going onto what Yoder said, yes the different characters should be played differently
here's a few suggestions on some of the character gameplay:
Sonic - HE SHOULD BE SONIC, keep him the fast hedgehog he is, get rid of alot of the platformer statistics, but keep some of them in, but make it so that Sonic is the fastest thing alive as he is meant to be!
Tails - make HIM the platformer, he can fly! and give him alot of gadgets and/or weapons to help him along the way, why? BECAUSE HE'S A FREAKING GENIUS! stop making Tails look like a retarded eight year old kid liek how Archie portrays him, and make him the genius he's supossed to be, how Sega intended him to be!
Knuckles - basically take the gameplay style of Soul Calibur Legends (running around, HAVING to fight people to continue), and replace Siegfried with Knuckles, he's the freakin fighter guy, not a treasure hunter! Have you ever notice that the Master Emerald is always safe when he's not around? and when he's actually guarding it (or trying to) it always breaks?!
Rouge - make HER the treasure hunter, SHE'S the jewel hunting bat! She should be the tresure hunter, not Knuckles. Rouge = treasure hunter, Knuckles = combatant, Rouge = yes, Knuckles = no
Big - keep the fact that he's a fishercat, he does nothing but fish, maybe make him a bonus minigame character or something, I don't really care
Shadow - semi speed, semi combatant, I like the fact they gave him guns and vehicles, so keep the style of Shadow The Hedgehog, just make it better, and not so much choosing sides. Though I'd prefer it if they started from Adventure Two and made him die, but somethings are just meant for people to dream about them
Silver - either make him return or the future, or make him faster. He's only anoying because he's so slow, make him semi speed, semi platformer or puzzle, just make him faster than he already is
Amy - NO
Cream - NO, well... atleast not as an adventure character, maybe a character that just takes care of Chao
E-123 Omega - he EXPLODES, and the little birdy inside of him flies away like the rest of them
Blaze - could care less, I don't really know much about her... 'cept she controls fire, so make her levels kind of revolve around that
now having those options, would be pretty cool.
So Sega, do those things, refine your engines, and bring back the Chao Garden, and please, no big city levels, the city levels in SA1 were good because they were small and easy to find things in them, the cities in SONIC the Hedgehog (2006) were just... no
and sorry about this, I should probably have just made a movie rant about this stuff rather than complain about it on a forum
