shoot bubbles out of their propellers! That's an adorable little detail Genki ^_^

At least they are better than the regular smoke effect.

[Image: EwFAlGk.gif]

I had to fix a bit the speed of the torpedos to make them more accurate.
[Image: Vb8vjwW.png][Image: uIrDfRP.png][Image: Jd3PZ8y.png][Image: BvmA5Pf.png][Image: 6L4ceD0.png][Image: LAKfOPp.png][Image: 10CGjip.png][Image: gEIdmj2.png]
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[Image: Vb8vjwW.png][Image: uIrDfRP.png][Image: Jd3PZ8y.png][Image: BvmA5Pf.png][Image: 6L4ceD0.png][Image: LAKfOPp.png][Image: 10CGjip.png][Image: gEIdmj2.png]
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Hey guyys!

I decided to bury down any projects I had planned doing before due lack of skill and just get into learning game programming in general- So I picked up XNA Game Development 4.0 Program and also this book. Hope you can give me your support!

One thing though, when is the best time to stop studying start programming your own games?
[Image: fDWVIzn.png]
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Whenever you feel you can or want to I guess? I don't really know. I started "game programming" after reading Head First c# a few years ago. The book taught me alot relative to knowing nothing about programming beforehand. When I moved to XNA about a year later, after making a few terrible winform tools, I still had trouble. It was more not having enough experience with programming in general than understanding the c# language. So I guess you start whenever you feel you're ready.
Animations - MFGG TKO (scrapped) - tFR
[Image: QUmE6.gif]
"It feels that time is better spent on original creations" - Konjak
Focus on the performance, the idea, not the technical bits or details - Milt Kahl
Thanked by: IndyGo
Surprised you're going with XNA though. It's not that it's bad, but it's unsupported now, since Microsoft dropped support for it. I'd use something like Unity or whatever, which also uses C#.
[Image: tamerkoh.gif?9][Image: DevBanner.png][Image: Youtube.gif]DLBROOKS33
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