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let's harass omegle and now chatroulette
you extremely distinguished gentlemen stop giving my out msn address to random people
fuck you, colton
[Image: ndsMEF0.gif][Image: sig.gif]
Thanked by: Saltonara, Rosencrantz, K.D.
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You: hey bitch
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: m or f
Stranger: f
You: r u hot
You: do u like cocks
Stranger: why are you so rude
You: i meant roosters u perv
You: r roosters cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hey bitch
You: i know where u live
Stranger: ok
You: who r u
You: m or f
You: or g
You: or w
You: or x
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey bitch
Stranger: Yes, yes hello. How may i help you today?
You: m or f
Stranger: AND IT'S 2Cute0a IN THE MONRING
You: shove it up ur arse
Stranger: arf arf arf
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: m or f
Stranger: asl
Stranger: i am 16 m usa
You: aww crap not u again
You: ur dat lame person who i don't care much for.....
You: whatever. So what do u need stranger......
Stranger: age sex location
You: 13 m ur moms house
Stranger: cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Here's a lame one cause I was bored.......

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi. wanna webcamsex? if u r a girl and have a webcam Smile
You: yes please lick my ttites
You: they are too big my breasts are popping out
You: u lick vaginas
You: i have some nice toys
You: asl plase
Stranger: Smile
Stranger: 20
Stranger: m
Stranger: u
You: location
Stranger: greece
Stranger: u
You: 18 f new york
Stranger: msn yahoo?
You: yes
Stranger: ok
Stranger: tell ur msn
You: do u like 36D boobs
Stranger: Big Grin
You: i bet that turnss you on
Stranger: Big Grin
Stranger: Wink
Stranger: msn?
You: yes
You: its
You: wait
You: now enough about e-mail
You: lets talk about my tits
Stranger: its ur msn
Stranger: ?
You: no
You: my yahoo are you incapable of seeing yahoo at the end?
You: are my massive tits blocking ur view? I will tell them to calm down they are bouncy today
Stranger: i want ur msn
You: srry i lost mine u find it
You: is this good enouchg for you this is me
Stranger: ok
Stranger: cool =]
You: u like?
You: >Sad
You: hey i am now going to drown help me
You: HELP ME!!!!!!!!
You: EGG
You: email me or i kill u
You: cool is my butt when u anal it
You: i am 22
You: i lie
You: bcuz all my base are belong to us
You: i am being banged
Stranger: Big Grin
You: my story is full of holes like the ones being screwed
Stranger: tell ur msn
You: its
You: i think. i haven't used it as much since i am being banged hard against the PC
You: i need help getting up
You: Help I've fallen and i cant get up!
You: i need cereal
You: can u supply the milk
You: im an andrea and i take it in the ass
You: its like a manhole down there
You: if u will not masterbate to my webcam i will have to show my tits elsewhere
You: and shove my booty to the heater
You: i must shit
Stranger: online msn?
You: on the pc brb
You: no right here search for big tits and click the first girl with black hair
You: [pornographic link removed to prevent controversy]
You: and search for hot anal vaginal super robot transformers that turn to dust and vaginas and eat cookies with turkeys for lunch and pokemoc super heroes
You: EGG
You: Afghanistan
You: Pakistan
You: Iran
You: Help me
You: they kill me
You: i die
You: goodbye
You: do me in the ass
You: and vagina
Stranger: Smile
You: bcuz i am andrea and i am non-existent or am i i am being banged to death blood on keyboard no
You: i take it everywhere
You: i got party
You: i die
You: see u later big boy
You: im was going to show u my webcam but u dont seem interested bye
You: u want to see it
You: my webcam i get nude and play with my vagina
You: do u want to yes or no?
Stranger: ye
You: well tough luck
You have disconnected.
It's hard to make a convo without being sucked into it.......or being ended abruptly.
The people here are total sires though. One moment they tell you they're a 20 year old from New Zealand, next thing they're a 16 year old girl from Ecuador. What the fuck?
Thanked by:
(11-15-2009, 01:02 AM)Vipershark Wrote: you extremely distinguished gentlemen stop giving my out msn address to random people
fuck you, colton
you got the easy part

you just need to play along and send them a shock site or some shit

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may i suggest

probably a good idea to tinyurl it so they dont get suspicious
then if they ask why its a tinyurl just say because the url was so long that msn didnt let you put it in
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(11-15-2009, 02:17 PM)spider forest Wrote: may i suggest

probably a good idea to tinyurl it so they dont get suspicious
then if they ask why its a tinyurl just say because the url was so long that msn didnt let you put it in

i'm afraid to go to sourmath, what is it
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: I'm probably not who you're looking for unless you're not looking for anything
Stranger: hi
You: your ip is
Stranger: ....??
You: your being infected with viruses
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, i'm @M1ZZJ4YZS3K. are you @bisante? (:
You: I'm @Rhymeyy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I got them again.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, i'm @M1ZZJ4YZS3K. are you @bisante? (:
You: NO
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

wow lots of bisante sires

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: @bisante? @supermac? @jeyyounit11?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: @bisante!?
You: NO
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Heey, @bisante ,or @brysonen?
You: YOU BISANTE distinguished gentleman
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hey are you @bisante or @supermac18?Smile
You: YOU BISANTE distinguished gentleman
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi im @monicatheskater looking for @bisante, @xpb, @brysonen, @jonahthegreat, @supermac18, @dfizzy, @kaylasunshinee, @joehinky or any other twitter users! (:
You: hi i'm @rhymeyy
You: bisante is sir
You: xpb is sir
You: brysonen is sir
You: jonahthegreat is sir
Stranger: no
You: supermac18 is sir
You: dfizzy is sir
You: kayla is alright
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: @rhymeyy
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi, are you @bisante? Smile
You: for the last FUCKING TIME you SLUT
You: I am @RHYMEYY
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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i dont know from experience because someone else told me about the site
but i guess its like (which is closed down apparently) except a window jumps around your screen and you cant close it out
and theres a rumor that it downloads a virus onto your computer
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: is this @adoriandeck ?!?!
You: Yes
Stranger: really
You: really really
Stranger: mmk
Stranger: how do i know you
You: magic
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi Smile no, i am NOT @adoriandeck
(The rest of the convo is boring but the fact that it happened right after the person asking me if I was them was kinda interesting.)

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Christine?
You: ...How the fuck did you know my name?
You: Adrian?
You: Is that you?
Stranger: No this is sean
You: fffffffffffffffffffffffff
You: Sean you fucking stalker.
You: wtf. seriosuly?
Stranger: Im looking for someone else named christine
You: Oh?
Stranger: Yes
You: Whats her last name?
Stranger: Gibson
You: You really are a stalker. Sean go away. I don't want to talk to you.
You: I came here to talk to strangers you sir
Stranger: Whaaaat
Stranger: Fuck u u gay ass cum eating fuck face
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
             /_▄︻し┻┳═一(いち)(いち)  ┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨┣¨
[Image: tumblr_mr2bjoHi1v1qh8espo1_400.gif][Image: NfIxSTK.gif]
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This one was the best of all......

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: m or f
You: asl
You: cp3
You: aob
You: sob
You: gunit
You: titty power
Stranger: f
You: asl
You: age
Stranger: germany
You: germany is an age?
Stranger: 17 years old
Stranger: My name is Janet
You: hey baby girl
You: whats on ur mind
Stranger: what?
You: what are you thinking about
You: im thinking about sleeping
You: as in im tired and u
You: its 2:14Am here
Stranger: here is morning
Stranger: ;x
You: so did the rooster wake up before u
Stranger: Big GrinDD
Stranger: you is nice XD
You: huh?
You: in what way
You: show me a picture of u b4 u die
You: because i am kira and u told me ur name i will now right it down in my notebook
You: u will die if u not show me ur pics
Stranger: SMILES Big Grin
You: smiles is not a picture show me them now u dumb bimbo
Stranger: well..
You: are u here for sexual or friendship reasons
You: what damnit
Stranger: i have a pic only in my computer
Stranger: *-*
You: so.....what are we talking on the TV or something? What's your damn point?
Stranger: what? Oo
You: show me ur german titties
You: or do they have swastikas tattoed on them, and u refuse to flash because i will be informed of your sick ways
Stranger: tattoo noo ;x
You: ok then
You: i dont mean for u too show me ur boobs just show me how u look
You: or have u forgotten
You: are u lacking in brain cells
You: or is your auditory system lagging
You: i know u prolly dont understand me
Stranger: i'm blonde
Stranger: understand me
Stranger: [smiles Big Grin ]
You: what is that suppose to mean
You: are u calling ur self a dumb ass
You: i will talk in terms ur familaiar with
You: heil third reich
You: töten the juden den ganzen
You: now u get me
Stranger: :o
You: now r u going to be a dumbass or talk
You: what do blondes read 45 words per hour or what. what's taking you so long?
Stranger: i'm not dumb O,O
You: then talk you dumbass bitch
You: im sorry
You: i think i love you
You: forgive me
You: i love you
You: hold me
Stranger: please, don't leave me
You: love will not justify my cruelness
You: im sorry baby
You: i love you
You: say u love me 2
Stranger: i love you too
Stranger: but
Stranger: don't leave the childs
Stranger: Sad
You: the what?
You: is that some kind of nazi propagandA?
You: what childs? the dumb blonde girl i made by fucking your mother? or the one im about to make you if dont stop being such a fucking dubass
Stranger: are you from?
You: what
You: i dont get u
Stranger: why?
You: suck my dick bitch
Stranger: fuck you
Stranger: biased
You: i may be biased but ur BI-ASSED
Stranger: loser
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
I'm seriously not making this up it's a suprise to what a dumb-ass she was. I doubt all blondes are as dumb as her.
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just because its the best one doesnt mean its good
Thanked by: El Loco
You: where u from?
Stranger: alaska
You: i know
You: i am outside your window
You: look outside
You: i have a laptop
You: i am naked
Stranger: seriously?
You: yes
Stranger: cooooolioo
You: i am also gay i hope u are too
Stranger: haha u dumbfuck i'm a girl
You: yes i know
You: i am female
You: like u
Stranger: ur such a dumbass
You: why?
Stranger: then ur called a lesbian
Stranger: not gay
Stranger: gay is for guys
You: yes but it is the same thing
Stranger: but ones female the otherone isn't
You: i am guessing from your window that you are about 13
You: or maybe you look young
Stranger: wat if i'm not in alaska
You: it doesnt matter
You: i am right here
Stranger: wat if i'm in
Stranger: ...EGYPT
You: you have beautiful hair
Stranger: u know this HOW?
Stranger: o.O
You: i told u
Stranger: i live in the middle of NOWHERE
You: you should grow it a bit longer
Stranger: i have no neighbors
Stranger: so u couldn't possibly be outside
You: i am aware of that, it was quite difficult to track you down
Stranger: wats my name?
You: i do not know your name, i only been tracking you recently
Stranger: well sorry i'm kinda busy tracking someone else down
You: i will give you a name, how does cassandra sound
You: do you like that name?
Stranger: cassandra sounds like cassorole
You: how about jessica? is that any better?
You: it suits your hair
You: i always though jessica was suited for a brunette
Stranger: i died my hair
You: oh, what is your natural color? do you want your name to match your original hair color?
Stranger: i dunno wat my hair color is
Stranger: ...
Stranger: sadly
You: why not?
You: are you a cancer patient and your hair is but a wig?
Stranger: no i have hair growing problems
Stranger: so i just shave it all off
You: oh, i am sorry
Stranger: ya u should be
You: you are still beautiful
Stranger: ur so corny
Stranger: i hate u
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
You: HI
Stranger: ASL
You: 62/M/IRAN
Stranger: 62 yrs old?
You: YES
Stranger: um... ok
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Thanked by: El Loco
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: where are u from
Stranger: mars
You: i know
Stranger: really now
You: u look like it
Stranger: really
You: yea
Stranger: you know where
Stranger: in mars?
You: the part where all the sires are
Stranger: nope
Stranger: the part
You: the part where all the dubasses are
Stranger: where your window is
Stranger: look out
You: i dont have windowas
Stranger: i think you might see me
You: i live in a basement
Stranger: really.
You: with my dead wife
Stranger: look out your tenant's house
You: i killed her
Stranger: really.
Stranger: why?
You: dont call me a tenant
You: because ur ugly
Stranger: ...?
Stranger: really now
You: sut up
Stranger: im sorry for your loss?
You: shut up slut
Stranger: okay.
You: dont be sorry for a non existent being
Stranger: i totally sleep with 2 girls every night
You: and then u wake up jacking off u fucking distinguished gentleman
Stranger: nope
Stranger: i am very straight
Stranger: infact
You: yes either dat or its ur sister and mom
Stranger: i make girls cummm
You: you make them cum alright
Stranger: i like screamers
You: cum to me
Stranger: you?
You: i like slitting their throats and making them screa,m
You: i know where u live
Stranger: umm
You: you seem like ur 15
Stranger: we were talking about sex
Stranger: no im 25.
You: my gues is ur a male
You: i see u
You: look outside
You: and wave
Stranger: really now
Stranger: cause im in a basement
You: so am i
Stranger: i know right?
You: im above a basement
Stranger: really now
Stranger: kay.
You: yes u sir
Stranger: im going to do some major drug traffickting
Stranger: see you
Stranger: p.s
Stranger: I AM NOT A FUCKING sir
You: yes u are
You: how can u be a drug trafficker when u cant even spell the damn word right sir
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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are you trying to start a convo the same way i did
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Goddammit people.
Originality please.

You: oy
Stranger: hi
You: what up
Stranger: 16 f brazil
You: uhh
Stranger: im very hungry
You: that did not answer my question actually
You: oh
You: hungry for what
Stranger: fuck you
You: unfortunately
You: we are all out of that
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl ?
Stranger: ta gueule
Stranger: ta moi même
Stranger: pauvre con !
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You: hi!
Stranger: hi
You: 18/f/greenland!
Stranger: 19 m usa
You: ta lim do?
You: ping kaw ti yah yah
Stranger: wut?
You: that's greenlandaise for hello, how do you do
Stranger: oh im good
You: i just schooled you in basic greenlandaise!
You: okay, wutcha doin?
Stranger: sittin here seeing if a girl wants to have some fun
You: ...
You: naughty
You: tell me
Stranger: yeah
You: you into gorp il tioplaw?
Stranger: dont know what that means
You: i think that's pooplicking in your language. i think
Stranger: no
You: what why?
Stranger: r u?
You: here in greenland it's all the rage
You: sure! my father taught me
Stranger: something makes me think ur not from greenland
You: is it because of my command of english? father always told e to watch out for you eleetist(?) amerikanerin.
You: amerikan swine are all the same
Stranger: mhm
Stranger: well at least we're not pooplickers
You: father tells me oderwise.
Stranger: how big is ur bust?
You: there seems to be a large demographic of you amerikans who are unto pooplicking.
You: bust?
You: i'm sorry
Stranger: boobs
You: oh! "boobs"! 7 inches
Stranger: nice
You: bust is something else in my language
Stranger: i think we have the wrong understanding of the word poop
You: i ahve to tell you someting, it can be unsexily
Stranger: k
You: you are asking for the length of my tale yes?
Stranger: no
You: soory, amerkian spelling eludes me
You: i think boobs do not mean waht you think
Stranger: i mean chest
Stranger: breasts
Stranger: tits
You: you amerikans and your colorful euphmisms
Stranger: of course
Stranger: ur american too
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

no, i'm not

You: Hello
You: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
Stranger: woops typo
Stranger: Hello
You: I am Bro. Ezekiel of the New Century Methodical Sabbadist Church of Winsconsin, and I am sent here by my Lord to impart His wisdom.
You: May you tell me your name, future brethren?
Stranger: Isa
Stranger: i believe it was jesus who said "belive in me who believes in you" was it not bro
You: Isa; that is a wonderful name. Female, I presume? Or male and Eastern European? Worry not, your heathen upbringing will be forgotten eventually.
Stranger: never athiest 4 life
You: But in the NCMSCoW, it is everyone's privelege to be Christened with an Old Gothic name, you may choose from the following.
You: a) Portabella
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Stranger: Hi
You: Sure.
Stranger: Okay
You: That's awesome!
Stranger: Yeah i know Very Happy
Stranger: So i said to the guy, i said, listen..
Stranger: Very Happy Can't remember
You: Damn!
Stranger: i won't tell you, it would ruin the mystique
Stranger: Very Happy
You: Mystique is blue.
Stranger: Oh man
Stranger: Guess what just happend to me?
You: Jizz in your pants?
Stranger: Nope
Stranger: even better
Stranger: I almost caught a Magikarp the other day ..
Stranger: but it got away
Stranger: You should've seen it! Very Happy

and then we made out

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hihihihi
You: Are you noteworthy?
Stranger: name
Stranger: what
Stranger: ??
You: Do you know what "noteworthy" means?
Stranger: no
Stranger: does it means writing notes???

You: im a gay guy
You: 23/m/vietnam
You: your turn
Stranger: dang
Stranger: too far away
You: what
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

[Image: ZRdfkWQ.jpg]
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Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: Yo, what up?
Stranger: not much
Stranger: this is my first time ont his website..
Stranger: seems kinds cool
You: Me too
You: A bunch of dudes told me about this website and how they love to make fun of people but I don't see much point in it
You: They're really a bunch of elitist pricks jerking themselves off to making people angry
Stranger: lol make fun of people?
Stranger: and yeah I agree, I guess its just to pass time..
You: They're kinda jerks
Stranger: haha
You: So tell me about yourself, stranger
Stranger: well, I'm 16 and I live in Tennessee
Stranger: you?
You: I'm 17 and also in Tennessee! That's kinda weird.
Stranger: no way
Stranger: what part?
Stranger: I live in East Tenneessee
You: Rutledge, actually
Stranger: where is that?
You: it's kinda northeast tenneessee
Stranger: oo
You: it's a little north of knoxville
Stranger: o
Stranger: I live in Bristol
Stranger: not too far
You: That's kinda cool, well I gotta go, sorry.
You: It was fun!
Stranger: ha alright
Stranger: bye
You have disconnected.
skype: bryangtbroyan

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