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What are you playing? c'mon, tell me punk!
(03-16-2015, 02:38 PM)TomGuycott Wrote: Finally got started on my copy of MH4, and I'm loving it a lot. It's a bit of a shock going back to a point when I don't have so much materials that I can make as much potions as I want, but that's also part of the fun.

Right now, for some reason, I want to make an armor set from the Kecha, because I love monkey-like things. Also his blade master set has a really cool helmet.

I'd love to play online with someone sometime, but keep in mind I might noob things up a bit. I'm more used to MH3 on the Wii U, so I'm bound to fumble around here and there. I'm also petering around with Blade master sets when I've spent the last year using the Kelbi Bow.

I'm on a fair bit, though don't know about time zones. Personally I'd go for the Angry Frog (Tet-something) armour as it's pretty damn good to say how killable that guy is.

As I'm not just starting G-Rank I'm pretty much invincible in Low Rank Quests so you could mess up big time and I really wouldn't care. My detail things are in the Gamer Name Thread. My game does seem to be deciding to disconnect fairly often lately though...
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Thanked by: TomGuycott
I took on the entire Pit of 100 trials just now. I had a rough time on several floors and I was thinking I wasn't going to make it (even with my improved skills in Paper Mario). Up until now, I cleared that entire pit probably once or twice with a good amount of difficulty. In fact, I had to go through a fair amount of Jelly Ultras and Life Shrooms in the past just to get to the bottom. For this new run, while I did have several Life Shrooms on hand, I only had Super Shrooms and Maple Syrups to keep Mario alive. It didn't help that Zess T. is unable to take the cookbook I have on hand at this point in the game, so Maple Supers are out of the question. When I made it to floor 90, I already used two or three of my Life Shroom at that point and I could have left the pit just like that. Instead of leaving and restocking like a smart person would have, I took a risk and went deeper into the pit.

The rest of it was not pretty. There were enemies that chewed up Mario and his partner's health like candy. I had to run away from some fights to gather my bearings and abuse a trick that allows me to restore Star Power and use Sweet Treat when its ready. A gang of Swampires sent Mario and his partner to the brink of death and even caused a partner (I think it was Goombella) to use a Life Shroom automatically. To add insult to injury, there was even a fight where an Amazy Dayzee took a pop shot at Mario and Flurry for 19 damage (if I didn't guard, Flurry would have used another Life Shroom at that point). When I finally cleared out floor 99, I wasn't sure if I would stand a ghost of a chance against the bony dragon. Despite that, I mustered up whatever courage I had and used a portion of the small pool of recover items I had left to restore most of my party to full health. After equipping my badges (including a Power Plus P and a Jumpman badge), I expected the worst as I went down that pipe to take on Bonetail, or die trying.

(02-27-2014, 07:31 PM)Gors Wrote: DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SUCK. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SHOW YOUR SUCKY ART. I think this needs to go noticed to everyone, because sucking is not failing. Sucking is part of the fun of learning and if you don't suck, then you won't own at pixelart

it's ok to suck, sucking is not bad, just try and aim to always do your best!
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Im done with all the normal robot masters and still have to get to Willy's castle in MM3, but for some reason I picked up the first Megaman and am trying it out. Loving the old chiptuny music that is waaaayyyy too..... err... beep/boop-ish??
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Anonymous Wrote:...the world is so much simpler if you just dont give a FUCK...
Thanked by: Garamonde
It was $20 off and I have some free time that's about to come up big time so I picked up CoD Advanced Warfare. It's like a more primitive Titanfall minus the Giant Mechs and with that brand of CoD feel to the game play. Maps are a mix of pretty good and bad and the jumping/boosting around is clunky but that's okay. I'm liking it more than Ghosts even though Ghost had some cool new weapons and maps, Advanced Warfare feels more familiar with it's gameplay style than Ghosts did. I'll definitely play it for awhile and with the ability to have guests I can see my friends and I doing that instead of swapping every match for Titanfall. However I still like Titanfall more. On the topic of the story, so far it's your average CoD story, albeit pretty cheesy (your friend's stuck arm just laying right by you as you're being pulled away in the opening mission and the whole Press () to pay respects but it's fun and that's what counts for me.
[Image: b6Bqjzn.gif]
Thanked by: Sevenstitch
Maybe I'm a giant baby for never, ever wanting to touch a CoD game, but I have to admit, while the gameplay seems pretty static and the graphics fairly ehh, the music in those games is just amazing

David Wise (composer of DKC) actually said in an interview that he was a fan of the CoD musical score.
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! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! refs
shoutouts to cutesu for the new av!
Thanked by: Sevenstitch
I got rid of my copy of AW a few weeks ago. The movement, while pretty fun to use, killed all sense of map flow and zone control for me. There are so many moments where you spawn in just to be immediately killed by an enemy that was literately moments ago on the exact opposite of the map. The movement mechanics and new vertical nature of the mechanics doesn't improve map flow, it actually deters standard COD level methodology, forcing me to ignore ground routes for "jump here, jump there" routes that just confuse and over complicate things for me.

More over and most importantly, I just wasn't having fun with AW, and my friends and family didn't even have any interest in local multiplayer, so there was just no reason for me to punish myself with it any longer.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but I just can't keep up. I'm probably just a big ol Black Ops Baby when it comes right down to it.

As for those people that like FPS games, but dislike COD in general, it really is just a taste thing, and when I used to play MW2 And Black Ops a lot, it was on the couch with my brother or friends, swapping the controller, laughing and poking fun whenever someone would mess up or something crazy would happen. I feel like the serious "pro bro" attitude surrounding COD in general really hurts a pretty solid, if not arguably repetitive, series of games that really deserve less flak than what they get.
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Nothing that's come out since Black Ops has surpassed it I feel, I really loved that one and played it well into other CoD games.
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Thanked by: Sevenstitch
been replaying quake 2, still love it, althoug it feels a lot shorter now
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i have started replaying fire emblem awakening, this time, on hard+classic instead of normal+casual. so far, ive been learning how to play strategically and make the best out of my characters. who knows, maybe ill replay this again on lunatic mode!
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Bought Mario Party 10 today, it's been awhile since I've played a Mario Party game so I was pretty excited. Did a quick solo play through just to see what it was like and I can't say I like that everybody moves along together. I liked people taking their own routes and stuff across the board, now it's just everybody on a tram and that's kind of lame. Minigames are pretty fun though and being able to play as Bowser is pretty cool too. Wish you could use the gamepad for something other than Bowser though, although my only reason to feel that way is because until next month I won't have enough controllers for all the peeps I want to play this with heh.
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Last week or so, I've been replaying some of my favourite N64 games from start to finish. Trying to 100% them (and finding out new secrets in the game I didn't know as a child like how to get into that building in Ganbare Goemon 64 2).
Other than that, just some random newer games like Hyrule Warriors or something.
Last game I played today was Phantasy Star Online 2, though.
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Yeah, I really want to try out Mario Party 10, but the whole car thing sort of turns me away. Mini-games every turn is where the party's at... right?
Bowser Party does seem sweet though. Maybe I'll get to play with friends if someone has it someday and use my Bowser amiibo for something other than just looking good.

Among wanting to play through Persona 4 on PS2 tonight, I've been working on Smash Wii U challenges. I have two left... Classic on 9.0 without losing a life, which I plan on using a custom Bowser for, and destroying 50,000 blocks on Trophy Rush. What a pain. Then it's on to the 3Ds version...
Thanked by: recme
Honestly with how much of a giant penis some people were in past Mario Party games (aka my older brother) the cart is a good thing in my books. Makes it more about having fun and less about how much of a dick you can be.

As for me, man, haven't had much time lately. Have barely touched Monster Hunter these last couple of weeks, mostly just playing an hour or so of OlliOlli 2 before bed.
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Finally, FINALLY got all the fucking custom moves in both versions of Smash Bros.

I sincerely hate whomever had the idea to make it so you can get duplicates you can't trade or sell. Especially with Trophies since I have them all I shouldn't need any more stop giving me more video game
[Image: StickerStageItems.png]
Check out this review blog thing I do! Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 for Nintendo Switch was the latest review!
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Would definitely be nice to sell trophies. Then again, duplicates are usually the common ones, so they probably wouldn't go for much.

I finally beat Classic on 9.0 without dying - with walk offs, 'intruder alerts', and cheap items it's a fucking lottery. So between grinding blocks on Trophy Rush, I'm moving onto 3DS now. Not looking forward to playing All-Star and Classic again for special moves... ah well.
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