oh before i rant i should probly point out you're not missing out on much by skipping persona 1. it has such a terrible localization to the point where um. this happens.
masao became mark. this should speak volumes.
![[Image: 220px-Masaomark.jpg]](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/8/86/Masaomark.jpg/220px-Masaomark.jpg)
atlus also moved the setting from japan to america, which...also makes things odd. subsequent ones have been set in japan
i've actually done everything i could to stay away from the persona series up till now. there's just so much crazy fanservice they've put out for it and i feel like the only thing it had going for it, really was it was edgy. and somehow, a lot of You Kids could identify with it like 8 years ago
like, i just couldn't get into persona 4 because over time the game just felt like i was following scooby doo and his gang into their adventures into the television and despite it tackling some legitimately good, serious issues, the game as a whole just felt kinda childish. as a result i usually call it "scooby weeaboo". one thing i appreciate about P3 & 4 though is its really great character design and artwork.
truth be told after i finish P5 i'll probably revisit 4 with a little more respect. but basically goemar what i'm saying is that i don't blame you if you skip them lol.
this new one is actually pretty dang cool and it oozes aesthetic - that and it brings a lot of mechanics back from earlier Persona games and SMT; what with guns making a return and the demon negotiation system. the game still has its goofy edginess (you're a delinquent from a small town moving to tokyo, and nobody ever has anything good to say about you)
but i mean there are three good things about this game that i really need to emphasize:
1) you and your anime friends are pulling off some pretty great heists. i've always wanted to pull off a crazy heist and now i can do it. thank you anime heist simulator 2017
2) you can go on dates with the womens. you dont need a 3d woman ever again when you have futaba sakura who will indulge all your fantasies with her talking nerdy to you

3) please look at morgana's running animation. he has little sonic spiral legs when he runs and it is so pure. please buy sonic legs and aesthetic heist simulator 2017. please buy it.
please buy Otaku's Eleven
but if you're gonna play another one, go ahead - they're like Zelda or Final Fantasy where they aren't really connected. the only thing is that if you're a Big Fan of the series you'll get little sneaky references thrown in (i haven't come across a single one)