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let's harass omegle and now chatroulette
(11-15-2009, 10:54 PM)bryan GT broyan Wrote: Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: Yo, what up?
Stranger: not much
Stranger: this is my first time ont his website..
Stranger: seems kinds cool
You: Me too
You: A bunch of dudes told me about this website and how they love to make fun of people but I don't see much point in it
You: They're really a bunch of elitist pricks jerking themselves off to making people angry
Stranger: lol make fun of people?
Stranger: and yeah I agree, I guess its just to pass time..
You: They're kinda jerks
Stranger: haha
You: So tell me about yourself, stranger
Stranger: well, I'm 16 and I live in Tennessee
Stranger: you?
You: I'm 17 and also in Tennessee! That's kinda weird.
Stranger: no way
Stranger: what part?
Stranger: I live in East Tenneessee
You: Rutledge, actually
Stranger: where is that?
You: it's kinda northeast tenneessee
Stranger: oo
You: it's a little north of knoxville
Stranger: o
Stranger: I live in Bristol
Stranger: not too far
You: That's kinda cool, well I gotta go, sorry.
You: It was fun!
Stranger: ha alright
Stranger: bye
You have disconnected.
best in the topic
Thanked by: PrettyNier
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Thanked by:
(11-16-2009, 08:25 AM)OtherWhiteMeat Wrote: Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
oh wow are you serious
Thanked by:
so im talking to a guy via emai who thinks im a 13 year old japanese girl and he tried to cyber with me

now he regrets that and thinks my alias is interesting and asked him why

and now he says "do you think you are a normal girl?you are very innocent i suppose."
Thanked by:
(11-15-2009, 10:32 PM)Sonikku Wrote: are you trying to start a convo the same way i did

No, because your way isn't unique, and original to only, many people start convos like that. It's not that I'm trying purposely, but I just start out most internet convos. with a question i.e. what's up? how you been?
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: O hai random stranger! Who did I stumble upon? Smile
You: hi
You: u stumbled upon a thorn bush and broke your nose
Stranger: aww, sad.
You: yes, and i pshed u there
Stranger: meanie. :p
You: sorry
You: \=[
You: forgive me here have a band aid
Stranger: thank you. Smile
Stranger: lol
Stranger: here, have a kazooie.
You: stop ripping me off
Stranger: i only rip of clothes when there's hotness underneath.
You: in that case take condom
Stranger: awww. links. Smile
You: aww so we're playing zelda now?
You: two can play at that game
Stranger: zelda is a bitch.
You: Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged
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Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hey asl?
You: 14 yes and at my house
[Image: 803ce84258.gif]
Thanked by: Adam
you got that ascii from me i posted that as lunyka nudes a while ago
Thanked by: El Loco
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: rawr im a lion an angry lio
You: And I'm an angry tiger
Stranger: ow
Stranger: a hunter just threw a stone at my balls
Stranger: so i ate him
You: I broke a camera before. I didn't want to be on TV. When the guy came back and noticed it I ate him.
Stranger: did u feed ur kids or not?
You: Yeah. I got full after a while. He was a fatty.
Stranger: lik
Stranger: the 50 stone man
You: Maybe even 100 of the stone man.
Stranger: wow
You: I was able to feed the rest of my pack with him too. We need more fatties with cameras
Stranger: yeahh
Stranger: r u from india? im from the sahara desert,
Stranger: but then i moved to kenya#
Stranger: and got shot
Stranger: so i moved back
Stranger: then went to india and got bullied
Stranger: so now im back at kenya
You: Nah man. I'm from Africa.
Stranger: wow
Stranger: she shud meet up and fuck each other and make a cross between a lion and a tiger
You: A Liger? It depends on what gender you are. Also I hear those Kenyans run fast. Are they hard to catch?
Stranger: not rly
Stranger: they always fall over beetles
You: I also heard that they hardly have enough meat on their bone to feed one of us.
Stranger: true
Stranger: i have my 25 a day
You: When I see a human I tend to go after it but in these parts it mostly Antelope so I'll kill a couple of them to feed myself and everyone else
Stranger: i killed 24 maasai and 19 kikuyu people yesturday in kenya
Stranger: i only eat humans
You: Well here Humans are a rare delicitcy. So when we get humans we'll go after them
Stranger: i raped 7 of them
Stranger: wow
Stranger: u shud move here
You: You must have tore up their insides. I hear human penises are tiny.
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: noyl like 9 inc
Stranger: unlike my 24 inch
You: Haha I know right?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: its funny
Stranger: they call each other for penis sizes and they have small 1s themself
You: I know. It's also kinda sad too. Humans are just sad, they are fat and lazy nowadays if they can get to food.
Stranger: they eat shit like potatos and stuff, and they eat pure fat, and copied out way of like only eatin g meat
You: I know. Particularly the ones we get. We normally get the ones from America and Europe trying to fo film documentries on us or take pictures of us.
Stranger: i kno
Stranger: i hate them
Stranger: ]i eat them
You: Same here. I'll break their equipment then eat them. It's always a fun time.
Stranger: i shit on a guy face then ripped off his cock and left him to be eaten by my children and friends
Stranger: which took him 6 hours of pure pain
You: Haha thats great. One time I broke his back and he was paralized and I bit off his balls and dropped them in his mouth. Then ripped out his throat.
Stranger: my wife once bit off his cock and then made him eat it
Stranger: but he didn't so we ate him
You: One time my wife bit off a woman's boob.
Stranger: what happened?
You: Well she ran around screaming until my wife punched on her and started to eat her while she was still alive.
Stranger: wow
Stranger: i pooed on someone then left him tied to a tree
You: Haha. Well i don't have any other interesting stories of killing humans. Again we don't get them too often.

(after this we basically stops the convo and starts talking to me normally.)
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
Thanked by: Gollum
(11-17-2009, 01:58 PM)Gizmonicgamer Wrote: you got that ascii from me i posted that as lunyka nudes a while ago I remember that post you made like around mid-August. Luckily my friend who use to visit these forums sent me on Myspace,
so i didn't have to search all over for it.
Thanked by:
(11-17-2009, 03:32 PM)Lunyka Wrote: Lions, eating people, poop, dick jokes.

My diagaphragm hurts from laughing.
[Image: garrybeusymonsters.gif]
Thanked by:
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey bitch
Stranger: i can has cheesburger?
Stranger: what's up distinguished gentleman
You: look at the little hypocrite
Stranger: oh wow, good comeback. you're just a moronic little cunt bubble
You: im laughing at what u think is clever wordplay
You: go to a website called 4chan
You: u may like it its full of sires like u
Stranger: i'm not trying to be clever. obviously you are
You: hyprocite isnt a clever word
Stranger: and you're the one who started this so don't be a little retard
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi puto
Stranger: hi
Stranger: delicious
You: asl
Stranger: man or woman ?
You: man
Stranger: i'm a woman and i wanna sex with you
You: get a life
You: what time
Stranger: i'm 12 years old, and my pussy is hot
You: thats nice and all but i asked you what time
Stranger: loser, kid. i'm 14 and i'm a man and i really don't like u, i'll tell for my friend -victor- and he'll fuck you
You: sweet!! location please
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 13 m us
Stranger: JACLYN?
Stranger: im 13 f us
You: what part
Stranger: Georgia
You: Chicago
Stranger: thats hot
Stranger: are you fat?
You: no not quite
Stranger: o_O
You: why>
You: why?
You: r u
Stranger: cause fat people are ugly
You: im not fat
Stranger: and no im a hot blonde
You: dont be so cocky
Stranger: i really am..
Stranger: TRUST
You: show me a pic
You: im not fat
Stranger: theres your pic
You: k wait
Stranger: k
You: u are so not 13
Stranger: I AM!
You: u look older
Stranger: in 8th
You: but anyway
Stranger: i get that alot
You: me too
You: i mean
Stranger: im hot
You: this as in im 13 too
You: not THAT much
You: i mean ur ok
Stranger: YES I AM
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: ur blind
Stranger: bitch
Your conversational partner has disconnected

Stranger: hello
You: Hi
You: ASL
Stranger: 14 f greece
You: 13 m usa
Stranger: oh
Stranger: :o
Stranger: ur fat
You: how?
You: because americans is fat
You: but im not american
You: im mexican
You: but i was born here
Stranger: same thing dubass
You: not its not mexico is a diffrent from america
You: they are two seperate states but live close together
Stranger: no its not
Stranger: lier
Stranger: you dirty lier
Stranger: fatty
Stranger: fatass
You: i'm not fat goddamnit
You: shuttup fatty
Stranger: now ur being a gay fatty
You: hey fuck off you dumb whore
Stranger: u wanna to talk dirty baby boy?
You: No because I have a life, and unlike you I like to do roductive things with my own time.
You: I'm already wasting enough time as is talking to you
Stranger: you know you want me badly so u can fuck me hard
You: if it'll make u leave me alone then fine
You: i will fuck you in the vagina and shove my head up your ass whilst you shove two dildos down your throat and make me a sandwich
Stranger: u would want a sandwich
Stranger: fatass
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat i tell u
Stranger: fat
You: are you finished trying to be funny
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
You: you know i dont find you to be one bit funny or amusing rather annoying
Stranger: fat
Stranger: fat
You: and plus mexico is independent from america
Stranger: shut up
Stranger: dirty lazy fatty
Stranger: are u a virgin
You: no but apparently u are
You: shown evident by your immaturity
Stranger: go for the rope
You: ....
You:which one?
Stranger: hang yourself
Stranger: do u have a mom and dad
You: yes
Stranger: do they have sex alot
You: its only normal
You: why do u care?
Stranger: do u hear them
You: idk and dont care im not nosy
You: im in school rite now anyway u sir
Stranger: haha!! i bet ur in concintracion camp!! XD
You: no im pretty sure im in school
You: ever since the fall of hitler over 60 years ago there haven' been any concentration camps
You: and im not jewish
You: my guess is u meant fat camp
Stranger: who is ur teacher rite now fatty
Stranger: a man or woman
You: homeroom teacher is a male
Stranger: is he gay?
You: no
You: he has 2 kids
You: i switch next period to a female teacher
Stranger: is she hot
You: fuck no shes old
You: you just checked out an old lady sir
Stranger: well im off to ride ur mom
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Thanked by:
it's kinda funny

a while back i thought this was stupid

now i think it's really fuckin stupid
so i'm reviving this
my new "greet message"
if you talk to this user via omegle, and are not contributing nudes or tits, please, do not talk. If you talk, slenderman will come to your house, knock on your door, ask you to come outside. You will open the door slowly, and see a blazing inferno behind him. He will tell you this: "Why? Why? I asked you not to. Now it will be worse... much worse..". He will rip you apart limb from limb, lay your limbless body on the ground, and rip open your chest and use his tentacles to devour your blood and organs.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: if you talk to this user via omegle, and are not contributing nudes or tits, please, do not talk. If you talk, slenderman will come to your house, knock on your door, ask you to come outside. You will open the door slowly, and see a blazing inferno behind him. He will tell you this: "Why? Why? I asked you not to. Now it will be worse... much worse..". He will rip you apart limb from limb, lay your limbless body on the ground, and rip open your chest and use his tentacles to devour your blood and organs.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: if you talk to this user via omegle, and are not contributing nudes or tits, please, do not talk. If you talk, slenderman will come to your house, knock on your door, ask you to come outside. You will open the door slowly, and see a blazing inferno behind him. He will tell you this: "Why? Why? I asked you not to. Now it will be worse... much worse..". He will rip you apart limb from limb, lay your limbless body on the ground, and rip open your chest and use his tentacles to devour your blood and organs.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

now using a nazi symbol
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Stranger: fuck you nazi im jewish
Stranger: you fucking skinhead
Stranger: gay ass distinguished gentleman
You: i'll burn you
You: cockfaggot
Stranger: you lost the war you idiot
You: no
You: hitler won
Stranger: thats why germany is shit and jews are ricj
Stranger: you punk bitch mother fucker
You: oh you're racist now?
You: Fucking germans
You: always being hated on
You: ;-;
Stranger: hitler can suck my circumsized dick
Stranger: you nazi fuck
You: YOU JEWISH distinguished gentleman
Stranger: fuck you
You: burn baby burn
You: jewish infernoo
Stranger: you are gay with your stupid ass mustache and youre distinguished gentleman hair cut
Stranger: you lost the fucking war you gay ass fucking distinguished gentleman
You: ___________________________________|:_|
Stranger: jews are douing pretty well right no9w gay ass cocksucker
Stranger: were all rich and youre a loser who sucks dicks for pennies
Stranger: fuck you
You: gay
You: gay gay
You: suck my ballsack
Stranger: you probably have no friends
Stranger: whart ballsack
Stranger: i didnt know gay people had those
Stranger: fucking distinguished gentleman
Stranger: german
Stranger: asshole
You: i love you
You: lets make passionate love together
You: we'll name our kid adolf jew
Stranger: all you germans are fagsd
You: ♥
You: i'll be at your house soon bb
Stranger: where do i live stupid ass
You have disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Stranger: arschloch.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Click it if you have balls
Stranger: I don't have balls, I'm a girl. Tongue
Stranger: But what is it? o.o
Stranger: GUFDJ
Stranger: EW WTF
You: hehe
Stranger: NASTY
You: your mom
Stranger: Wow, fail.
Stranger: Saying "your mom" is an epic fail.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Thanked by:
Saying epic fail is an epic fail......
Thanked by:
Stranger: hi asl?
You: affluent, sociopathic and lethargic
Stranger: lol
Stranger: bye


You: High five!
Stranger: epic high five, even!
Stranger: oh snap
You: What the hell is wrong with you?
Stranger: my aim's a bit wonky, SOD OFF
You: My fucking eyeball exploded
You: For the love of god, why are you just standing there? Call the police so they can arrest your ass
Stranger: *runs to nearest exit*
Stranger: *avoids getting tackled by cops*
You: Seriously, I'm gonnas throw up.....
Stranger: you asked for the five, man.
You: I just threw up and shit my pants at the same time, and it's all because of you
You: Does your wife know you're going around high fiving people's eyeballs off in the middle of the night? Really..
Stranger: my wife's angelina jolie. she's down with this kind of shit.
You: I'm gonna kick your wife in the twat
Stranger: she'll use her tricky knife skills from the early 90s and shlice your forearm!
You: Oh ho ho ho really?
You: Roll for dexterity!
You: ...
Stranger: you know what
You: I rolled like, a 17-gillion
Stranger: your high fives are lame
Stranger: they're like
Stranger: lamer than michael scott lame
You: emal ttocs leachim naht remal
Stranger: ....
Stranger: right


=/ Mine weren't very funny. I had a lot more fun chatting up Fake Kirk.
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