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If an intruder comes into your home what would you do, say etc.?
death penalty is actually pretty justified
individuals who've managed to bring it upon themselves all deserve it.
and as long as there are crooks bad enough to earn it, who cannot ever be turned, i will never back all these so-called' human rights activists' that preach the "death penalty isn't right" bullcrap.

i don't have the energy or interest in continuing this senseless argument.

the only real right answer to this actually that there is none.

my views are far less detached than they might seem, but i can't be bothered to continue explaining them. IDK why i even bother speaking my own opinions over here at all, this community is still just as bad as i've heard it was before. Wish I'd known that before joining. everyone would rather tear each other apart and accuse a select few individuals of saying something offensive or whatever shit, and flat-out bad-mouth them, and then pass that harassment off as 'critique' , than anything else, from what i've observed. furthermore, these targeted individuals aren't allowed to critique anyone else, because automatically they're trying to be better than everyone else, and act like they're perfect, and whatever other shit to make them into a pariah.

my viewpoints were shaped by what i've dealt with, what my family has dealt with, what my friends have dealt with, what is no damn secret everyone else has dealt with. but, seeing as the majority of people out there are hypocrites or mindless sheep nowadays, these viewpoints are obsolete, or even considered threatening. The latter actually is very true in this over sterilized society now governed solely by political correctness. but, i wouldn't expect anyone to understand that, afterall, i'm just playing victim and making threats, and basically am a total moron, right?

once again, i regret bothering to even check-out a thread...
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
(05-29-2016, 05:13 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: individuals who've managed to bring it upon themselves all deserve it.

Only a Sith deals in absolutes.
Three Spaghetti fights?
[Image: 1lYIpk9.gif] GET THESE MEMES OFF THE TABLE! -Hiyna live when I feel like it... You just gotta get lucky
[Image: xG4BaYw.gif]

Also Love Stuff

Hey Look! I support stuff!
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Yes DG you are a moron. No one is making you stay here you know?

...and, what the smegging smeg is a spaghetti fight?
[Image: randomimage.cgi]
Thanked by: Phantom Killah
I'd get a gun. I wouldn't want to go right to firing at somebody out the gate, because even as a homeowner I'd have to deal with quite a bit of law enforcement bullshittery for defending my house with force, so I'd avoid those kinds of messes as best as possible. The very first thing I would do is to call the police. But chances are I'd have seconds or very few minutes to work with when cops would take over 15 minutes to arrive, so in the meanwhile I'd first declare that I have a firearm. Next plan would be to cock it and try to make sure the intruder hears it. If that doesn't work, then I'd fire off a warning shot. Only after that point would I start firing at them, and I'd aim for non-fatal areas first if I can see them. Shoot to kill would be an (extremely unlikely) last resort.

A gunman, especially one who's inexperienced and/or up against someone quick, can potentially be beaten on the draw and harmed even if the other person doesn't have a gun themselves. However, that's usually assuming fair and even conditions; I know my house better than any conceivable intruder and can hastily use shit around me to my advantage.

I'm not trying to be Edgy-McBadass here; this is just shit I've been taught by family and friends in the military and/or law enforcement, alongside my (limited) practice with a gun. This is all ideal scenario anyway, all of which presumes I don't just freeze up and crap myself.
Offending people is a necessary and healthy act... Every time you say something that's offensive to another person, you just caused a discussion. You just forced them to have to think. - Louis C.K.
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Quote:i will never back all these so-called' human rights activists' that preach the "death penalty isn't right" bullcrap.

I won't speak for anybody else, but I'm against the death penalty specifically because our law enforcement fucks up all the time. Too many people have been wrongly convicted.

It isn't about "Please don't kill the Unabomber!"; It's about making sure we don't kill people, like you for example, who are accused of being what they aren't.

How you can, in the same post, proudly declare your support for the death penalty while also crying about being wrongly persecuted by this community is beyond me.
[Image: Dexter.png]  [Image: Bubbles.png]  [Image: SNWzHvA.png]   [Image: SamuraiJack2.png] [Image: kQzhJLF.png]  [Image: Pikachu.png] [Image: tSCZnqw.png]
i googled that and came-up only with results of women getting into violent fights on the train over spaghetti...
Thanked by: Kosheh
(05-29-2016, 05:13 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: death penalty is actually pretty justified
individuals who've managed to bring it upon themselves all deserve it.
and as long as there are crooks bad enough to earn it, who cannot ever be turned, i will never back all these so-called' human rights activists' that preach the "death penalty isn't right" bullcrap.

i don't have the energy or interest in continuing this senseless argument.

the only real right answer to this actually that there is none.

my views are far less detached than they might seem, but i can't be bothered to continue explaining them. IDK why i even bother speaking my own opinions over here at all, this community is still just as bad as i've heard it was before. Wish I'd known that before joining. everyone would rather tear each other apart and accuse a select few individuals of saying something offensive or whatever shit, and flat-out bad-mouth them, and then pass that harassment off as 'critique' , than anything else, from what i've observed. furthermore, these targeted individuals aren't allowed to critique anyone else, because automatically they're trying to be better than everyone else, and act like they're perfect, and whatever other shit to make them into a pariah.

my viewpoints were shaped by what i've dealt with, what my family has dealt with, what my friends have dealt with, what is no damn secret everyone else has dealt with. but, seeing as the majority of people out there are hypocrites or mindless sheep nowadays, these viewpoints are obsolete, or even considered threatening. The latter actually is very true in this over sterilized society now governed solely by political correctness. but, i wouldn't expect anyone to understand that, afterall, i'm just playing victim and making threats, and basically am a total moron, right?

once again, i regret bothering to even check-out a thread...

Don't do this.
Warned. -Vipershark
Thanked by: Garamonde, Kosheh
(05-29-2016, 05:13 PM)DarkGrievous7145 Wrote: death penalty is actually pretty justified
individuals who've managed to bring it upon themselves all deserve it.
and as long as there are crooks bad enough to earn it, who cannot ever be turned, i will never back all these so-called' human rights activists' that preach the "death penalty isn't right" bullcrap.

i don't have the energy or interest in continuing this senseless argument.

the only real right answer to this actually that there is none.

my views are far less detached than they might seem, but i can't be bothered to continue explaining them. IDK why i even bother speaking my own opinions over here at all, this community is still just as bad as i've heard it was before. Wish I'd known that before joining. everyone would rather tear each other apart and accuse a select few individuals of saying something offensive or whatever shit, and flat-out bad-mouth them, and then pass that harassment off as 'critique' , than anything else, from what i've observed. furthermore, these targeted individuals aren't allowed to critique anyone else, because automatically they're trying to be better than everyone else, and act like they're perfect, and whatever other shit to make them into a pariah.

my viewpoints were shaped by what i've dealt with, what my family has dealt with, what my friends have dealt with, what is no damn secret everyone else has dealt with. but, seeing as the majority of people out there are hypocrites or mindless sheep nowadays, these viewpoints are obsolete, or even considered threatening. The latter actually is very true in this over sterilized society now governed solely by political correctness. but, i wouldn't expect anyone to understand that, afterall, i'm just playing victim and making threats, and basically am a total moron, right?

once again, i regret bothering to even check-out a thread...

I read through a few threads that you posted in while I was away and I'm honestly kind of glad that I was able to miss six months of... this, but since this is now outside of RL (and therefore outside of the "Don't respond to DarkGreivous" rule) and I'm also back, I might as well respond myself.

I've noticed an interesting trend with your posts.
You start off by responding to generally harmless or simple-answer-required posts with a few paragraphs of some stuff that's preeeetty off the deep end, followed by others rebutting your statements to which you always reply that you don't want to discuss your views and that you don't have the time or energy to talk about it and that you're getting dogpiled... when you're the one who brought them up.

It always goes from "uh, dude, what?" to some kind of escalation where you talk about how people are terrible and make strange generalized threats to nobody in particular or talk about people "deserving" things in a vague sense or start saying some even more off-the-wall stuff when you're presented with any kind of resistance or questioning towards anything you say.

You're not being dogpiled when you come into a thread and start making super edgy posts full of stuff that's generally off-base and then multiple people tell you that you're wrong. That's not dogpiling, it's normal discussion. It just so happens that in the majority of the discussions I've seen you in, you happen to be on the, uh... not-mainstream side, if you will.

I'll admit that there certainly have been many cases of dogpiling here in the past (both justified and not justified) but in most cases, in particular the responses to you in this thread (Phantom Killah and Goemar notwithstanding, don't make posts like that guys), there is no dogpiling going on.

Disagreement is not dogpiling.
Stop dropping textwalls in threads and then taking your ball and going home when people disagree with you.
If you're going to constantly make such points, either stand by them and discuss them or just don't make them.

I really don't care about whatever response you may or may not have to this post since it's derailing the thread into yet another thread about you rather than the subject at hand, so go back to talking about burglaries and/or the death penalty and let's leave it at that.
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
all i'll say about the second bit is that particular order of events actually more often than not hasn't been the case, since you brought that up. Most of my comments start-out long-winded and controversial, but certainly not hostile or completely off-topic. However, I get defensive cuz I'm god damn tired of not being able to speak a single freaking thing on my mind without someone going out of their way to use it to make me look like a terrible or offensive person. However, my sense of reasoning is basically non-existent when I feel pressured or trapped. It's not like I want to argue. Confrontations like these actually hurt me quite a lot, regardless of my level of participation in them.

And I quite hate de-railing threads, also.
But to be honest, this is the kind of thread to expect that kind of thing to occur. I can assure you, I'm not the only one who would think or talk in this apparently so undesirable manner. This kind of topic honestly to me reads as a more serious one to begin with. Home alone is actually the only time that comes to mind I've looked at a topic like this as funny, and that was mainly because of those hilarious traps, and the fact the burglars were actually stupid enough to keep trying after basically having their ass handed to them with every move they made.

Anyways, It's not like I go out of my way to draw attention to myself, aside from in my own threads. Only thing I really can say here is I'm not a bad person, and everyone here prob isn't, either, however... we and by extension, our ideals mix like oil and water. I may or may not post elsewhere some more detailed insight into things...maybe... I'm just as sick and tired of this shit as the next guy.

as for a more on-topic post:
introduce the intruder to my pet Cerberus
I don't give them even a second before running-off completely terrified
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